another example of SINGLE anecdotal used to be the RULE!! a Gay-to-straight-to gay"!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
So the below To Straight And Back My life as an ex-ex-gay man. By JOHN PAULK June 19, 2014

About a gay who with reparative therapy became straight BUT couldn't resolve his lust for same sex went back to gay lifestyle AND blames reparative therapy!
ONE story. ONE person. Now being used as a bludgeon to beat to death a practice that has helped..

To Straight and Back - POLITICO Magazine

And then we have Wikipedia a known very liberal biased presenting the biased material almost entirely discounting the efforts of people to help gays who
want a straight life!!
Ex-gay movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Honestly folks... why are people so against people helping people?
Is it OK for gays to write curriculum espousing gay life style BUT straights NOT OK to encourage gays to embrace the straight life?
WHAT is the difference?

First and foremost I completely UNDERSTAND that a small percentage of Americans..(At least 5 percent of American men-)-

And that with continued societal acceptance more and more genetically gay inclined survive there will be more gays.
But the preponderance of gay behavior is "LEARNED" behavior. Which is modifiable.
After all how has society come to accept the gay life style EXCEPT by helping society with advertising,articles, to CHANGE the perceptions of society!
If this isn't a perfect example of how then we use a single anecdotal story and make it the RULE!
Which is why intelligent folks comprehend what evidently some of the ignorant on this forum and many people don't comprehend...
ANECDOTAL stories are NOT common. THEY should NOT BECOME THE RULE and laws and legislation should NOT be based on one anecdote!

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