Answer this, liberals...


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Why is it that when there's a debt ceiling debate or government shutdown, they immediately threaten to halt military pay and social security payments? Social Security isn't even supposed to be part of the budget, but they scare the elderly whenever someone tries to curb the wasteful spending.

Why do military, active and retired, the elderly and others get threatened with not receiving their money, yet no one ever tells the people on welfare that they might not get their money?

Somehow the liberals act like those receiving benefits without ever having earned them are more virtuous than those who busted their butts for years paying in to government.

Look at the sheer panic when a glitch in the computer delayed EBT money. That was treated like a major disaster, but the thought of military families or elderly going without food and not being able to pay bills doesn't elicit concern from the left.

The partial shutdown showed exactly what Obama is made of. He chose what to shut down or not. States lost a lot of money on tourism because Obama decided what parks to close. He deliberately hurt people just so he could blame the Republicans.

Now, it's back to the bullshit. While Obama and congress are exempt from their own evil laws, they are set to force the rest of us to obey the new law. I'd rather treat Obamacare the way they treat our immigration laws and just ignore it.

Funny, when capitalists can't sell a product to the people, they make it better so people willingly buy it. When liberals can't sell something, they just make laws and force people to buy it.

No liberal can deny that Obama and his ilk want as many people dependent on government as possible. Obamacare isn't about healthcare, and that is obvious considering less people will be insured now that before. It's about government transferring more power from the people to themselves and they are set to make all major decisions for us. They will redistribute wealth, health and eventually our property.
how come Conservatives shut down the govt. and brought us 1 day from a default, just because they can't repeal the ACA?
how come Conservatives shut down the govt. and brought us 1 day from a default, just because they can't repeal the ACA?

The point was to cut spending. And Obama and Reid are the reason we had a shutdown. And when they refuse to negotiate in January I hope there is another one.
how come Conservatives shut down the govt. and brought us 1 day from a default, just because they can't repeal the ACA?

The point was to cut spending. And Obama and Reid are the reason we had a shutdown. And when they refuse to negotiate in January I hope there is another one.

The point was for Cruz to cost the taxpayers millions of dollars over a PR stunt and teabagger temper tantrum. The nation paying it's bills has absoutly nothing with the debt ceiling, those are two completely different issues, not that the right wingers even know,..
how come Conservatives shut down the govt. and brought us 1 day from a default, just because they can't repeal the ACA?

The point was to cut spending. And Obama and Reid are the reason we had a shutdown. And when they refuse to negotiate in January I hope there is another one.

The point was for Cruz to cost the taxpayers millions of dollars over a PR stunt and teabagger temper tantrum. The nation paying it's bills has absoutly nothing with the debt ceiling, those are two completely different issues, not that the right wingers even know,..

Here we have another moron claiming that applying for another credit card when you cant pay on the ones you have has nothing to do with being irresponsible. Dumb as a rock.
We spend too little where it should be spent and too much where it shouldn't be spent. Nutters are just aout always on the wrong side of this issue.

To say that the shutdown was about cutting spending is a lie. An oft repeated, attractive to simpletons, lie.
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We spend too little where it would be spent and too much where it shouldn't be spent. Nutters are just aout always on the wrong side of this issue.

To say that the shutdown was about cutting spending is a lie. An oft repeated, attractive to simpletons, lie.

Obamacare has no affect on spending?? Dream on Gertrude.
Why is it that when there's a debt ceiling debate or government shutdown, they immediately threaten to halt military pay and social security payments? Social Security isn't even supposed to be part of the budget, but they scare the elderly whenever someone tries to curb the wasteful spending.

Why do military, active and retired, the elderly and others get threatened with not receiving their money, yet no one ever tells the people on welfare that they might not get their money?

Somehow the liberals act like those receiving benefits without ever having earned them are more virtuous than those who busted their butts for years paying in to government.

Look at the sheer panic when a glitch in the computer delayed EBT money. That was treated like a major disaster, but the thought of military families or elderly going without food and not being able to pay bills doesn't elicit concern from the left.

The partial shutdown showed exactly what Obama is made of. He chose what to shut down or not. States lost a lot of money on tourism because Obama decided what parks to close. He deliberately hurt people just so he could blame the Republicans.

Now, it's back to the bullshit. While Obama and congress are exempt from their own evil laws, they are set to force the rest of us to obey the new law. I'd rather treat Obamacare the way they treat our immigration laws and just ignore it.

Funny, when capitalists can't sell a product to the people, they make it better so people willingly buy it. When liberals can't sell something, they just make laws and force people to buy it.

No liberal can deny that Obama and his ilk want as many people dependent on government as possible. Obamacare isn't about healthcare, and that is obvious considering less people will be insured now that before. It's about government transferring more power from the people to themselves and they are set to make all major decisions for us. They will redistribute wealth, health and eventually our property.

I take it that you feel that the military and social security recipients are part of those that Obama wants dependent on government? Then why you bitching if they don't get paid?

btw. Be afraid. Be very afraid. The gubmint is coming to take you away. Really. True story.
YOU will be cat food. True story. It happened to a friend of mine.
He is now feeding da kitties. True story. Read about it...............right here.
Why is it that when there's a debt ceiling debate or government shutdown, they immediately threaten to halt military pay and social security payments? Social Security isn't even supposed to be part of the budget, but they scare the elderly whenever someone tries to curb the wasteful spending.

Why do military, active and retired, the elderly and others get threatened with not receiving their money, yet no one ever tells the people on welfare that they might not get their money?

Somehow the liberals act like those receiving benefits without ever having earned them are more virtuous than those who busted their butts for years paying in to government.

Look at the sheer panic when a glitch in the computer delayed EBT money. That was treated like a major disaster, but the thought of military families or elderly going without food and not being able to pay bills doesn't elicit concern from the left.

The partial shutdown showed exactly what Obama is made of. He chose what to shut down or not. States lost a lot of money on tourism because Obama decided what parks to close. He deliberately hurt people just so he could blame the Republicans.

Now, it's back to the bullshit. While Obama and congress are exempt from their own evil laws, they are set to force the rest of us to obey the new law. I'd rather treat Obamacare the way they treat our immigration laws and just ignore it.

Funny, when capitalists can't sell a product to the people, they make it better so people willingly buy it. When liberals can't sell something, they just make laws and force people to buy it.

No liberal can deny that Obama and his ilk want as many people dependent on government as possible. Obamacare isn't about healthcare, and that is obvious considering less people will be insured now that before. It's about government transferring more power from the people to themselves and they are set to make all major decisions for us. They will redistribute wealth, health and eventually our property.

Military pay is part of discretionary spending. If you shut down the government, you stop discretionary spending.

Part of the money used to pay SS recipients is borrowed. If you end government borrowing, you can't pay that.

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