Zone1 Are all people equally valuable?

Well, that child will probably die. So...

And does it have value, no, it can do anything, doesn't matter to anyone.

From a planet point of view, no, it doesn't have value, except for the organic material that will go into the ground when it dies and become something else, like plant food.

I'm sorry but I'm having a really hard time believing that you sincerely believe that.
I'm sorry but I'm having a really hard time believing that you sincerely believe that.


What are we as humans beings? We're biological. We're made up of atoms, which are made up of smaller things. Essentially energy. Everything we have is energy. As a survival strategy we believe in religion and stuff, give ourselves a lot of self importance, but what difference does anything make?

People die. Then those who remembered that person die. That person then becomes what? Nothing. They're not even a memory of a memory.

We're not important. Humanity could die out and the universe wouldn't even notice.
Empathy is an emotion. Emotions are the enemy of logic and propriety. Right and Wrong leave no place for emotional garbage.
I dunno. I sometimes get a warm fuzzy feeling when I've done something right for another person. I'm also moved by the plight of others, those kids in third world countries with cleft palates for example. Emotions can move you to positive action.
I dunno. I sometimes get a warm fuzzy feeling when I've done something right for another person. I'm also moved by the plight of others, those kids in third world countries with cleft palates for example. Emotions can move you to positive action.
They can also move people to negative actions; so they should be avoided.
In a word... "No". Equality only exists within the realm of mathematics. In order to shoe horn people into such an equation said people have to be reduced to being nothing but a number.
Would you say that all human beings are equally valuable? I'm not talking about this from the perspective of society. When we look at this world and all the horrible things that humans have done to one another throughout history, I think it's safe to say that most people don't believe that all lives are equally valuable. But of course people aren't the source of objective truth. So my question is, what do you believe the actual truth is, in regard to human value? Would you say that all lives are inherently equal in value?

If your answer is yes, please explain why you believe that. If your answer is no, please explain why you believe that, and what things determine human value, in your view.

I'll start. I believe that all lives are equally valuable. Why, because as a Christian I believe that God is the source of actual truth, and in God's eyes we all have equal value. We were all created by God, we were all created in the image of God, and from a Christian perspective, Jesus (who was God in the flesh) died not just for some people, but for ALL people, whoever receives that gift of salvation, by faith.

This reminds me of a really good analogy about life being like a play... It's all temporary, and at the end of the day, things like money, social status, or anything else that society values ultimately means nothing. Why, because when the play is over, all the temporary things are gone and there is no difference between a Prince and a Pauper, in God's eyes.

I'll see if I can find that clip I'm thinking of, and if I do, I'll post it. But for now, what is your answer to this question?
Empathy is the inherent ability to feel for others. Psychopaths are the opposite. It’s a physical brain problem.
So what is it called when you would just like everyone to leave you the fuck alone and forget you ever existed to begin with? I don’t care about folks but I don’t necessarily want them dead either I just want them all to go away.
I call it being a loner--which I often am. I am such a loner at times, people can't even find me in order to leave me alone.
I wish I could do that. Unfortunately my job and my medical issues keep me attached to society. Given a wish it would be to be able to just completely become a hermit with zero real-life attachment to humanity.
So what is it called when you would just like everyone to leave you the fuck alone and forget you ever existed to begin with? I don’t care about folks but I don’t necessarily want them dead either I just want them all to go away.
LIve and let live seems like what you are describing, not a psychopath who doesn't care what you want or need, they only care how they can use you for their own fun and enjoyment. As I said, they have no empathy. No conscience. And, they will not just leave you alone either. No, they need your suffering to make them 'whole.'

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