Appalachia's Katrina: Does Anyone Care?

Appalachia's Katrina: Does Anyone Care?​

Ready to take Climate Change seriously yet?
Huh? Of course I have. Hence why you are replying to my post are your post....not one word about the people of the region.



I’m in Spartanburg County upstate South Carolina. There’s no power within 50 miles of me except for the target that I’m sitting at right now running on a generator so I have the wireless from the store.

There’s no Internet there’s no power. There’s no cell service anywhere near me. All the roads are blocked. There are power wears down everywhere.

My local power company which is a co-op is saying that we could be out for 6 to 12 weeks. I work from home.

I’m going to lose everything. I’ve already lost all my cold food and frozen food. I’m praying that some kind of power will come up so that I can get gas to go to Charlotte airport to fly north to where my company is and get a hotel room so I can have a job still.

-ARFCOM member post

So hey, maybe you assholes should just stop with the "cult" BS (both sides) and be thankful you are not in that situation.

My wife’s grandparents have all that and more. But there is destruction up there the likes the area has never seen.

Their driveway is washed out completely, we know their road is.

The main road down the mountain is washed out either direction of their road before any town if they could get down their driveway and road. The intersection of their road and the main road has something like 50 cars that have been washed down the creek when it flooded.

Estimates for them right now are 3 months without power. Hopefully that’s information that is either incorrect or wrong - but who knows.

As it is right now we can’t get up to them to check on them, can’t call them to check on them so people are calling 911 to see if they can make contact with their loved ones.

My BIL is heading up there to try and we if he can find a way up there. I’ll post some pictures when I get them but it is going to be a long time before it’s back to “normal”.
Roads and bridges will have to be built before crews can get power up that way.

-ARFCOM member
I started a thread about this yesterday, and as is the norm on this forum it turned into political mudslinging
Ya don't say. Gee I wonder why since all we heard from libs on Katrina was non stop blame even though the Navy and other resources were on site immediately
What is it you think the POTUS should be doing at this moment?
W. did not show up the next day after Katrina. The then Progressives on TV reminded people every hour and every day for months. President's out of default in our surveillance culture now must show up if they can or someone representing the administration who is competent. Many Governors do show up.
My youngest goes to school at Appalachian State University in Boone, NC... school closed next week. Mud and water everywhere. Boone is one of the cutest college towns in America... was. Hope it recovers well.
My wife’s grandparents have all that and more. But there is destruction up there the likes the area has never seen.

Their driveway is washed out completely, we know their road is.

The main road down the mountain is washed out either direction of their road before any town if they could get down their driveway and road. The intersection of their road and the main road has something like 50 cars that have been washed down the creek when it flooded.

Estimates for them right now are 3 months without power. Hopefully that’s information that is either incorrect or wrong - but who knows.

As it is right now we can’t get up to them to check on them, can’t call them to check on them so people are calling 911 to see if they can make contact with their loved ones.

My BIL is heading up there to try and we if he can find a way up there. I’ll post some pictures when I get them but it is going to be a long time before it’s back to “normal”.
Roads and bridges will have to be built before crews can get power up that way.

-ARFCOM member
Yea, lets not politicize this shit. That sounds terrible. How much rain did they get?
Ya don't say. Gee I wonder why since all we heard from libs on Katrina was non stop blame even though the Navy and other resources were on site immediately

yep, simply amazing how alike the two sides are

mirror images of each other
Even a month's worth of preps would not help many there.....Three months without power means no gas for the ginny, even if you can get to a gas station with power, all the bridges are out.

Those folks are in for a long tough haul.

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