Are Americans Race Cowards?


We absolutely cannot and will not have the critically-needed honest discussion of race in this country until and unless all parties can be open and honest, without fear of being labeled a racist or some other name, and without fear of "consequences" being leveled simply for speaking their mind.

It's difficult to believe that the Left doesn't understand this seemingly obvious fact, and that's why I have to wonder if they really do want to address and fix this problem.


I don't see this as a "left/right" issue at all. Institutionalized racism is a consequence of an aristocracy that thrives on media culture, control of resources, and power. The media in all forms--television, advertising, Hollywood (especially Hollywood) has maintained and reinforced racial stereotypes forever. And Democratic politicians pander to blacks without offering anything beyond welfare payments.

Another symptom of a failed state.

Is there really an institutionalized racism? I dont know. Hollywood and entertainment media would just say they are echoing black culture. But there is a feedback effect. Kids do something. It gets commercialized. Other kids see it and start copying it. I heard the biggest market for gangsta rap music is suburban middle class white kids.
listen pops, their isn't anything more gay or immoral then being proud that your people slaughtered women and children in God's name. pussies. Your people are the same as any jihad fags killing behind God's good name for your personal wealth and fame. your people are sheep led to the slaughter.
who you calling sand ****** you queer? whose that fag picture you have hanging on your wall? lol.

Now we're getting somewhere, as in real. And I'm just a standard American Racist Whitey my little faggot-hating sand ******.

Jewboy's god BTW, went from being a tribal one to the One True God because of the slaughter. They won and chalked it up to him.
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ya, whose been feeding the world a constant diet of evil images, ideas and fake new? Oh, it's the jews. as usual
me too. lol. I hate everybody evenly so I ain't racist even tho I'm whiter then you. if you don't know where my handle comes from, look in the mirror you dolts.
you think it's a sand ****** name? that's funny coming from a non jewish white so called "american" christian you are no doubt.

We absolutely cannot and will not have the critically-needed honest discussion of race in this country until and unless all parties can be open and honest, without fear of being labeled a racist or some other name, and without fear of "consequences" being leveled simply for speaking their mind.

It's difficult to believe that the Left doesn't understand this seemingly obvious fact, and that's why I have to wonder if they really do want to address and fix this problem.


I don't see this as a "left/right" issue at all. Institutionalized racism is a consequence of an aristocracy that thrives on media culture, control of resources, and power. The media in all forms--television, advertising, Hollywood (especially Hollywood) has maintained and reinforced racial stereotypes forever. And Democratic politicians pander to blacks without offering anything beyond welfare payments.

Another symptom of a failed state.

Is there really an institutionalized racism? I dont know. Hollywood and entertainment media would just say they are echoing black culture. But there is a feedback effect. Kids do something. It gets commercialized. Other kids see it and start copying it. I heard the biggest market for gangsta rap music is suburban middle class white kids.

Oh, I'm certain that it's institutionalized--based upon tribalism and bigotry. American has its own unique difficulties because of the multitudes of immigrants imported by capitalists to provide labor for the mills. Different races just don't normally get along that well anywhere, and there is no place comparable to America when it comes to a diversity of races.

But the white tribe pretty much runs things here, and they aim to keep it that way.
What you will dismiss whole heartedly is the effect of slavery. Look at any group anywhere in the world that was held back by the majority of the population. You'll find that they (surprisingly) do not do as well as the oppressors. Shocking I know. If you believe that history effects the future. Then you'll have to acknowledge that the history of slavery effects the present.

50 years of laws (which you object too constantly as racist) doesnt change 400+ years of history. Whites have had 400 years here and they are still in trailers. So you have to figure that every black person cant be in a great place after 50 years
Not all Whites, not all Blacks.

First Female self made Millionaire, Madam C. J. Walker, was Black, and that was around 1900, only 35 years after the end of Slavery. How do you explain THAT?

America offers Equal Opportunity NOT Equal Results.

Only Robots can give you Equal Results. Is that yer plan for everybody?

Excellent post. Not all blacks and Not all whites.

People will take an opportunity and run with it to the best of their ability or not. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.

The results depend on the individuals and their personal characteristics. Some will shine brightly and some will just excel. But the important matter is that the opportunity was given to all.

