Another view of what BLM means and seeks


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021
Red State! Amen.
I hesitate a moment to post this. Yeah, it is in Zone 1. But even though the author of the piece I am linking and addressing is a black man, I suspect that commentary about this topic from a white man like me will he received poorly by some. Nevertheless, I think this view merits a little bit of attention. It’s not new. But it is interesting in several fronts and on a couple of levels:

I see the name of “black lives matter” as inherently problematical. I mean, of course Black Lives Matter. But that doesn’t mean other lives don’t. And any commentary about ALL lives matter is often attacked as beside the point. I don’t think it is beside the point.

However, BLM isn’t merely asserting the obvious (that Black Lives of course matter). It is also the name of a basically Marxist oriented interest group. It seeks to change our society not merely in terms of race as the name might suggest. But in all manner of radical ways. And it’s focus (as the author of the piece I’ve linked has suggested) seems to trivialize the lives of black men as fathers.

I’m wondering who all thinks the author of the linked article is right (and how so?) and who believes he is wrong or misguided (and why and how?) and how his views correspond to reality?
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Black Lives Matter was a carefully designed slur implying that anyone who didn't cow tow to that organization's agenda thinks that Black lives are worthless. Quite an insult to Civil War veterans and their progeny.
He's absolutely right but he only touched the surface of problems with this racial grifter organization.
It seeks to destroy Christian heritage & replace it with a queer-centric society of twinks, trannies & multi-genders.
Fathers only have worth if they have a mental illness/sexual deviancy of some kind.
It is founded by admitted Marxists with the collectivist theme throughout.
It demands people agree with their distorted view of the world as they perceive it through a colored prism.
It is also anti-white in that it demonizes strong moral values & traditional families as racist constructs while seeking to eliminate it from culture.

That's why I have always said loudly & proudly: FBLM
Black Lives Matter was a carefully designed slur implying that anyone who didn't cow tow to that organization's agenda thinks that Black lives are worthless. Quite an insult to Civil War veterans and their progeny.
Black Lives Matter was a carefully designed slur implying that anyone who didn't cow tow to that organization's agenda thinks that Black lives are worthless. Quite an insult to Civil War veterans and their progeny.
Wrong. You really need to work on that white fragility.
He's absolutely right but he only touched the surface of problems with this racial grifter organization.
It seeks to destroy Christian heritage & replace it with a queer-centric society of twinks, trannies & multi-genders.
Fathers only have worth if they have a mental illness/sexual deviancy of some kind.
It is founded by admitted Marxists with the collectivist theme throughout.
It demands people agree with their distorted view of the world as they perceive it through a colored prism.
It is also anti-white in that it demonizes strong moral values & traditional families as racist constructs while seeking to eliminate it from culture.

That's why I have always said loudly & proudly: FBLM
America has no christian heritage. And everything else yoi wrote was wrong too.
I hesitate a moment to post this. Yeah, it is in Zone 1. But even though the author of the piece I am linking and addressing is a black man, I suspect that commentary about this topic from a white man like me will he received poorly by some. Nevertheless, I think this view merits a little bit of attention. It’s not new. But it is interesting in several fronts and on a couple of levels:

I see the name of “black lives matter” as inherently problematical. I mean, of course Black Lives Matter. But that doesn’t mean other lives don’t. And any commentary about ALL lives matter is often attacked as beside the point. I don’t think it is beside the point.

However, BLM isn’t merely asserting the obvious (that Black Lives of course matter). It is also the name of a basically Marxist oriented interest group. It seeks to change our society not merely in terms of race as the name might suggest. But in all manner of radical ways. And it’s focus (as the author of the piece I’ve linked has suggested) seems to trivialize the lives of black men as fathers.

I’m wondering who all thinks the author of the linked article is right (and how so?) and who believes he is wrong or misguided (and why and how?) and how his views correspond to reality?
All fake
It means:
My opinion of Black Lives Matter has remained quite consistent from the beginning.

It is an organization that seeks to intimidate the populace into supporting black criminality and remove all notions of personal responsibility when it comes to the behavior of black people. It uses terrorist tactics to achieve these goals and should be listed as a terrorist organization by any government worth its salt
America has no christian heritage. And everything else yoi wrote was wrong too.
Right... do you just say anything that pops up in your feelings, regardless of actual truth or facts?
Like I've told you before, you're beliefs are either ignorant or stupid.
Take your pick

"Fisher Ames is considered by many to be the author of the 1st Amendment. As our Founding Fathers were debating the drafting of the Bill of Rights, he is the Congressman who came up with the language of the 1st Amendment, so logic dictates that if anyone understood what the words meant, it would be him. (Remember that, you'll see why in a minute). After the Constitution was ratified, some public schools started using more and more books to teach the children, in addition to the Bible. While the Bible was continuing to be taught in the public schools, a trend was developing of introducing more and more secular books into the classroom. One of the Founding Fathers who expressed concern over this trend guessed it, Fisher Ames who stated: “...we have a dangerous trend beginning to take place in our education....We've become accustomed of late to putting little books in the hands of children containing fables with moral lessons. We are spending less time in the classroom on the Bible, which should be the principle text in our schools.""


I'm not worried about Black Lives Matter, I'm worried about White Lives Matter. White Lives Matter wants to eradicate the Black family unit off the face of the planet, whether socially, economically, emotionally, physically, etc, and has been trying for the past 500 years.
I'm not worried about Black Lives Matter, I'm worried about White Lives Matter. White Lives Matter wants to eradicate the Black family unit off the face of the planet, whether socially, economically, emotionally, physically, etc, and has been trying for the past 500 years.
You should limit yourself to making true statements, instead.
I'm not worried about Black Lives Matter, I'm worried about White Lives Matter. White Lives Matter wants to eradicate the Black family unit off the face of the planet, whether socially, economically, emotionally, physically, etc, and has been trying for the past 500 years.
How would YOU know about "White Lives Matter?"

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