Zone1 Are all people equally valuable?

So what is it called when you would just like everyone to leave you the fuck alone and forget you ever existed to begin with? I don’t care about folks but I don’t necessarily want them dead either I just want them all to go away.
Anti social personality disorder.
What makes anti-social behavior a disorder? You mother fuckers made me this way in the first place, and it’s safer for all of us.
Antisocial behaviors are actions that violate the rights of others are considered to be disruptive in society.

ASPD (antisocial personality disorder) is a mental health condition that causes a person to ignore right and wrong and/or harm others. You sure you wanna go with that?


Antisocial personality is confirmed by a psychological evaluation. Other disorders should be ruled out first. According to the DSM-5, features of antisocial personality disorder may include:
  • Failure to conform to basic social norms, often in ways that violate the law
  • Repeated violation of the physical or emotional rights of others
  • Lack of stability in job and home life; may go through long periods of unemployment, for example, even in localities or situations where jobs are readily available
  • Irritability and aggression; may get into frequent fights
  • Lack of remorse after harming someone or their property
  • Consistent irresponsibility
  • Recklessness, impulsivity
  • Deceitfulness
  • A childhood diagnosis (or symptoms consistent with) conduct disorder should generally be present before the age of 15 years
  • Antisocial Personality Disorder
  • You sure you wanna go with that?
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Yeah, that doesn’t describe me. I just want the rest of the world to go away and leave me in peace. Ignore my existence and let me do my best to ignore the other 7 billion of you.

Unfortunately that will never happen for several reasons.
I didn't think so. I do, however, feel your pain about being disturbed by nincompoops and useless blather. Like I have said to some people. 'Don't go away mad, just go away.'

What are we as humans beings? We're biological. We're made up of atoms, which are made up of smaller things. Essentially energy. Everything we have is energy. As a survival strategy we believe in religion and stuff, give ourselves a lot of self importance, but what difference does anything make?

People die. Then those who remembered that person die. That person then becomes what? Nothing. They're not even a memory of a memory.

We're not important. Humanity could die out and the universe wouldn't even notice.

Not only do I disagree but I think it's a very sad way to look at life. But it's understandable that you think that way, as an atheist. As someone else on this thread said earlier, we are just a "a bag of meat" in the godless worldview. In fact, the idea that human life has no value is one of the things that has led to some of the worst atrocities, and hundreds of millions of deaths under godless communist regimes.
Created equal. What they do from there is on them. Not all behaviors have equal outcomes.

Of course. I wasn't claiming that people are "equal" in the sense of their behavior or culture or things like that. I mean, obviously certain behaviors are better than others and lead to better outcomes. I was talking about the intrinsic worth of human lives. From a Christian perspective, I believe God values all lives, and is no "respecter of persons." (2 Chron. 19:7, Rom. 2:11, Eph. 6:9, Col. 3:25) And throughout the bible it seems to me that God wants us to love and value not just people in our own circles but all people. But again, that doesn't mean their behavior.
Not only do I disagree but I think it's a very sad way to look at life. But it's understandable that you think that way, as an atheist. As someone else on this thread said earlier, we are just a "a bag of meat" in the godless worldview. In fact, the idea that human life has no value is one of the things that has led to some of the worst atrocities, and hundreds of millions of deaths under godless communist regimes.

I'm not an atheist.

And you think it's sad probably because you're a very emotional person.

I believe that everything is preordained. I say believe, but we know when explosions happen we can work backwards from the debris and find out how the explosion happened. The Malaysia Airlines flight that got shot down by the Russian backed rebels in the Ukraine was found to have come from a Russian made BUK SAM, after the Russians claimed to have a google maps image of a Ukrainian fighter jet shooting it down, and the Russians then agreed it was from a SAM.

We as humans have survival techniques. They're designed to keep us happy and not kill ourselves. Creating our own little fantasy world is a big part of that. That's what Trump is manipulating in many people right now.

We know all this stuff, we know how humans work, we know that we barely make choices if at all. It's just an image of choice making.

But if you're emotional you might not want to have this conversation because you might find it gets too difficult for you. And I'm not being sarcastic. I've literally had conversations with people about this stuff and stopped talking to them because I worried I was going to mess them up.
They can also move people to negative actions; so they should be avoided.

