Anyone remember the 51 intel "dweebs" who said that Joe Biden's Laptop was disinformation? Now it seems 400 "economists" want Harris's plan.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015

And then it was proven in court, that the FBI had colluded with the Biden team to suppress the information on the laptop so the 2022 election would be in favor of the lying Democrats.
Vice President and Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris
More than 400 economists on Tuesday endorsed Vice President Kamala Harrisā€™s presidential campaign and her economic proposals, while slamming those of rival candidate Former President Donald Trump.
Now it seems that 400 "economists" like Paul Krugman, have thrown their hats into the ring, by endorsing Kamala Harris's economic plan. What ever that plan it, maybe one day we will find out, but it seems that the basis is on ā€œIt is a choice between inequity, economic injustice, and uncertainty with Donald Trump or prosperity, opportunity, and stability with Kamala Harris, a choice between the past and the future,ā€ the economists said in an open letter, which was first reported by CNN.
So we are back to the "Go Woke, Go Broke" economists plan again. This is a tell, that the left really does want to bankrupt this country. By the way, Kamal Harris has been the VP for the past 4 years, she was the deciding vote for the massive inflation bill. You have to be full on stupid, not to know this.


And then it was proven in court, that the FBI had colluded with the Biden team to suppress the information on the laptop so the 2022 election would be in favor of the lying Democrats.

Now it seems that 400 "economists" like Paul Krugman, have thrown their hats into the ring, by endorsing Kamala Harris's economic plan. What ever that plan it, maybe one day we will find out, but it seems that the basis is on ā€œIt is a choice between inequity, economic injustice, and uncertainty with Donald Trump or prosperity, opportunity, and stability with Kamala Harris, a choice between the past and the future,ā€ the economists said in an open letter, which was first reported by CNN.
So we are back to the "Go Woke, Go Broke" economists plan again. This is a tell, that the left really does want to bankrupt this country. By the way, Kamal Harris has been the VP for the past 4 years, she was the deciding vote for the massive inflation bill. You have to be full on stupid, not to know this.

They don't need to continue to promote this, basically anyone who is part of the Establishment, works for the government or works in D.C, NY or D.C endorses her.

And then it was proven in court, that the FBI had colluded with the Biden team to suppress the information on the laptop so the 2022 election would be in favor of the lying Democrats.

Now it seems that 400 "economists" like Paul Krugman, have thrown their hats into the ring, by endorsing Kamala Harris's economic plan. What ever that plan it, maybe one day we will find out, but it seems that the basis is on ā€œIt is a choice between inequity, economic injustice, and uncertainty with Donald Trump or prosperity, opportunity, and stability with Kamala Harris, a choice between the past and the future,ā€ the economists said in an open letter, which was first reported by CNN.
So we are back to the "Go Woke, Go Broke" economists plan again. This is a tell, that the left really does want to bankrupt this country. By the way, Kamal Harris has been the VP for the past 4 years, she was the deciding vote for the massive inflation bill. You have to be full on stupid, not to know this.

The New York Post is an American conservative daily tabloid newspaper
Trump needs to stop fearing taking on the cause of stopping the war against Russia.

Yesterday's experience of dancing with world Nuclear Armageddon is going to have a lasting psychological impact on Americans.
We might not get away with playing the nuclear game the next time!

Putin is not bluffing.

And he's not left with the choice of limited nuclear tactical weapons! That would be suicidal for Russia!

And then it was proven in court, that the FBI had colluded with the Biden team to suppress the information on the laptop so the 2022 election would be in favor of the lying Democrats.

Now it seems that 400 "economists" like Paul Krugman, have thrown their hats into the ring, by endorsing Kamala Harris's economic plan. What ever that plan it, maybe one day we will find out, but it seems that the basis is on ā€œIt is a choice between inequity, economic injustice, and uncertainty with Donald Trump or prosperity, opportunity, and stability with Kamala Harris, a choice between the past and the future,ā€ the economists said in an open letter, which was first reported by CNN.
So we are back to the "Go Woke, Go Broke" economists plan again. This is a tell, that the left really does want to bankrupt this country. By the way, Kamal Harris has been the VP for the past 4 years, she was the deciding vote for the massive inflation bill. You have to be full on stupid, not to know this.

All these people need to be investigated, charged, tried, and, if found guilty, executed.
Now it seems that 400 "economists" like Paul Krugman, have thrown their hats into the ring, by endorsing Kamala Harris's economic plan.

Krugman is a doofus that doesn't know shit about economics.

On Election Night 2016, he predicted that economically, America was in permanent decline after Trump was elected.

He got a Nobel Prize for that, BTW.

If Krugman is endorsing the Kamala "plan", you know its rubbish.
Krugman is a doofus that doesn't know shit about economics.

On Election Night 2016, he predicted that economically, America was in permanent decline after Trump was elected.

He got a Nobel Prize for that, BTW.

If Krugman is endorsing the Kamala "plan", you know its rubbish.
Globalists Gotta Gobble

Economics is a defective science, up in the clouds flying high in the vapor.
The New York Post is an American conservative daily tabloid newspaper
And the oldest & most respected Daily in the nation?

It is a fact, the intel agencies put their thumb on the scale and meddled in the election, by pushing lies.

Now? Most sane folks in the American public do not think it is beyond them to rig the courts, rig the elections, and even push assassination of a candidate.
I just posted the verbatim letter from them, what are you, retarded?

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Joe Biden's laptop was never discussed by any of those experts. But it is true that Hunter Biden's laptop never provided any evidence of the Trumpyberra inspired fake news that the Biden Family is a criminal enterprise like the Rabid right has claimed since Benedict Donald tried to put the squeeze on the Ukrainian President.
Joe Biden's laptop was never discussed by any of those experts. But it is true that Hunter Biden's laptop never provided any evidence of the Trumpyberra inspired fake news that the Biden Family is a criminal enterprise like the Rabid right has claimed since Benedict Donald tried to put the squeeze on the Ukrainian President.
"Leon Panetta was asked about if he regretted signing the letter with other Agency heads stating the Hunter Biden Laptop was "Russian Disinformation" now that we know it was not. He doubles down stating that it was Russian Disinformation somehow even though everyone knows it isn't, and the FBI had a copy of it at the time. "

James Clapper defends letter suggesting Hunter Biden laptop Russian disinfo, still hints at foreign tampering​

Clapper said there have been no 'official results' as to whether the Russians 'messed with it'

Absolute Clown Claims Hunter Biden's Laptop Scandal Is A "Conspiracy Theory"​


And then it was proven in court, that the FBI had colluded with the Biden team to suppress the information on the laptop so the 2022 election would be in favor of the lying Democrats.

Now it seems that 400 "economists" like Paul Krugman, have thrown their hats into the ring, by endorsing Kamala Harris's economic plan. What ever that plan it, maybe one day we will find out, but it seems that the basis is on ā€œIt is a choice between inequity, economic injustice, and uncertainty with Donald Trump or prosperity, opportunity, and stability with Kamala Harris, a choice between the past and the future,ā€ the economists said in an open letter, which was first reported by CNN.
So we are back to the "Go Woke, Go Broke" economists plan again. This is a tell, that the left really does want to bankrupt this country. By the way, Kamal Harris has been the VP for the past 4 years, she was the deciding vote for the massive inflation bill. You have to be full on stupid, not to know this.

University economics has been taken over by socialist and/or Marxist minded academics like most other educational disciplines. As a result colleges are churning out far more 'economists' like Krugman than those like Adam Smith, , Ricardo and modern day capitalist promoting minds like Friedman, Williams, Sowell.

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