Are Americans Race Cowards?

Eric Holder is a criminal. He should be wearing an orange jumpsuit at this point. So i don't care what he thinks about anything. That being said, the answer is yes they are. But not the way the usual suspect Race-Baiters think they are. If you talk honestly about race, you'll likely be hated and shunned by a PC World. You'll immediately be labelled a 'Racist' and silenced. The Race Cowards are the shallow Race-Baiters. We have a bunch of em here on this Board. And we know who they are.

The Race hustlers like Sharpton and Jackson aren't interested in an honest discussion about race. Look what they did to Bill Cosby when he spoke the truth. He was hated and shunned. The African American community has some very serious problems. And much of it is of their own doing. They do seem to be producing a generation of violent savages. I'm sorry, but that's just the way it is. The usual suspects don't want to talk about that though. So there's very little reason to get involved with race discussions. Very few want to hear the truth. The biggest cowards are the Race-Baiters. Make no mistake about it.
That exception almost proves what I say even more. Thats not the norm. See how this race discussion goes. I say something and this guy comes in hair a flame talking about stuff totally unrelated. Who said "equal results"? Not

You didn't directly but everything you posted screamed it.
The Race-Baiters have a nice scam going on. If you speak honestly and challenge them, they'll immediately label you a 'Racist.' They know that ends the discussion. Hateful Race-Baiters are the last people on earth who want to discuss race honestly and openly. So most people don't even bother discussing it anymore. It's a waste of time and energy. They know it's a Lose/Lose proposition. The game is rigged. That doesn't make them cowards though, it makes them defeated. The hateful Race-Baiters have won.
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well you see what happens here when you do try and talk about it

YOU get beat down as being a RACIST, off

Yeah what happens is that before a discussion starts you play the victim upfront guaranteeing that the discussion starts on the wrong foot like you did here.

You couldve just made a point but instead out the gate you complain about being treated bad :lol:
Except that's wrong on two counts:
First, prior to 1968 blacks were improving at higher rates than whites. Black marriage rates were higher than white marriage rates.

And they were still poorer but if you want to have a discussion on marriage rates then fine. All races marriage rates have been declining and all races rates of out of wedlock child birth have gone up. What about it?

Second, looking at blacks who moved here from the Caribbean, who also endured the same slavery blacks here did, we find they do much better economically than native American blacks.
So, no, you cannot blame the legacy of slavery for this.

Yes I can. The issue here is that when you want to have a "discussion" you want to tell blacks how they should be instead of discussing anything. The Caribbean folks didnt endure the same slavery. To say that slavery over there was the same as slavery everywhere is a simplistic way of looking at anything. Two things are never the same, there is always a difference.

Missing the point.
First, black economic measures were improving faster prior to the Great Society. What the absolute number was is immaterial. It is the rate of growth that counts.
Second, marriage rates are indicative of economic achievment and stability. It is one indicator of many.

Ok. And marriage rates have been falling across the board for every race everywhere. To single out blacks seems to be for no reason at all

Third, slavery is slavery. You cannot describe how Caribbean slavery was different from US slavery and then prove that that difference accounts for different results today.

This is false. A corn snake and a rattle snake isnt the same just because they are both called snakes. Slavery, Jim Crow, legalized racism etc all played a part in where we are today.

I am not telling anyone anything as to how it should be. I am pointing out facts. I am trying to do exactly what Eric Holder has challenged us to do and am showing that he doesnt really mean that.

I'm talking to you now. How could Holder not "mean it"? Anywho, what I'm saying is if you want to know about a group ASK the people in that group. If you dont want a true discussion march into the group and tell them what you think it should be like.

