Anti-Nano Nudists protest. Display their own small wonders.


Senior Member
Jan 9, 2004
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What is THONG?
THONG supports and fights for:

Community gardens :wank:

Foraging :cuckoo:

Wild ecosystems

Organic and Sustainable Agriculture

Indigenous peoples land and human rights :boohoo:

Fair trade organic coffee and chocolate and other mildly/at times strongly addictive aphrodisiacs :suck:

Degradable vegetable packaging

Hemp production and multiple uses

Beauty, (which is) lushness, diversity, the unexpected, the inspired

Humanenvironmentnature who refuses to be named, classed, categorized, jailed, silenced, repressed, stifled, drained, polluted, owned, and disappeared

(Might I add copious amounts of mind altering substances?)

Things that piss us off: :cry:

Genetic Engineering

The patenting of all life forms :wtf:

Anything that drives a farmer to commit suicide :alco:

Bovine Growth Hormones, and other methods of human and animal substance abuse perpetrated BY corporations ON humans and animals and the environment

Gross tasteless food :puke:

Gross tasteless packaging containing gross tasteless food

Mass commodified stultifying diseases of the body and mind caused by gross tasteless corporate swill fast food crap :smoke:

Hey you damn hippies, don't be even thinking about taking away my god given right to eat a greasy burger and fries in this country!
Said1 said:
Is this where your search for "thongs" lead you? :D

There's no need to look further than your underwear drawer. :moon4:
Ok, sorry to side track your thread, obviously you don't like the "Thongs" and what they stand for.

For what it's worth, there was a girl in one of my lab groups last year who was similar to those freaks. She called herself an "anti-consumer" and made her own sanitary napkins (eeww!). I used to call her "the Cheese" behind her back. You know why the cheese stands alone don't you?

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