Any Administration of a Healthcare Provider is denying their staff protection from the virus should be held criminally negligent!


Platinum Member
May 27, 2014
The link below will give you one of many examples across the nation where Nurses, Doctors and Healthcare Providers have been denied PPE's while testing those with possible Covid-19 infections.

In the article it is about a male nurse in the Houston region that contracted the virus because he was working in conditions without the proper PPE.

Also in the article it states a Doctor in El Paso was suspended for wearing a mask to protect himself from the virus...

Let me be clear any Hospital Administrator or Government official that denies the proper protective gear during this crisis should be held criminally negligent!

We as a nation should not accept this and we as a nation should demand a hell of a a lot better for those on the frontlines!

This country need to stop bickering and start doing!


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