Any of you hear or see Pelosi give her speech in Texas on the illegal children

She went to Texas and saw Votes.

The Democrats mean to turn Texas into a Blue State through the process of illegal immigration.

Condoning crime, promoting disobedience to our laws, undermining the general welfare our our citizens--these are not things the Democrats can quite put in their platform, not officially, but when Pelosi says she saw opportunity in the Central American invasion--make no mistake, she was talking about votes.

It is despicable; but it is the Democratic Way.
I think that since she thinks that people sending their children across the border is something other then child abandonment then I say load these CHILDREN into buses and send them straight to San Francisco. After all if "we are all Americans" is true then I say send them to SF and let that place turn into a third world crap hole.

What is so amazing is we have people abandoning their children and the left wing doesn't say one word about it, they applaud it as some sort of freedom that the whole of central America is entitled to. Really quite disgusting display of the liberal left's treatment of CHILDREN.
She called them "sparks" lol and said they deserved dignity. I think she should tell that to the ones that shipped them here like luggage.

Wtf does that even mean?
"They have a spark of divinity. Everything we saw in that room was SPARKLING"

Seriously, that's what she said. As just noted on Fox News she doesn't think unborn American babies have a spark of divinity.
She went to Texas and saw Votes.

The Democrats mean to turn Texas into a Blue State through the process of illegal immigration.

Condoning crime, promoting disobedience to our laws, undermining the general welfare our our citizens--these are not things the Democrats can quite put in their platform, not officially, but when Pelosi says she saw opportunity in the Central American invasion--make no mistake, she was talking about votes.

It is despicable; but it is the Democratic Way.

She went to Texas and saw pink unicorns dancing among the sparks. Now at least the liberals can say that the unborn child isn't a child it is a spark.
She went to Texas and saw Votes.

The Democrats mean to turn Texas into a Blue State through the process of illegal immigration.

Condoning crime, promoting disobedience to our laws, undermining the general welfare our our citizens--these are not things the Democrats can quite put in their platform, not officially, but when Pelosi says she saw opportunity in the Central American invasion--make no mistake, she was talking about votes.

It is despicable; but it is the Democratic Way.

tell us what's it like ... how does it feel to be so delusional ??? can you tell that you're delusional ??? or do you just not realize it???? OH well I'll help ya... Illegals can't vote... there are ya starting to feel a little better??? why do you immediately feel that a person, who is of Mexican decent, is a criminal right off the bat.... WHAT ??? you republicans don't talk about votes ??? hummm that's funny... seems you don't like the Idea of people voting ... if you republicans want to get elected don't you thinks you should stop bashing Mexicans, Blacks Orientals Indians and any people who isn't white .... don't you think republicans like your self should get off their high horse and start talking to them, as you call them Central American invaders,and talk to them more like Central American human beings ???? do you think that might get an couple of votes... didn't cross your mind did it???
I think that since she thinks that people sending their children across the border is something other then child abandonment then I say load these CHILDREN into buses and send them straight to San Francisco. After all if "we are all Americans" is true then I say send them to SF and let that place turn into a third world crap hole.

What is so amazing is we have people abandoning their children and the left wing doesn't say one word about it, they applaud it as some sort of freedom that the whole of central America is entitled to. Really quite disgusting display of the liberal left's treatment of CHILDREN.

you need to do a little research first.... a lot of these children aren't abandoned by their parents, their parents were kill you idiot ... they came here to get away from the killing ... if anything is disgusting is your inability to do any research and think you understand the meaning of Freewill
"They have a spark of divinity. Everything we saw in that room was SPARKLING"

Seriously, that's what she said. As just noted on Fox News she doesn't think unborn American babies have a spark of divinity.

Odd comments yes; in any event, dignity and "sparks" do not justify violation of laws. Those children are apt to be prey sooner or later, thus Pelosi's remarks were no more than a WEAK attempt to be "inclusive".
I think that since she thinks that people sending their children across the border is something other then child abandonment then I say load these CHILDREN into buses and send them straight to San Francisco. After all if "we are all Americans" is true then I say send them to SF and let that place turn into a third world crap hole.

What is so amazing is we have people abandoning their children and the left wing doesn't say one word about it, they applaud it as some sort of freedom that the whole of central America is entitled to. Really quite disgusting display of the liberal left's treatment of CHILDREN.

you need to do a little research first.... a lot of these children aren't abandoned by their parents, their parents were kill you idiot ... they came here to get away from the killing ... if anything is disgusting is your inability to do any research and think you understand the meaning of Freewill

They didn't come here to get away from the killing. They are here to bring the same kind of killing here that they had back home. Nancy Pelosi just said what these invaders have said all along, for years. This is ONE country without borders. It's just not an American country and the United States is not entitled to its own laws that are separate and distinct from the laws in their home countries.
She called them "sparks" lol and said they deserved dignity. I think she should tell that to the ones that shipped them here like luggage.

