Anybody Here Do Any Fasting?

Mad Scientist

Feels Good!
Sep 15, 2008
I've decided as a part of my exercise and health regimen that I'm going to fast every other Saturday for 24 hours so I'll start from today.

I'm drinking water and watered down fruit juice only today, other than my daily regimen of Centrum Vitamins and Omega 3 Fish Oils, with no exercise at all beyond mowing my lawn.

Looking around the interwebs I see most people fast on just water, juice, raw vegetables or a combination of those. Anyone got any tips for me?
absolute fasting is doing without any and all forms of food and water.
fasting is okay but the urge to binge is higher after the act.
no, there are different stages of fasting, I do it occassionally also, like at the end of the month when I am broke and can't afford to eat.
fasting for how long? are you cleansing as well? there are many natural things.....lemon water, honey with cayenne is a good cleanser but dont try to do it for too long....

the body can go 3 days with no liquids...30 days with no food...
fasting for how long? are you cleansing as well? there are many natural things.....lemon water, honey with cayenne is a good cleanser but dont try to do it for too long....

the body can go 3 days with no liquids...30 days with no food...
I'm just gonna' do it for one day, every other Saturday.

I changed my diet significantly so I really don't think I need to cleanse, what do you think? You know about the Paleo Diet? Basicly, if it was never alive, I don't eat it. Plenty of fruit and vegetables along with Beef, Chicken and Fish.

Just came off all artificial sweetners last week and I've lost about a pound and a half a week since the end of May. Very consistent weight loss with no yo-yoing.
no, there are different stages of fasting, I do it occassionally also, like at the end of the month when I am broke and can't afford to eat.

Its tough waiting for them to fill up you food stamp card aint it. :lol::lol::lol:

Just kidding.
i dont fast or cleanse...i am an eater....

do it carefully long as you are in good health ...and doing it for only short periods of time you wont have any problems...a friend of mine does it often and swears by the cleansing
First of all, Mad, I'd stay away from any kind of commercial cleansers. They seem to not be formulated for those of us who ingest less than the average American diet. :( My experience has been it will poison your system and cause potential psychosis even. There are so many things that take place within the body during meal time, many are indeed psychological.

Your water and juice is excellent. It seems, however, that because of our TEETH representing more than mere appearances, that you should always drink from a straw anything that is likened to 'juice'.

My only suggestion is to be less active. In fact.... Putter around a bit to the point that you KNOW rest to be what it is for YOU. Disregard comments and such from others that are busy about their own lives. If this is your intent, make it your OWN. *hearts*
I'd suggest following the regimen that's required before a colonoscopy.
Intermittent fasting is perfectly healthy.

In fact we evolved to endure periods of fasting. The whole premise that you need to eat 3 times or 6 times a day is absolute malarkey

I will not eat for a day occasionally. It's no big deal. I have gone as long as 3 days with only water. It was tough but doable but I'm in no hurry ti try that again.
wait just a damn minute are all neg on the raw milk but arent you the one with the bacon turtle burgers?
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wait just a damn minute are all neg on the raw milk but arent you the one with the bacon turtle burgers?

Nothing wrong with eating meat and lots of it.

There is something wrong with drinking cow's milk as it is only meant to make baby cows big and fat.
Intermittent fasting is perfectly healthy.

In fact we evolved to endure periods of fasting. The whole premise that you need to eat 3 times or 6 times a day is absolute malarkey

I will not eat for a day occasionally. It's no big deal. I have gone as long as 3 days with only water. It was tough but doable but I'm in no hurry ti try that again.

While this is admirable... The point of fasting may be in fact to do that which is beyond the common 'doable' and excel.

I have failed so many times at effectively separating myself by my own expectations. It isn't about the 'written laws' more than about the spiritual depth of commitment, of devotion of the 'inner', unseen 'man'.

This may very well be the pains of beauty, but it isn't at all the beauty by appearance more than by that which appearances are forsaken for the inner worth. This is the WHY both supposedly apposing parties such as liberals and conservatives will not ever destroy one another completely. They need one another. It's perhaps the third and fourth... And yet we are multi-faceted individuals necessarily.

Emoticons aside. Emotions are sometimes the fluff for which the bunnies that get shot for being bunnies. Spiritualism, farming, and such, perhaps the more natural these things come to be, the more effective our foods become/are best enhanced is what will make us decidedly separate. Not only as a nation.... yet I have to ask, 'are we there yet'?
wait just a damn minute are all neg on the raw milk but arent you the one with the bacon turtle burgers?

Nothing wrong with eating meat and lots of it.

There is something wrong with drinking cow's milk as it is only meant to make baby cows big and fat.

i am really enjoying the black berry pie slice...and i have a glass of raw milk in the freezer....
I do a 19-24 hour fast every day. I drink only water, coffee, or tea during the fast. It is actually really simple. I eat whatever I want during a 5 hour window each day- usually from 2PM- 7PM. I eat nothing in between those times. I have never been hungry in the morning so I use that to my benefit. I am not a slave to the plan and occasionally do not follow it, but I generally stick to it about 90% of the time. If friends are over, or the redhead wants to go to a Sunday brunch, I don't worry about- we just eat. You don't need to be a social pariah to follow this plan!

It is a very flexible plan. If I know that the redhead has dinner reservations with friends at 9PM- I adjust the "eating window" accordingly. I do not follow any diet or restrict myself, I simply eat whatever I want during the 5 hour "eating window". ( you will be surprised at how easy this is!) I went from 215 lbs to 190 and have maintained 190 fairly easily. It's the easiest "diet" I've ever followed! I plan on dropping down to 180 over the next few months.

I have also water fasted for 3, 5, and 7 day periods. During those longer fasts my health has improved dramatically. My skin, hair, and nails all improved. My energy levels were massively high. I highly recommend it to anyone. I have come to enjoy the feeling of an empty stomach.

Here is the link to the "FAST 5" program if you are interested. It's free and they have a forum to help answer questions.....Welcome to the Fast-5 website | Fast-5 Life

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