Antifa Member Who Shot Proud Boy Tusitala “Tiny” Toese Unmasked, Identified and Charged


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Antifa Member Who Shot Proud Boy Tusitala “Tiny” Toese Unmasked, Identified and Charged​

28 Aug 2021 ~ By Steven Ahle
Earlier this month, Proud Boy Tusitala “Tiny” Toese was caught on video, being shot by an Antifa thug in Olympia, Washington. His assailant has been identified, arrested, and charged with first-degree assault while armed with a dangerous weapon.
The New York Post reported Benjamin Anthony Varela, 36, of Olympia, was arrested and charged with the crime. Varela has a long history of calling for violence against conservatives online. He is being held on bail of $100,000 and is being confined in the Thurston County jail.
Via Andy Ngo:
An Antifa member with a long history of posting far-left extremist content online has been arrested and charged with the shooting of an anti-vaxxer in Olympia, Wash.​
Benjamin Anthony Varela, 36, of Olympia, was arrested on Thursday and charged with first-degree assault while armed with a deadly weapon.​
It is almost shocking that an Antifa member is actually being charged with a serious felony in the state of Washington. Rioters in Washington and Oregon normally get off scot-free.
I would have thought they might charge Toese for taking Varela’s bullet without his permission or possibly for leaving the scene of an accident after he went to the hospital instead of sticking around.
From The Gateway Pundit
A few weeks ago the Proud Boys and other right-wing protesters had been facing off with members of Antifa who showed up to antagonize a medical freedom rally. Toese was reportedly attempting to chase them off when he was shot.​

Hmm...., Unarmed and shot at 5 times sure sounds like attempted murder.
Benjamin Varela should be charged with Attempted murder. Then tell him if he spills his guts on who's paying him, how the organization works, charges could be reduced. Then if he sings nail those with conspiracy who paid him for the attempted murder.
An Antifa assassin is arrested and charged in an attempted murder, but our Quisling Main Stream Media completely ignore this act of Leftist terrorism. There is a good account of the incident, by the Liberal Hive minded Cult, that shows how Big Tech companies can unilaterally decide which information enters the public discourse. You should see this for yourself. This also shows how a handful of individuals, operating without transparency or public accountability, can sway sentiment based on their preferred viewpoints. This should terrify anyone who values free speech in the United States.

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