Appalachia's Katrina: Does Anyone Care?

A real President would at least show up. Maybe fly over the scene of the disaster, stop, talk with residents, ask them what they need....

You know, like something Trump would have done.
I dont think campaign stops during disasters is a good idea for anyone. Bush and Obama both let the immediate recovery pass without the disruption. Maybe Biden could show up and throw paper towels to people. So helpful.
What I'm "rambling" about is the fact that we don't have anyone even remotely resembling a President or a Vice President in the White House right now. The former is on permanent vacation, and tha latter is running around the countryside, thinking people are stupid enough to elect her to the highest office in the country.
What we have are a lot of pouting losers. When Gomer Bush took frequent trips to his Texas ranch, the Democrats didn`t try to turn it into a scandal.
How would more news coverage stop the flooding? Hurricane Ivan left 9 feet in my parent`s home so I`m not unsympathetic but when people are grabbing their remotes to change the channel, networks will cut back their coverage. Their money is more important to them than the fact that people are dying.
Must be from around these parts. I lived here during Ivan but evacuated to Selma and they had a tornado from it. No house flooding though, lost roof and other damage. No claims since 2004. Just saw the flooding in TN, NC estimated damage is $100 billion. Did not estimate Fl or Ga.

Some of the new insurance companies the state acquired this year will surely be pulling out next year. We have discussed moving the past 4 years and early next year might just happen. Just don't want to pay the high insurance costs.
Why three months? WTH? Usually its two or three weeks at worst.
The whole western side of NC is closed. Looks like the whole electrical grid was destroyed as well as damns. Even if they had electricity gas trucks could not get there. Many are or will be without food pretty soon. Many missing.
The whole western side of NC is closed. Looks like the whole electrical grid was destroyed as well as damns. Even if they had electricity gas trucks could not get there. Many are or will be without food pretty soon. Many missing.
Bless them. That truly sucks.
I'm astounded (or not really) that the MSM seems obsessed with Hezbollah halfway around the world. Meanwhile, Asheville NC and surrounding areas are decimated and cut off from modern civilization. At least 50 people have died and maybe more. Not the big story I guess.

However much we hate the MSM, it's not enough. Not nearly enough.

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North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper announced Saturday evening that 10 people have died due to Hurricane Helene.

"The catastrophic devastation to western North Carolina is like nothing we have ever seen," Cooper said in a statement. "Emergency responders are working around the clock coordinating rescues and getting resources to help people with their immediate needs as they work to save lives."

Since Thursday, over 200 people have been rescued through water and helicopter rescues in the state.

-ABC News' Victoria Arancio
Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee all mostly red states. Therefore not important enough for more than a mention in the national news I guess. Fox Business News and the Weather Channel have been doing good coverage and updates on the disasters though.
Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee all mostly red states. Therefore not important enough for more than a mention in the national news I guess. Fox Business News and the Weather Channel have been doing good coverage and updates on the disasters though.
It's literally front page of every major news outlet. That and the attacks on Lebanon.

You guys are inventing things to complain about. In the interest of playing right wing victims, naturally.
One might ask whether making everything political, even natural disasters helps or hurts the situations. I would have to side with the idea it does great harm.
Politics kills.

No other way to put it.
It's literally front page of every major news outlet. That and the attacks on Lebanon.

You guys are inventing things to complain about. In the interest of playing right wing victims, naturally.

In fairness, WAPO is running a front page story on Helene today but very few are.


Seriously? The lady can't speak, repeats the same lines and words multiple times in the same thought, is the queen of word salads and avoids conversations without her teleprompter. If you can't explain something simply, then you don't understand it well enough, and Kamala continues to demonstrate this.
Have your guy explain NAFTA just once. Or windmills killing whales. Or causing cancer.
Be sure to follow the weave!

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