There were poor whites who didn't get the opportunities given to the blacks and it is interesting we don't hear them complaining about not giving them extraordinary rights in hiring, colleges clamoring for poor whites special accommodations in the education department for just them. But they don't have pastors running around doing photo ops for poor whites or have National Organization for the Advancement of Poor Whites.

No one seems to care. It's their own lazy damn fault. If they would get off the drugs and couch, stay in school and stop having babies out of wedlock, maybe they could make something of themselves. Funny what a lack of pigment in the skin doesn't get you.
Oh, I'm certain that it's institutionalized--based upon tribalism and bigotry. American has its own unique difficulties because of the multitudes of immigrants imported by capitalists to provide labor for the mills. Different races just don't normally get along that well anywhere, and there is no place comparable to America when it comes to a diversity of races.

But the white tribe pretty much runs things here, and they aim to keep it that way.

There is no such thing as institutionalized racism. The problem which leads people to believe that this boogey-man exists is very simple to identify - when you ask a misleading or wrong question (because you don't understand this issue well enough to ask the correct question) then you will get the wrong answer.

People point to a racial wage gap, but they don't ask the correct question:

The analyses of the General Social Survey data from 1974 to 2000 replicate earlier findings from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth that racial disparity in earnings disappears once cognitive ability is controlled for. The results are robust across many alternative specifications, and further show that blacks receive significantly greater returns to their cognitive ability than nonblacks. The trend data show that there was no sign of racial discrimination in the United States as early as 1970s. The analyses call into question the necessity of and justification for preferential treatment of ethnic minorities​

Explain this - wealthy black families, where we see black judges and black physicians, have children who are less intelligent than the children of white janitors.

Looks like the usual suspect Race-Baiters are gonna be proven to be shit-stirring assholes once again. The photos have been released showing the suspect committing strong-arm robbery. He's shown assaulting the store clerk. So it looks like the Police may have gotten this one right.

We absolutely cannot and will not have the critically-needed honest discussion of race in this country until and unless all parties can be open and honest, without fear of being labeled a racist or some other name, and without fear of "consequences" being leveled simply for speaking their mind.

It's difficult to believe that the Left doesn't understand this seemingly obvious fact, and that's why I have to wonder if they really do want to address and fix this problem.


Nobody is stopping anyone from saying what they want to say.

We absolutely cannot and will not have the critically-needed honest discussion of race in this country until and unless all parties can be open and honest, without fear of being labeled a racist or some other name, and without fear of "consequences" being leveled simply for speaking their mind.

It's difficult to believe that the Left doesn't understand this seemingly obvious fact, and that's why I have to wonder if they really do want to address and fix this problem.


Nobody is stopping anyone from saying what they want to say.

Thats how they avoid the discussion. Before it can even begin they say they will be called racist, blacks dont want the discussion, I'm white and my feelings are hurt and thats just as bad as slavery, etc etc etc.

Ensuring the discussion never happens. Look at Paulitian, the only thing he keeps posting is how blacks are awful and he knows blacks want to hurt him or something
There is no such thing as institutionalized racism.
Oh but there is, unfortunately. Now that said, let me blow you away. There are differences in IQ when looked at in the populations as a whole, and you, white guy, are not on top. There are also differences because of who designed the tests, and what they are testing. Both of those are factors in what you posted, along with racism endemic to our society. When you really dig down the differences become smaller but they are still there.

For example:

There will never be an honest discussion about race, because it would take away the Left's political advantage.

Still hooked on the lie that the Left keeps the darkies down so they lock up their votes and those ******* and wetbacks are too stupid to figure that out there eh Mac? If they were only smarter they'd vote for the people who really care about them, the whitey party known as the GOP? Sure thing Mac, sure thing...

Hardcore partisan ideologues can talk themselves into pretty much anything.

There will never be an honest discussion about race, because it would take away the Left's political advantage.

The decay continues.


See? Perfect example :eusa_clap:

Hardcore partisan ideologues can talk themselves into pretty much anything.

There will never be an honest discussion about race, because it would take away the Left's political advantage.

The decay continues.


See? Perfect example :eusa_clap:

Yep. I see it.

I am always willing to discuss matters of race. I've been living for nearly 50 years and have never felt pressure to keep quiet about race. I've never felt as though I needed to shut up or be called a racist.

I wonder why that is?
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