Pretty easy
Race-Baiters lie. That's just what they do. They don't want to engage in honest discussions about race. They just want you to shut up and listen to them Race-Bait. I've destroyed many a Race-Baiter in my day with common sense and reason. And at the end of every conversation, you're a 'Racist.' So what's the point? Holder is full of shite. He doesn't want honesty. After all, he's a dishonest criminal for God's sake. So don't let the Race-Baiters fool ya, they're actually the cowards. It is what it is.
Race-Baiters lie. That's just what they do. They don't want to engage in honest discussions about race. They just want you to shut up and listen to them Race-Bait. I've destroyed many a Race-Baiter in my day with common sense and reason. And at the end of every conversation, you're a 'Racist.' So what's the point? Holder is full of shite. He doesn't want honesty. After all, he's a dishonest criminal for God's sake. So don't let the Race-Baiters fool ya, they're actually the cowards. It is what it is.
Tell me little man, my family owned, and raped, slaves, you know, *******. They undoubtedly killed a few here or there as well. What should be my position on that if asked by a black person?
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Race-Baiters lie. That's just what they do. They don't want to engage in honest discussions about race. They just want you to shut up and listen to them Race-Bait. I've destroyed many a Race-Baiter in my day with common sense and reason. And at the end of every conversation, you're a 'Racist.' So what's the point? Holder is full of shite. He doesn't want honesty. After all, he's a dishonest criminal for God's sake. So don't let the Race-Baiters fool ya, they're actually the cowards. It is what it is.
Tell me little man, my family owned, and raped, slaves, you know, *******. They undoubtedly killed a few here or there as well. What should be my position on that if asked by a black person?
Deal with your guilt on your own terms. Don't try to pimp it to others who had nothing to do with slavery, or those of us whose ancestors served in the Union army.
Race-Baiters lie. That's just what they do. They don't want to engage in honest discussions about race. They just want you to shut up and listen to them Race-Bait. I've destroyed many a Race-Baiter in my day with common sense and reason. And at the end of every conversation, you're a 'Racist.' So what's the point? Holder is full of shite. He doesn't want honesty. After all, he's a dishonest criminal for God's sake. So don't let the Race-Baiters fool ya, they're actually the cowards. It is what it is.
Tell me little man, my family owned, and raped, slaves, you know, *******. They undoubtedly killed a few here or there as well. What should be my position on that if asked by a black person?
Deal with your guilt on your own terms. Don't try to pimp it to others who had nothing to do with slavery, or those of us whose ancestors served in the Union army.

Or those of us whose ancestors were living in Europe at the time.
I am not my great great grandfather. Whatever he did is largely irrelevant to me.
Race-Baiters lie. That's just what they do. They don't want to engage in honest discussions about race. They just want you to shut up and listen to them Race-Bait. I've destroyed many a Race-Baiter in my day with common sense and reason. And at the end of every conversation, you're a 'Racist.' So what's the point? Holder is full of shite. He doesn't want honesty. After all, he's a dishonest criminal for God's sake. So don't let the Race-Baiters fool ya, they're actually the cowards. It is what it is.
Tell me little man, my family owned, and raped, slaves, you know, *******. They undoubtedly killed a few here or there as well. What should be my position on that if asked by a black person?

Move on.
Race-Baiters lie. That's just what they do. They don't want to engage in honest discussions about race. They just want you to shut up and listen to them Race-Bait. I've destroyed many a Race-Baiter in my day with common sense and reason. And at the end of every conversation, you're a 'Racist.' So what's the point? Holder is full of shite. He doesn't want honesty. After all, he's a dishonest criminal for God's sake. So don't let the Race-Baiters fool ya, they're actually the cowards. It is what it is.
Tell me little man, my family owned, and raped, slaves, you know, *******. They undoubtedly killed a few here or there as well. What should be my position on that if asked by a black person?
Deal with your guilt on your own terms. Don't try to pimp it to others who had nothing to do with slavery, or those of us whose ancestors served in the Union army.
I should feel guilt? And my family served on both sides, so does that make me even?
The Race-Baiters have a nice scam going on. If you speak honestly and challenge them, they'll immediately label you a 'Racist.'

