Another week, another Obama Administration Scandal

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
Seriously. They are running a scandal a week. Obamacare. IRS. VA. Bowe Bergdahl. And now this.
HHS Bars Congressman From Seeing Immigrant Children | National Review Online
A Health and Human Services official refused to allow a member of Congress to enter a facility in his district where some of the unaccompanied immigrant children are being housed.

Representative Jim Bridenstine (R., Okla.) was told he could schedule an appointment for July 21. ““What are they trying to hide?” Bridenstine said after the incident. ”Do they not want the children to speak with Members of Congress? As a Navy pilot, I have been involved in operations countering illicit human trafficking. I would like to know to whom these children are being released.”

There are 1,200 immigrant children at the base. Bridenstine’s office explained that HHS releases the children to a “sponsor” in the United States. The congressman said that a security guard at the Fort Sill, Okla., facility refused to let him enter the barracks without HHS approval even though he is a member of Congress.

“There is no excuse for denying a Federal Representative from Oklahoma access to a federal facility in Oklahoma where unaccompanied children are being held,” Bridenstine said in the press release. “Any Member of Congress should have the legal authority to visit a federal youth detention facility without waiting three
They are now threatening medical staff with being arrested if they talk about what is going on in these so called children's centers. We have a Very serious problem that is being kept hidden from the American people. The disease that these children are exposing us to are unknown but we do know that they do not originate here making US citizens much more susceptible to these dangerous and possibly deadly diseases.

A government-contracted security force threatened to arrest doctors and nurses if they divulged any information about the contagion threat at a refugee camp housing illegal alien children at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas, sources say.

Medical staff warned: Keep your mouths shut about illegal immigrants or face arrest | Fox News
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They are now threatening medical staff with being arrested if they talk about what is going on in these so called children's centers. We have a Very serious problem that is being kept hidden from the American people. The disease that these children are exposing us to are unknown but we do know that they do not originate here making US citizens much more susceptible to these dangerous and possibly deadly diseases.

Medical staff warned: Keep your mouths shut about illegal immigrants or face arrest | Fox News

Starting to sound like Nazi , Germany.. threats of intimidation while locking up children in deplorable conditions.. Very sick shit going on with this Administration and its supporters.
I just don't understand how they can get away with this. He is one of this country's representatives.
Seriously. They are running a scandal a week. Obamacare. IRS. VA. Bowe Bergdahl. And now this.
HHS Bars Congressman From Seeing Immigrant Children | National Review Online
A Health and Human Services official refused to allow a member of Congress to enter a facility in his district where some of the unaccompanied immigrant children are being housed.

Representative Jim Bridenstine (R., Okla.) was told he could schedule an appointment for July 21. ““What are they trying to hide?” Bridenstine said after the incident. ”Do they not want the children to speak with Members of Congress? As a Navy pilot, I have been involved in operations countering illicit human trafficking. I would like to know to whom these children are being released.”

There are 1,200 immigrant children at the base. Bridenstine’s office explained that HHS releases the children to a “sponsor” in the United States. The congressman said that a security guard at the Fort Sill, Okla., facility refused to let him enter the barracks without HHS approval even though he is a member of Congress.

“There is no excuse for denying a Federal Representative from Oklahoma access to a federal facility in Oklahoma where unaccompanied children are being held,” Bridenstine said in the press release. “Any Member of Congress should have the legal authority to visit a federal youth detention facility without waiting three

Visitation rules apply to members of Congress?

Cue up the scandal!
Seriously. They are running a scandal a week. Obamacare. IRS. VA. Bowe Bergdahl. And now this.
HHS Bars Congressman From Seeing Immigrant Children | National Review Online
A Health and Human Services official refused to allow a member of Congress to enter a facility in his district where some of the unaccompanied immigrant children are being housed.

Representative Jim Bridenstine (R., Okla.) was told he could schedule an appointment for July 21. ““What are they trying to hide?” Bridenstine said after the incident. ”Do they not want the children to speak with Members of Congress? As a Navy pilot, I have been involved in operations countering illicit human trafficking. I would like to know to whom these children are being released.”

There are 1,200 immigrant children at the base. Bridenstine’s office explained that HHS releases the children to a “sponsor” in the United States. The congressman said that a security guard at the Fort Sill, Okla., facility refused to let him enter the barracks without HHS approval even though he is a member of Congress.

“There is no excuse for denying a Federal Representative from Oklahoma access to a federal facility in Oklahoma where unaccompanied children are being held,” Bridenstine said in the press release. “Any Member of Congress should have the legal authority to visit a federal youth detention facility without waiting three

Visitation rules apply to members of Congress?

Cue up the scandal!

