Another white man with an AR-15. This time is Kentucky.

I remember pointing that out to Lakota and the fact native Americans sided with the Confederacy.

That was priceless
Not all the tribes. The Cherokee actually adopted runaway black slaves as tribal members so that they could not be returned.

If you remember, in 2011 the Cherokee decided that the black descendants of these adopted Cherokee would no longer be considered Cherokee and tossed them.

My people, the Iroquois, had slaves that they considered more like animals. They lived outside, winter and summer. In the Winter, when supplies ran low and hunting was sparse the slaves were slaughtered and eaten like any other animal.
Why is no one here discussion the fact that white men's culture is violent and destructive.

Kentucky highway shooting suspect vowed to "kill a lot of people," warrant says
Haitians: Black.
Culture: Violence, violence, violence.
Somalia: Black.
Culture: Violence, violence, violence.
Sudan: Black.
Culture: Violence, violence, violence.
South Sudan: Black.
Violence, violence, violence.
D.R. Congo: Black.
Violence, violence, violence.
Botswana: Black.
Violence, violence, violence.
Jamaica: Black.
Violence, violence, violence.
The United States doesn't even come close when compared to the ones above and the Central and South American nations.
All mankind is descended from primates and hominids. As such, mankind has an inherent ability of unspeakable violence in all races. It is what it is.
Haitians: Black.
Culture: Violence, violence, violence.
Somalia: Black.
Culture: Violence, violence, violence.
Sudan: Black.
Culture: Violence, violence, violence.
South Sudan: Black.
Violence, violence, violence.
D.R. Congo: Black.
Violence, violence, violence.
Botswana: Black.
Violence, violence, violence.
Jamaica: Black.
Violence, violence, violence.
The United States doesn't even come close when compared to the ones above and the Central and South American nations.
All mankind is descended from primates and hominids. As such, mankind has an inherent ability of unspeakable violence in all races. It is what it is.
United States: White
Violence, violence, violence.
You're white, you don't have to wake up worrying about race. Let me know when you are discriminated against because you are white, let me know when you deal with racism because you are white. I work hard, pay my bills, treat others as they treat me also, I am pretty sure it is because you probably only deal with white folks in your life.
Wrong. I am in contact with black people all the time. Blacks like you discriminate against whites like me just because I’m white. I don’t treat people differently because of their race. I can tell you that some black people are wrongly discriminated against because of stereotypes. I lived in Little Rock for years. The majority of violent crimes are committed by black people, which makes cops and white people stereotype all black people.
Wrong. I am in contact with black people all the time. Blacks like you discriminate against whites like me just because I’m white.
Really? Explain how I do that?
I don’t treat people differently because of their race. I can tell you that some black people are wrongly discriminated against because of stereotypes. I lived in Little Rock for years. The majority of violent crimes are committed by black people, which makes cops and white people stereotype all black people.
The majority of violent crimes that are reported are committed by black folks, but FBI stats show that whites commit the most violent crimes. Sorry, America's racist history can't be hidden or rewritten. Cops have been brutalizing, beating, harassing, planting evidence and murdering black folks since this country was taken.
Really? Explain how I do that?

The majority of violent crimes that are reported are committed by black folks, but FBI stats show that whites commit the most violent crimes. Sorry, America's racist history can't be hidden or rewritten. Cops have been brutalizing, beating, harassing, planting evidence and murdering black folks since this country was taken.
Once again, making excuses for criminals. You rarely see whites taking sides with violent white criminals and making excuses. You aren’t comparing crimes per capita. And your discrimination is obvious. Using the old excuse that because I’m white I haven’t done this, because I’m white I haven’t gone through that. That’s bullshit ASSuming because I’m white. I’ve already explained why I believe certain things happen, like stereotyping. If your neighborhood is known for crime involving black people, guess who will be stereotyped? Why is this difficult to grasp? I’ve been alive long enough to observe and experience the hows and whys of human behavior. No, I don’t know or understand it all. There will always be racists, but being white doesn’t make all whites racists.i have zero capability to change people.

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