Appalachia's Katrina: Does Anyone Care?

Even a month's worth of preps would not help many there.....Three months without power means no gas for the ginny, even if you can get to a gas station with power, all the bridges are out.

Those folks are in for a long tough haul.
Why three months? WTH? Usually its two or three weeks at worst.
Wow. That storm was moving fast which usually limits the rain.

It slowed down and stalled over the NC/TN area. My mom lives in the heart of all of this and when I talked to her on Thursday before the storm had even hit Florida they had 22 hours straight of rain. That was before it got bad.
It's prudent to get things cleaned up ASAP because this is going to happen again and again. This isn't a once in a lifetime thing. Unfortunately.
I didn't point it did.......

here is you blaming your side's actions on those of the other are no different than they are.

Due to the amount of damage and how widespread it is. Some places will be back quicker, but the further out you are, the longer it will take.
Depends on how soon bridges can be repaired/replaced/reopened.....It does not matter how "far out" they are.

Many bridges were totally swept away or suffered major damage and will have to be removed/rebuilt.

I suspect temporary bridges can be used over the smaller streams....When they can get to them.

I've already heard of locals making temp low-water bridges of logs.
The politicians in Florida are telling people with electric vehicles to move them out of the garage and away from structures. They are catching fire with the salt water. Electric vehicles have some work to do.

who gives a fuck about EVs when entire towns have been washed away?
Depends on how soon bridges can be repaired/replaced/reopened.....It does not matter how "far out" they are.

Many bridges were totally swept away or suffered major damage and will have to be removed/rebuilt.

I suspect temporary bridges can be used over the smaller streams....When they can get to them.

I've already heard of locals making temp low-water bridges of logs.

It does matter how "far out" they are as they restore power to the largest groups first and work their way out.
A real President would at least show up. Maybe fly over the scene of the disaster, stop, talk with residents, ask them what they need....

You know, like something Trump would have done.
Has Trump done that?


Interesting. I guess he only cares if he’s President. Thanks for the confirmation.

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