Another anit gun journalist is dishonest in his story....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Here we have an anti gun journalist who claims to count the number of mass shootings in the country...then goes on to pad his numbers by ignoring the actual defintion of mass shooting...

Never, ever trust anti gunners.....they lie because the truth, reality and right and wrong are never on their they have to make it up......

Washington Post s misleading article on mass shootings - falsely claiming 204 mass shootings when virtually none of these cases qualify for the normal definition of mass - Crime Prevention Research Center

Christopher Ingraham at the Washington Post has another article on guns. Unfortunately, Ingraham explicitly ignores the FBI’s definition on mass shootings. The cases he ends up with involve very few murders and are heavily biased to include gang and other criminal activity.


The source that Ingraham points to hides this simple fact. Virtually none of the links that he points to mention anything about gangs being involved in the crime. An analysis that focuses on non-gang fights and shows how little shootings with multiple murders over many years is available here.


So what Ingraham is left with is a lot of shootings where people aren’t killed, criminal gangs are involved, and cases take place out of public view. But what if we focus on the cases that people are most concerned about, in the way the government defines them?

Going through the list of cases that Ingraham thinks should be counted, we found 17 public shootings where 2 or more people were killed, but 12 of those are gang or part of some other criminal act. Of the five non-gang cases that don’t involve some other criminal act, there were 21 deaths and 15 people wounded.

Nine of the 17 cases involve 3 or more people killed. Just 3 of those 9 where non-gang cases that don’t involve some other criminal act, those cases had a total of 17 deaths and 3 woundings. If you want to graphically see how many of these cases involve gangs or other crimes, click on screen shot below to enlarge and view the cases.

These claims are meant to imply mass shootings are more frequent this year, but if you compare apples to apples (non-gang attacks where multiple people are killed), 2015 is not turning out an unusual year. If Ingraham wants to claim that gang shootings are increasing, he should provide evidence of that.

Of course, all this ignores question of whether gun control regulations, such as gun-free zones, primarily disarm law-abiding citizens and make them sitting ducks for criminals. The simple notion from Ingraham in the past has been to impose strict gun regulations, but what what this post and others ignore is that these regulations can make crime easier.

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The question:
Did he lie or is he incompetent?
Clearly, we need s standard level of training, proof of competence and licensure before journalists can be allowed to report the news.
The question:
Did he lie or is he incompetent?
Clearly, we need s standard level of training, proof of competence and licensure before journalists can be allowed to report the news.

They should also register all of their electronics with law enforcement with an easily accessible I.D. tag when they submit that law enforcement can know who he case he slanders someone......or is it libel......?
I had an idiot linking to that on twitter the other day.

After I finished laughing at her silliness, I blocked her.

Nothing, especially facts, were going to get in her way.

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