Another Trump Win as Mexico Agrees to Negotiate A Southern Border Wall


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Though they still insist that they wont pay for it (and they already are), that is what negotiation is all about; you give and take some.

My bet is Trump will give Mexico back $2 for every $1 they spend on the wall's construction via various trade concessions, but who knows?

News from The Associated Press

Holy shit. And the guy isn't even technically President yet.

Yeah, that's what worries me.

What if he does such a great job, that he decides to rule the nation even after his two terms are up? With the Deep State organized that way it is, it is possible for persons to affect policy from outside the official offices of government.

Who do you think is launching these current attacks on his character and his future presidency? Certainly you don't think it is the Russians? Gotta be someone, the list of usual suspects. . . . Clinton, Obama, Bush, Kissinger, Soros, Brzezinski, Rockefeller, etc.

Remember, the Russians once had a constitution term limiting Putin. We saw how well that worked out. :badgrin:

Replacing those above with one of the new names, i.e. Gambino, Genovese, Lucchese, Colombo, Trump, etc., just because they do a better job? yikes.
Holy shit. And the guy isn't even technically President yet.
More of a president today than Obama has been during his entire 8 years. Obama's term sure seemed like a mature hour -- not surprising since he had no real world experience.
Does Trump's daughter piss on him too?

Keep it up . . .

You're posts are going to be irrelevant by June.
they already are
It's sad really.

Most of the intellectually honest, and those on the left that would hold those in power to account, have seemed to have left the forum.

The only ones that are left are the daft, intellectually lazy, and kool-aid drinkers.

The place is going to turn into an echo chamber littered with zombie trolls. Seriously.

When video games are more entertaining, which they are more and more now, this place has lost something.

Someone needs to send out some applications to the Democratic Underground or something. . . the quality of posters from the left is. . . sigh. Well, it must be something to do with the media they consume. Either that or they forgot how to think for themselves after eight years of being told lies and what to think. :dunno:
Though they still insist that they wont pay for it (and they already are), that is what negotiation is all about; you give and take some.

My bet is Trump will give Mexico back $2 for every $1 they spend on the wall's construction via various trade concessions, but who knows?

News from The Associated Press

View attachment 106361

another lies from the Akum

Mexican president: 'Of course' we won't pay for Trump's wall

Mexican President Peña Nieto: 'Of course' we won't pay for Trump's wall -

Mexico again says there is 'no way' it will pay for Trump wall
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Though they still insist that they wont pay for it (and they already are), that is what negotiation is all about; you give and take some.

My bet is Trump will give Mexico back $2 for every $1 they spend on the wall's construction via various trade concessions, but who knows?

News from The Associated Press

View attachment 106361

another lies from the Akum

Mexican president: 'Of course' we won't pay for Trump's wall

Mexican President Peña Nieto: 'Of course' we won't pay for Trump's wall -

Mexico again says there is 'no way' it will pay for Trump wall

They are Mexi-CANS not Mexi-CANTS. They CAN and WILL pay for the wall one way or another. We should start by using illegal Mexican aliens in prisons to start building the wall. Trump will slap so many tariffs and taxes on Mexican shit, they will be begging to pay for the wall.
Though they still insist that they wont pay for it (and they already are), that is what negotiation is all about; you give and take some.

My bet is Trump will give Mexico back $2 for every $1 they spend on the wall's construction via various trade concessions, but who knows?

News from The Associated Press

View attachment 106361

Well..where is the wall that Mexico is supposed to be building for us?

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