Republic of Texas
- May 13, 2009
- 24,539
- 2,233
- 205
Cite your source.
Go prove me wrong
OK, you're wrong, here's the proof. Abortion Statistics by U.S. State, Race, Age and Worldwide Statistics Group & Race
White abortions 60%
Black abortions 34%
Those stats are over 12 years old, here's some stats more recent.
According to the Alan Guttmacher Institute, more than 43 percent of African-Ameri-
can pregnancies end in abortion. Although African-Americans represent
only 12 percent of the American population, they account for almost 35 per-
cent of all abortions. In Mississippi, for example, while African-Americans rep-
resent only 37 percent of the population, they account for 73 percent of the states
abortions. More than 78 percent of Planned Parenthoods abortion centers
are in or near minority communities.
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