AR-15's are not assault weapons

Not this lame, ignorant nonsense again.

An assault weapon is whatever a legislative body determines it to be – not the military, not the gun manufacturers, and not message board nitwits.
Isn't a saw-ed off shotgun a weapon capable of assaulting or killing someone? It serves no other purpose. Isn't that why they are illegal also?
The fundamental ignorance, stupidity, and dishonesty of the thread premise is that because AR 15s ‘aren’t assault weapons,’ they shouldn’t be subject to certain regulatory measures – which of course is wrong.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Nothing in the OP implies, much less states, any such thing.

Good of you to -triple- down on your inability to argue against what people actually post.

Please - keep it up!

Know what?
It doesn't matter if the AR`5 (et al) is an 'assault weapon'.
Or an assault rifle.
Or big and black an scary..

The AR15 belongs to a class of firearm Americans commonly choose to use for traditionally lawful purposes.
As such, the entire class of firearm qualifies as a "bearable arm", as the term has been defined in 2A jurisprudence.
As the the Second Amendment extends, prima facie, to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, this means the right to own such firearms, and use them for traditionally lawful purposes, is protected by the 2nd Amendment.
And -that- means, a ban on such firearms, under any level of scrutiny, violates the constitution.

So there. Nyaaaah!
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This is not scary according to anti-2As.

But this one is

But can a leftist tell us the difference?
An assault weapon is capable of automatic fire. AR-15's are not capable of auto fire. No semiauto rifle without a switch to allow auto fire is an assault weapon.
ARs were marketed as “assault rifles “

That’s why so many people still call them that
You don’t get to ignore that 81M votes is more than 72M votes either. But you have.
The Democrats' Demographic Demolition Derby

If Americans, according to the elitist Constitution, can't vote on who else can vote, then the Popular Vote is not Populist and cripples the backbone of those who built America.

The GOPers' mentors blame Trump's loss on imaginary mules, but if the truth could be told instead of sold, the electorate comprised too many people who wouldn't be allowed to vote under a democratic system, no more than children would be.
ARs were marketed as “assault rifles “

That’s why so many people still call them that
You mean "Democrats and the MSM". Most people that buy an AR understand that it is essentially a semi-auto rifle that was invented by Armalite and made famous the Armalite Rifle 15 or AR-15.
You mean "Democrats and the MSM". Most people that buy an AR understand that it is essentially a semi-auto rifle that was invented by Armalite and made famous the Armalite Rifle 15 or AR-15.
I mean that is how they were marketed

As “assault rifles”

The gun manufacturers gave them that name

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