Wtf does that even mean?

heres one sad human being you're loling because you don't think the deserve dignity ???? the fact that they came a long way ... the fact that they didn't like seeing their parents murdered ... that they shouldn't take a chance from all the murdering thats going on to come to a place thats call the land of the free and the home of the brave and being between the ages of 6 and 12 years old you think they don't deserve dignity??? you republicans are a lot cruller then I thought... the fact that you start ranting here without any facts, and you ask us Wtf does that even mean????
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We might as well accept it we have been SOLD OUT by these politicians who see's themselves the King and Queens of the whole world

Pelosi let it slip their sit back and do nothing because if you did speak up you'd be beat down with how "YOU don't care about the poor, the needy, the less fortunate"
I think that since she thinks that people sending their children across the border is something other then child abandonment then I say load these CHILDREN into buses and send them straight to San Francisco. After all if "we are all Americans" is true then I say send them to SF and let that place turn into a third world crap hole.

What is so amazing is we have people abandoning their children and the left wing doesn't say one word about it, they applaud it as some sort of freedom that the whole of central America is entitled to. Really quite disgusting display of the liberal left's treatment of CHILDREN.

you need to do a little research first.... a lot of these children aren't abandoned by their parents, their parents were kill you idiot ... they came here to get away from the killing ... if anything is disgusting is your inability to do any research and think you understand the meaning of Freewill

They didn't come here to get away from the killing. They are here to bring the same kind of killing here that they had back home. Nancy Pelosi just said what these invaders have said all along, for years. This is ONE country without borders. It's just not an American country and the United States is not entitled to its own laws that are separate and distinct from the laws in their home countries.

you are a lot more stupider then I realized... they are bringing the killing here.... 6 and 12 year olds are loaded for bear to kill you ... you are definatly a lot stupider then I realized ...
She called them "sparks" lol and said they deserved dignity. I think she should tell that to the ones that shipped them here like luggage.

Wtf does that even mean?

heres one sad human being you're loling because you don't think the deserve dignity ???? the fact that they came a long way ... the fact that they didn't like seeing their parents murdered ... that they shouldn't take a chance from all the murdering thats going on to come to a place thats call the land of the free and the home of the brave and being between the ages of 6 and 12 years old you think they don't deserve dignity??? you republicans are a lot cruller then I thought... the fact that you start ranting here without any facts, and you ask us Wtf does that even mean????

No, I'm loling because she is completely off her rocker and you morons keep voting for her.

Where is your so called compassion for the girls in the middle east who deal with REAL life threatening problems EVERY DAMN DAY?

She's an opportunist and you're too stupid to see it
you need to do a little research first.... a lot of these children aren't abandoned by their parents, their parents were kill you idiot ... they came here to get away from the killing ... if anything is disgusting is your inability to do any research and think you understand the meaning of Freewill

They didn't come here to get away from the killing. They are here to bring the same kind of killing here that they had back home. Nancy Pelosi just said what these invaders have said all along, for years. This is ONE country without borders. It's just not an American country and the United States is not entitled to its own laws that are separate and distinct from the laws in their home countries.

you are a lot more stupider then I realized... they are bringing the killing here.... 6 and 12 year olds are loaded for bear to kill you ... you are definatly a lot stupider then I realized ...

Calling someone else stupid by using the words "alot more stupider"

We might as well accept it we have been SOLD OUT by these politicians who see's themselves the King and Queens of the whole world

Pelosi let it slip their sit back and do nothing because if you did speak up you'd be beat down with how "YOU don't care about the poor, the needy, the less fortunate"

Stephoney YOU don't care about the poor, the needy, the less fortunate", so why deny it
I think that since she thinks that people sending their children across the border is something other then child abandonment then I say load these CHILDREN into buses and send them straight to San Francisco. After all if "we are all Americans" is true then I say send them to SF and let that place turn into a third world crap hole.

What is so amazing is we have people abandoning their children and the left wing doesn't say one word about it, they applaud it as some sort of freedom that the whole of central America is entitled to. Really quite disgusting display of the liberal left's treatment of CHILDREN.

you need to do a little research first.... a lot of these children aren't abandoned by their parents, their parents were kill you idiot ... they came here to get away from the killing ... if anything is disgusting is your inability to do any research and think you understand the meaning of Freewill

Their parents were killed because Central America, led by Mexico, is a failure. It is a land of true 1 percenters, mass poverty, and corrupt leftist politics. Rather than have this ongoing debate on open borders, why not just have the US annex Mexico and Central America? La Raza would shit themselves but Central America's problems would go away.

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