Heres another guy. I've been here two pages and havent called anyone racist but that is the way you guarantee to not have a discussion at all. Pretend you're being attacked out the gate and then concluded from your pretend victimization that no one wants to hear you anyway so why try.

2nd person to do that....weird huh? No not really, its typical
Race-Baiters lie. That's just what they do. They don't want to engage in honest discussions about race. They just want you to shut up and listen to them Race-Bait. I've destroyed many a Race-Baiter in my day with common sense and reason. And at the end of every conversation, you're a 'Racist.' So what's the point? Holder is full of shite. He doesn't want honesty. After all, he's a dishonest criminal for God's sake. So don't let the Race-Baiters fool ya, they're actually the cowards. It is what it is.
Tell me little man, my family owned, and raped, slaves, you know, *******. They undoubtedly killed a few here or there as well. What should be my position on that if asked by a black person?

Move on.
If you're going to take a stand little man, you have to be able to lay it on the line. Give it a shot...
Tell me little man, my family owned, and raped, slaves, you know, *******. They undoubtedly killed a few here or there as well. What should be my position on that if asked by a black person?
Deal with your guilt on your own terms. Don't try to pimp it to others who had nothing to do with slavery, or those of us whose ancestors served in the Union army.
I should feel guilt? And my family served on both sides, so does that make me even?
I don't give a rat's ass. Just stop trying to pimp your guilt out. It doesn't work.
Just ignore PMH. He has no insight and is merely a shit stirrer. THe topic is getting derailed.

We absolutely cannot and will not have the critically-needed honest discussion of race in this country until and unless all parties can be open and honest, without fear of being labeled a racist or some other name, and without fear of "consequences" being leveled simply for speaking their mind.

It's difficult to believe that the Left doesn't understand this seemingly obvious fact, and that's why I have to wonder if they really do want to address and fix this problem.


I don't see this as a "left/right" issue at all. Institutionalized racism is a consequence of an aristocracy that thrives on media culture, control of resources, and power. The media in all forms--television, advertising, Hollywood (especially Hollywood) has maintained and reinforced racial stereotypes forever. And Democratic politicians pander to blacks without offering anything beyond welfare payments.

Another symptom of a failed state.
The Race-Baiters have a nice scam going on. If you speak honestly and challenge them, they'll immediately label you a 'Racist.'

Heres another guy. I've been here two pages and havent called anyone racist but that is the way you guarantee to not have a discussion at all. Pretend you're being attacked out the gate and then concluded from your pretend victimization that no one wants to hear you anyway so why try.

2nd person to do that....weird huh? No not really, its typical

You Race-Baiters don't want honesty. You just want everyone to shut up and listen to your whiny Race-Baiting. That's not a discussion. Most don't even bother with you guys anymore. It's not worth it. A Lose/Lose proposition for sure. So i won't get sucked in again. Better things to do. Enjoy your Race-Baiting. See ya :)
Deal with your guilt on your own terms. Don't try to pimp it to others who had nothing to do with slavery, or those of us whose ancestors served in the Union army.
I should feel guilt? And my family served on both sides, so does that make me even?
I don't give a rat's ass. Just stop trying to pimp your guilt out. It doesn't work.
Well these are the kind of questions that a non-race-coward would have to work out answers to eh? So far, you have none...
The Race-Baiters have a nice scam going on. If you speak honestly and challenge them, they'll immediately label you a 'Racist.'

Heres another guy. I've been here two pages and havent called anyone racist but that is the way you guarantee to not have a discussion at all. Pretend you're being attacked out the gate and then concluded from your pretend victimization that no one wants to hear you anyway so why try.

2nd person to do that....weird huh? No not really, its typical

You Race-Baiters don't want honesty. You just want everyone to shut up and listen to your whiny Race-Baiting. That's not a discussion. Most don't even bother with you guys anymore. It's not worth it. A Lose/Lose proposition for sure. So i won't get sucked in again. Better things to do. Enjoy your Race-Baiting. See ya :)

Thanks for stating my position. :doubt:

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