Anyone still confused as to why Fox News supports "the Steal" and Low IQ Joe?


Gold Member
May 9, 2019
If you are still confused, that's pretty sad.

Fox News, "Republican" "conservative" Fox News is 100% for the STEAL, the shouting of "baseless" every time evidence of fraud is presented, and 100% for US PRESIDENT Low IQ Joe....

For years here, LaDairis has documented the 180 degree change the GOP had when Speaker Newt was "couped" in 1998. Out went fiscal conservatism, which explains why our US Federal Debt has gone from under $6 trillion when W took office to $30 trillion today, and "Republican" Fox News was never ever the slightest bit concerned about it.... and in came the cause of ZIONISM, the total sellout of America for the cause of country Israel. Fox News is 100% about ISRAEL and 0% about America.

But but but isn't President Trump "pro Israel?"

President Trump attended 250 different 911 funerals. In 2005, Trump shouted at the media "why can't they find one 6'5" guy in Afghanistan?" Then Trump met Putin. Who is Putin? Putin on 9/13 held a press conference, totally censored in the western world by all Zionist controlled media outlets, claiming that 911 was a fraud and that Israel, the US, and Saudi were behind it. One thing we all can be certain of - Putin WAS SPYING on US on 911....

This is 100% about 911, all of it. Fox News is not for any troop pullout of Afghan, Syria, Iraq, or any of the purely FOR ISRAEL ONLY US foreign deployments. And Fox News is 100% against any 911 Truth, as Geraldo found out when he had Jesse Ventura on his show, and admitted building 7 was demo=ed (if 7 was demo-ed, 911 was a fraud). One week later, Geraldo retracted that assessment, and Jesse Ventura has not been on Fox since....

What about Low IQ Joe?

Is he Zionist?

Low IQ Joe was probably the most PRO W Democrat in DC. Joe supported all of what W did, including Gitmo, which many Democrats opposed.

What do ZIONISTS like Fox News think Low IQ Joe would do as President?

We were told that 10 years ago....

by Zionists....

Three, give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place, and forcefully dictate that the United States' policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.

In other words, if the Mossad had assassinated homObama (as it did JFK), Low IQ Joe would've lied about it (as LBJ did), and off to war the US would go solely to help the only country FOX NEWS has ever cared about....


The Georgia Secretary of State is a Zionist Traitor. He represents the "post 1998 GOP." He needs to be held fully accountable too....

It isn't just Fox News. But Fox News has always been a total fraud, manipulating the minds of "christians" too dumb to understand basic science.... and hence 911.

Fox News is not Republican, conservative, or pro America.

Fox News is for Israel and the cause of Zionism

That's it
I stopped at "Trump attended 250 911 funerals"
Do you have a link on him even attending ONE? Because I call BULLSHIT! :)

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Wow, Zionist Traitors and Censors are out in force....

The topic was moved in 20 seconds....

Apparently the reality that Fox News is a ZIONIST FRAUD of a "conservative" "news" network is on the TO BE CENSORED list.....

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