Another dominoe falls: 'Boston Globe editorial board calls on Biden to end his campaign'


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Feb 22, 2013
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But Joe and family apparently believe cognitive issues get better after 81 years old.

The Boston Globe urged President Joe Biden to bow out of the presidential race Wednesday, citing a lack of sufficient explanation for Biden’s “historically bad” debate performance last week.

“In the days since last week’s presidential debate, President Biden’s team has said little that adequately explains why his performance was historically bad, beyond that he had a cold,” the editorial board wrote in a column published almost a week after Biden stuttered and stumbled his way through his first debate of the 2024 election. “What we mostly heard instead was the closing of ranks around a beleaguered and wounded candidate.”

"Top Democrats now need to step up to persuade Biden to call it quits, the board wrote, naming former presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, former House speaker Nancy Pelosi; and South Carolina Rep. James Clyburn, “the man who did more than anyone to make Biden the nominee in 2020.”
Another dominoe falls: 'Boston Globe editorial board calls on Biden to end his campaign
If Joe is such an easy one to beat...

You people-of-the-cult have been programmed to regurgitate things, to attack, to go off on rants after having been triggered so easily -- you have forgotten (if you even knew), how to think things through.

Seeing your razed threads attacking Joe, I would think you'd all want him to stay in.

btw, your cognitive dissonances are showing.
They're not very bright lemmings


If Joe is such an easy one to beat...

You people-of-the-cult have been programmed to regurgitate things, to attack, to go off on rants after having been triggered so easily -- you have forgotten (if you even knew), how to think things through.

Seeing your razed threads attacking Joe, I would think you'd all want him to stay in.

btw, your cognitive dissonances are showing.

I think many of us do hope he stays in, including me. As I explained in another thread, my instinct is to want him out, since I blame him chiefly for inviting the third-world to "surge to the border".
However, I'm totally aware that it would likely be a short-lived celebration if he dropped out, as whoever his replacement is, would be younger than Trump, and we would lose a HUGE target, which of course is Biden's old age. Even if it were Kamala, the base would rally around her, and she would have a huge advantage being a woman, and a person of color. She would garner most of the minority vote in this country, and women in general who feel they were wronged when Hillary lost.
So while it would be satisfying to see him end his campaign, proving us correct about his cognitive abilities, in the long run however, I believe it would be best if he stayed in it, making the path of victory easier for Trump.
If Joe is such an easy one to beat...

You people-of-the-cult have been programmed to regurgitate things, to attack, to go off on rants after having been triggered so easily -- you have forgotten (if you even knew), how to think things through.

Seeing your razed threads attacking Joe, I would think you'd all want him to stay in.

btw, your cognitive dissonances are showing.
We do want the Vegetable to stay in, Dumbass.

It's only Dimwingers calling for him to get out. Holy smokes, get a clue. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Breaking: Biden fires back at the Boston Globe by endorsing Kamala as his replacement, says she's the future of the Dem party.
But Joe and family apparently believe cognitive issues get better after 81 years old.

Boston globe is nothing more than an elevated ass wipe supply and on a good day a birdcage liner. I can't imagine why anybody would give a shit what they have to say including the Democrats.
What's all the phony suspense about? This whole thing was planned a long time ago. They'll say Kamala is the candidate heir, but a convenient excuse will come up for Kamala to give way to another Black woman. Michelle Obama is a JBJ style racist who would set race relations back even further than her husband did. But our crooked media already knows what they're going to say to sell her to the gullible, unintelligent, easily bamboozled voters who think this whole thing is spontaneously happening. The thing to remember is, the same people who are running Biden's government today, will be running his replacements government. Recession, poverty, homelessness, crime, inflation, open borders, illegal aliens first, much higher taxes, the destruction of religion and the family, a devalued dollar, an expansion of the bureaucratic deep state and confiscation of rights are a few of the goals Democrats are focusing on. Democrats all believe in these things and will be willing to vote for them. That's why we need to remove this cancer from our government. MAGA
If Joe is such an easy one to beat...

You people-of-the-cult have been programmed to regurgitate things, to attack, to go off on rants after having been triggered so easily -- you have forgotten (if you even knew), how to think things through.

Seeing your razed threads attacking Joe, I would think you'd all want him to stay in.

btw, your cognitive dissonances are showing.
Screeches the howler monkey....
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