Any Christian Potterheads Around Here?

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Jun 16, 2021
I just got kicked off my other forum since I'm somebody who loves Jesus and Harry Potter at the same time. (As well as Halloween.) I already know that JohnDB loves Harry Potter and the Lord as well so does anybody else? Btw, take a look at these really cool Harry Potter videos that I found. :D

That's not a's just that some folks are in the closet.
I'm a Christian who likes HP.

I've never heard of it being put quite like that before,.. but this scene always cracks me up. Btw, I am doing a fanfic series right now that's where Harry's the adoptive son of Severus Snape. I was about to work on that a bit. :)

I just got kicked off my other forum since I'm somebody who loves Jesus and Harry Potter at the same time. (As well as Halloween.) I already know that JohnDB loves Harry Potter and the Lord as well so does anybody else? Btw, take a look at these really cool Harry Potter videos that I found. :D

harry potter is a wizard wannabe.....
Ok, not that I want to get into a controversy here... but when you first posted this thread, I kinda wanted to say something. Even though it's just a kid's book, it glorifies sorcery and witchcraft, which the Bible very clearly states is an abomination to God and something that we are supposed to be set apart from.

It doesn't matter that HP is a fictional story... it still promotes something that is an anathema from a biblical perspective. :dunno:

I have to say, the enemy is very crafty... targeting kids through popular culture and fun addictive books like HP.
Oh boy, here we go again. :sigh2:Okay, let me just post my two reasons why I love Harry Potter and then if anybody else asks me about it I'll go ahead and refer them to it. ;)

1. It's not real.

2. It's nothing like real witchcraft that the Bible is speaking against it.

And a bonus number three;

3. That's not changing so get used to it.

It's alright though, I was just accused of having the spirit of Jezebel in me from the last Christian website that I was on that got me thrown off of it so I'm used to people thinking that I'm evil and Satanic.
Oh boy, here we go again. :sigh2:Okay, let me just post my two reasons why I love Harry Potter and then if anybody else asks me about it I'll go ahead and refer them to it. ;)

1. It's not real.

2. It's nothing like real witchcraft that the Bible is speaking against it.

And a bonus number three;

3. That's not changing so get used to it.

It's alright though, I was just accused of having the spirit of Jezebel in me from the last Christian website that I was on that got me thrown off of it so I'm used to people thinking that I'm evil and Satanic.

I don't think you're evil or satanic.

Again, it doesn't matter that it's just a fictional book. Let me give you an example... (having to do with another controversial topic.) If there was a fictional kid's book that glorified homosexuality or promiscuity to kids... would it matter if the book was fictional? Of course that would be no problem for a lot of people. But for parents who are believers and want to raise their kids with a biblical worldview... do you think they would say, "Oh, no problem! It's not real, it's just a story!"
Oh boy, here we go again. :sigh2:Okay, let me just post my two reasons why I love Harry Potter and then if anybody else asks me about it I'll go ahead and refer them to it. ;)

1. It's not real.

2. It's nothing like real witchcraft that the Bible is speaking against it.

And a bonus number three;

3. That's not changing so get used to it.

Again, it doesn't matter that it's just a fictional book. Let me give you an example... (having to do with another controversial topic.) If there was a fictional kid's book that glorified homosexuality or promiscuity to kids... would it matter if the book was fictional? Of course that would be no problem for a lot of people. But for parents who are believers and want to raise their kids with a biblical worldview... do you think they would say, "Oh, no problem! It's not real, it's just a story!"

That's totally different, please refer to number three as this isn't a debate thread, this is a place for Christians who are actually fans of Harry Potter. :rolleyes: (Thanks for saying you don't think that I'm evil or Satanic at least.)
Oh boy, here we go again. :sigh2:Okay, let me just post my two reasons why I love Harry Potter and then if anybody else asks me about it I'll go ahead and refer them to it. ;)

1. It's not real.

2. It's nothing like real witchcraft that the Bible is speaking against it.

And a bonus number three;

3. That's not changing so get used to it.

Again, it doesn't matter that it's just a fictional book. Let me give you an example... (having to do with another controversial topic.) If there was a fictional kid's book that glorified homosexuality or promiscuity to kids... would it matter if the book was fictional? Of course that would be no problem for a lot of people. But for parents who are believers and want to raise their kids with a biblical worldview... do you think they would say, "Oh, no problem! It's not real, it's just a story!"

That's totally different, please refer to number three as this isn't a debate thread, this is a place for Christians who are actually fans of Harry Potter. :rolleyes: (Thanks for saying you don't think that I'm evil or Satanic at least.)

Oh, sorry, I will leave then. I know I've posted threads before on certain topics that I didn't want to turn into a debate, so I do respect the wishes of the thread starter. But you probably should've posted it in a different forum, because typically in this forum people talk about these kinds of things and debates (hopefully civil) do happen. But I'm off!
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Oh boy, here we go again. :sigh2:Okay, let me just post my two reasons why I love Harry Potter and then if anybody else asks me about it I'll go ahead and refer them to it. ;)

1. It's not real.

2. It's nothing like real witchcraft that the Bible is speaking against it.

And a bonus number three;

3. That's not changing so get used to it.

It's alright though, I was just accused of having the spirit of Jezebel in me from the last Christian website that I was on that got me thrown off of it so I'm used to people thinking that I'm evil and Satanic.
I just got kicked off my other forum since I'm somebody who loves Jesus and Harry Potter at the same time.

2. It's nothing like real witchcraft that the Bible is speaking against it.
- what might that be that potter isn't whether real or not - the use of potions is excusable.
Oh, sorry, I will leave then. I know I've posted threads before on certain topics that I didn't want to turn into a debate, so I do respect the wishes of the thread starter. But you probably should've posted it in a different forum, because typically in this forum people talk about these kinds of things and debates (hopefully civil) do happen. But I'm off!

You're likely the most qualified and capable forum member to lead such discussion, in my view. Respectfully speaking.

I think that a lot of times society sort of tailors the Gospel to conform to their own personal indulgences, though.

Of course, that discussion has been had many, many times on the web or wherever, so not a new discussion. But it's a good discussion to have none the less.

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