RW is on record - doesn't give a shit about the deplorable conditions these children are in and doesn't give a fuck that sitting US Congressmen are not allowed in.. We already knew this about you ..lowlife scum
HHS doesn't want the kids catching anything from a congressman
Rules are rules buddy. Get the approval first and take someone with you. I know Congressmen aren't used to following rules but give it a shot anyway...
This is Socialism-- then and now.


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Seriously. They are running a scandal a week. Obamacare. IRS. VA. Bowe Bergdahl. And now this.
HHS Bars Congressman From Seeing Immigrant Children | National Review Online
A Health and Human Services official refused to allow a member of Congress to enter a facility in his district where some of the unaccompanied immigrant children are being housed.

Representative Jim Bridenstine (R., Okla.) was told he could schedule an appointment for July 21. ““What are they trying to hide?” Bridenstine said after the incident. ”Do they not want the children to speak with Members of Congress? As a Navy pilot, I have been involved in operations countering illicit human trafficking. I would like to know to whom these children are being released.”

There are 1,200 immigrant children at the base. Bridenstine’s office explained that HHS releases the children to a “sponsor” in the United States. The congressman said that a security guard at the Fort Sill, Okla., facility refused to let him enter the barracks without HHS approval even though he is a member of Congress.

“There is no excuse for denying a Federal Representative from Oklahoma access to a federal facility in Oklahoma where unaccompanied children are being held,” Bridenstine said in the press release. “Any Member of Congress should have the legal authority to visit a federal youth detention facility without waiting three

Visitation rules apply to members of Congress?

Cue up the scandal!

What is the purpose of an appointment other than to make sure everything is in its place and kids are moved out, if overcrowding, etc.
Members of Congress should be entitled to impromptu visits, in my opinion. How else are conditions going to be found out? They have already barred reporters, release of conditions by workers, use of cameras or cell phones, etc. What are they hiding and how do we find out?

Sadly, it was border patrol agents that anonymously had to release conditions for us to even find out the extent of the problem to begin with.
Seriously. They are running a scandal a week. Obamacare. IRS. VA. Bowe Bergdahl. And now this.
HHS Bars Congressman From Seeing Immigrant Children | National Review Online

Visitation rules apply to members of Congress?

Cue up the scandal!
RW is on record - doesn't give a shit about the deplorable conditions these children are in and doesn't give a fuck that sitting US Congressmen are not allowed in.. We already knew this about you ..lowlife scum
Are we supposed to believe that Republicans care about these brown children who you don't even want in the US in the first place? Just send them back to the jungle to join a drug lord's death squad. That'll show them our good Christian charity.
Visitation rules apply to members of Congress?

Cue up the scandal!
RW is on record - doesn't give a shit about the deplorable conditions these children are in and doesn't give a fuck that sitting US Congressmen are not allowed in.. We already knew this about you ..lowlife scum
Are we supposed to believe that Republicans care about these brown children who you don't even want in the US in the first place? Just send them back to the jungle to join a drug lord's death squad. That'll show them our good Christian charity.

Nice try Bozo at trying to change the narrative.. you leftist fucks own this- completely and it's disgusting.
Nazism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nazism, or National Socialism in full (German: Nationalsozialismus), is the ideology and practice associated with the 20th-century German Nazi Party and state as well as other related far-right groups. It was also contemporaneous or promoted in other European countries, particularly those with large ethnic German communities such as Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania and Yugoslavia [1]

Usually characterised as a form of fascism that incorporates scientific racism and antisemitism, Nazism originally developed from the influences of pan-Germanism, the Völkisch German nationalist movement and the anti-communist Freikorps paramilitary culture in post-First World War Germany, which many Germans felt had been left humiliated by the Treaty of Versailles.

Great detail about today's Fascist Left..
This is Socialism-- then and now.

Yep, we're a socialist country now because of Obama. Rich people have spent the last 6 years getting unbelievably richer, and that's Socialism.

Just how much more wealth is Obama going to let the wealthy make before he takes it all away from them to give to mooching drug users on food stamps?
Nazism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nazism, or National Socialism in full (German: Nationalsozialismus), is the ideology and practice associated with the 20th-century German Nazi Party and state as well as other related far-right groups. It was also contemporaneous or promoted in other European countries, particularly those with large ethnic German communities such as Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania and Yugoslavia [1]

Usually characterised as a form of fascism that incorporates scientific racism and antisemitism, Nazism originally developed from the influences of pan-Germanism, the Völkisch German nationalist movement and the anti-communist Freikorps paramilitary culture in post-First World War Germany, which many Germans felt had been left humiliated by the Treaty of Versailles.

Great detail about today's Fascist Left..
Good job.
We need look no further than the Israel threads and the rabid forum Socialists spewing hated there also.. Lock step with this President who makes no illusions of his hatred of Israel..

These children are locked up like animals and now this Fascist government has threatened Doctors, and won't allow a United States Congressmen in.. WHY???

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