Zone1 Anti-Russian American Conservatives


Gold Member
They are a right-wing catholic organisation. They hate russia. They think russia is not christian, but soviet, and red, and they think of russia as a enemy and foreign civilisation. I think they got it wrong, because Russia is more christian then America.

I liked their emails, because they organised rallies against draq queen story hours children in school etc. and they usually have good petitions like against satanic after school childrens club in some schools in america etc. but im against their anti-russian stance, there are no publically funded temples of satan in russia, or draq queen story hours for children in public schools in russia.

This is a most opportune moment in world history.

It has been over a year since Russia invaded Ukraine and – despite all predictions to the contrary – the Soviet aggressor has NOT prevailed; thanks be to Our Lady.

If you remember, in 1917 Our Lady warned the world of the “errors of Russia” being spread if devotion to the Immaculate Heart was not practiced.

Could it be, my friend, that your devotion and mine, combined with that of hundreds of thousands of Catholics around the world, is holding the Red Wolf at bay?

Whatever the reason, we owe Our Lady of Fatima a giant act of gratitude and reparation on her feast day.
They are a right-wing catholic organisation. They hate russia. They think russia is not christian, but soviet, and red, and they think of russia as a enemy and foreign civilisation. I think they got it wrong, because Russia is more christian then America.

I liked their emails, because they organised rallies against draq queen story hours children in school etc. and they usually have good petitions like against satanic after school childrens club in some schools in america etc. but im against their anti-russian stance, there are no publically funded temples of satan in russia, or draq queen story hours for children in public schools in russia.

It's funny how many groups out there have hatred for something they don't even understand.
Life is difficult for a Serbian alt-right. The contradictions are baked right in.
Life is difficult for a Serbian alt-right. The contradictions are baked right in.

I wouldnt describe myself as "Alt-Right" because I disagree that a man can be a woman or similar things. That is just common sense.

I know a facebook group who thinks that if you are "super straight" (a modern term for people who dont date trans just born women) you are alt-right, or "evil" and need to be ridiculed, also if you are "masculine" or prefer traditional gender roles etc. then you are "alt-right" and need to be ridiculed

this meme tells it for example, from that group i saw, i guess those men in dresses, they are "liberals" and im "alt-right" correct?


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