I totally disagree that emotions should be avoided, they are there for a reason. But I do agree that we shouldn't be guided by ONLY emotion.
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I would not be pointing to religion for any equality metric here ~S~

I don't think "religion" is what's important. But I can understand why you would say that. From what I've seen, nonbelievers tend to conflate God and religion.
But if you're emotional you might not want to have this conversation because you might find it gets too difficult for you. And I'm not being sarcastic. I've literally had conversations with people about this stuff and stopped talking to them because I worried I was going to mess them up.

Hahaha. Don't flatter yourself. You could never "mess" me up, because I wasn't born yesterday, I've been there, done that, got the t-shirt. I might have agreed with you when I was in my 20's, but now there's no doubt in my mind that your sad, bleak worldview is simply false.

PS: I'm an INTP, and every time I take the test I'm always an INTP, so contrary to your arrogant assumption, I'm more of a thinker than a feeler, on the thinking vs feeling spectrum.
I'm not an atheist.

And you think it's sad probably because you're a very emotional person.

I believe that everything is preordained. I say believe, but we know when explosions happen we can work backwards from the debris and find out how the explosion happened. The Malaysia Airlines flight that got shot down by the Russian backed rebels in the Ukraine was found to have come from a Russian made BUK SAM, after the Russians claimed to have a google maps image of a Ukrainian fighter jet shooting it down, and the Russians then agreed it was from a SAM.

We as humans have survival techniques. They're designed to keep us happy and not kill ourselves. Creating our own little fantasy world is a big part of that. That's what Trump is manipulating in many people right now.

We know all this stuff, we know how humans work, we know that we barely make choices if at all. It's just an image of choice making.

But if you're emotional you might not want to have this conversation because you might find it gets too difficult for you. And I'm not being sarcastic. I've literally had conversations with people about this stuff and stopped talking to them because I worried I was going to mess them up.
Trump has already proven his policies work. He's not creating any fantasy world. The person creating a fantasy world is the Democrat party and their twin puppets Kamala and Joe.
Hahaha. Don't flatter yourself. You could never "mess" me up, because I wasn't born yesterday, I've been there, done that, got the t-shirt. I might have agreed with you when I was in my 20's, but now there's no doubt in my mind that your sad, bleak worldview is simply false.

PS: I'm an INTP, and every time I take the test I'm always an INTP, so contrary to your arrogant assumption, I'm more of a thinker than a feeler, on the thinking vs feeling spectrum.

Well, maybe you need to look more at things like string theory/M theory. You might see things differently.
Would you say that all human beings are equally valuable? I'm not talking about this from the perspective of society. When we look at this world and all the horrible things that humans have done to one another throughout history, I think it's safe to say that most people don't believe that all lives are equally valuable. But of course people aren't the source of objective truth. So my question is, what do you believe the actual truth is, in regard to human value? Would you say that all lives are inherently equal in value?

If your answer is yes, please explain why you believe that. If your answer is no, please explain why you believe that, and what things determine human value, in your view.

I'll start. I believe that all lives are equally valuable. Why, because as a Christian I believe that God is the source of actual truth, and in God's eyes we all have equal value. We were all created by God, we were all created in the image of God, and from a Christian perspective, Jesus (who was God in the flesh) died not just for some people, but for ALL people, whoever receives that gift of salvation, by faith.

This reminds me of a really good analogy about life being like a play... It's all temporary, and at the end of the day, things like money, social status, or anything else that society values ultimately means nothing. Why, because when the play is over, all the temporary things are gone and there is no difference between a Prince and a Pauper, in God's eyes.

I'll see if I can find that clip I'm thinking of, and if I do, I'll post it. But for now, what is your answer to this question?
Curious how you define "value", and how you quantify such ?
You are right that they affect relationships; which is part of why I try to avoid relationships.
I actually empathize with you on that. At my age and experience I have no desire for a close relationship with anyone, except my family of course.
I actually empathize with you on that. At my age and experience I have no desire for a close relationship with anyone, except my family of course.
I’ve never really had an interest in a close relationship with anyone. Not since my first girlfriend had the audacity to move across country after fifth grade.

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