Another Coup in Mali - get ready for global economic depression from French sanctions


Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2020
On Tuesday France, a former colonial power and military ally to Mali, said that they are ready to sanction those involved in the coup.
"In the coming hours, if the situation hasn't cleared up, we are ready to take targeted sanctions against the people involved," French President Emmanuel Macron said, adding: "What has been carried out, yet again, by putschist military forces, is an unacceptable coup within a coup, which calls for immediate condemnation." French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian also requested a UN Security Council meeting.

Don't let this picture of a street market fool you. Mali is the capital of gold - ask any pirate and they will tell you.

In 1991, with the assistance of the International Development Association, Mali relaxed the enforcement of mining codes which led to renewed foreign interest and investment in the mining industry.[105] Gold is mined in the southern region and Mali has the third highest gold production in Africa (after South Africa and Ghana).[102]

The emergence of gold as Mali's leading export product since 1999 has helped mitigate some of the negative impact of the cotton and Ivory Coast crises.[106] Other natural resources include kaolin, salt, phosphate, and limestone.

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