Are conservatives smarter than liberals?


Gold Member
May 4, 2012
Every day on this board we seem to have threads about 'how stupid are libs?', 'dimbocrats', 'typical liberal stupidity' know the drill.

The strange thing is, I don't see a lot of posts claiming the opposite. Some comments, sure, but I think most people will agree that there are far, far more posts labelling liberalism as being in some way stupid, a mental illness etc than there are posts about conservatism claiming the same superiority.

I don't get this at all - I see no link between political views and intelligence. I've met some brilliant socialists, a couple of brilliant fascists, and everything in between. I have met enough painfully stupid liberals and painfully stupid conservatives that I don't think either side are in too great a position to start claiming a monopoly on smarts.

Isn't claiming 'liberalism is a mental illness' the kind of Catch 22 comment that only an intellectual dwarf could assume?

Or is there a reason that some conservatives believe they are intellectually superior?
Every day on this board we seem to have threads about 'how stupid are libs?', 'dimbocrats', 'typical liberal stupidity' know the drill.

The strange thing is, I don't see a lot of posts claiming the opposite. Some comments, sure, but I think most people will agree that there are far, far more posts labelling liberalism as being in some way stupid, a mental illness etc than there are posts about conservatism claiming the same superiority.

I don't get this at all - I see no link between political views and intelligence. I've met some brilliant socialists, a couple of brilliant fascists, and everything in between. I have met enough painfully stupid liberals and painfully stupid conservatives that I don't think either side are in too great a position to start claiming a monopoly on smarts.

Isn't claiming 'liberalism is a mental illness' the kind of Catch 22 comment that only an intellectual dwarf could assume?

Or is there a reason that some conservatives believe they are intellectually superior?

If you truly have substance in a debate, you don't resort directly to "You are stupid!" simply use your substance.

When someone holds the debate "You are stupid" EVERYONE knows they lost the debate.
I tend to agree, AntiParty....particularly when someone starts a thread entitled something like 'liberals are this stupid' I wonder if it is arrogance or incredible insecurity that leads them to do it. Or maybe some people just like to get a reaction, I guess.
I tend to agree, AntiParty....particularly when someone starts a thread entitled something like 'liberals are this stupid' I wonder if it is arrogance or incredible insecurity that leads them to do it. Or maybe some people just like to get a reaction, I guess.

Your post inspired me to make a post of my own on the topic. 10 Ways to Avoid Brainwashing Yes everyone and all parties US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

NO party is stupid. All have good perspectives and flaws. The problem with America today is parties justify their flaws because they are more invested in their parties good perspectives.

In whole, everyone in America wants the same thing. Some blame the Government, some blame the Corporations......but they are both the same thing kind of. You can't become a politician without the funding from many Corporations.
When liberals have to LIE to trick their own base into supporting their policies, well there you have it.

You clearly don't know what the term Liberal means and you clearly haven't visited websites of fact checkers. Last election Republicans stated, "We won't let our campaign be dictated by fact checkers" after being found full of lies just like Fox News is currently today.
When liberals have to LIE to trick their own base into supporting their policies, well there you have it.

I think this posts says a lot about what I am talking about - neither party has a monopoly on honesty, not even a particularly strong record of honesty.

And yet here we see posters who scream about one party every day, but are simply incapable of screaming about the other. I don't see that as being particularly intelligent.
When liberals have to LIE to trick their own base into supporting their policies, well there you have it.

You clearly don't know what the term Liberal means and you clearly haven't visited websites of fact checkers. Last election Republicans stated, "We won't let our campaign be dictated by fact checkers" after being found full of lies just like Fox News is currently today.

Liberal = lying America hating Chinese communist loving socialist puke. Glad I could clear that up for you.
When liberals have to LIE to trick their own base into supporting their policies, well there you have it.

I think this posts says a lot about what I am talking about - neither party has a monopoly on honesty, not even a particularly strong record of honesty.

And yet here we see posters who scream about one party every day, but are simply incapable of screaming about the other. I don't see that as being particularly intelligent.

Oh please, not another 'the other side does it to' excuse. Look the left's lying has spiraled completely out of control, its like comparing a camp fire to a forest fire.
When liberals have to LIE to trick their own base into supporting their policies, well there you have it.

I think this posts says a lot about what I am talking about - neither party has a monopoly on honesty, not even a particularly strong record of honesty.

And yet here we see posters who scream about one party every day, but are simply incapable of screaming about the other. I don't see that as being particularly intelligent.

All parties lie. Only small brains don't realize this. Again, there are fact checker sources that review all of this. "Strong record of honesty" no. "Strong record of lies" yes. It's why certain parties hate when it has nothing to do with parties at all.
When liberals have to LIE to trick their own base into supporting their policies, well there you have it.

You clearly don't know what the term Liberal means and you clearly haven't visited websites of fact checkers. Last election Republicans stated, "We won't let our campaign be dictated by fact checkers" after being found full of lies just like Fox News is currently today.

Liberal = lying America hating Chinese communist loving socialist puke. Glad I could clear that up for you.

ˈlib(ə)rəl/tolerant, unprejudiced, unbigoted, broad-minded, open-minded, enlightened;More
permissive, free, free and easy, easygoing, libertarian, indulgent, lenient
"the values of a liberal society"
antonyms:narrow-minded, bigoted
  • of or characteristic of Liberals or a Liberal Party.
    adjective: Liberal
  • (in the UK) of or relating to the Liberal Democrat Party.
    adjective: Liberal
    "the Liberal leader"
  • Theology
    regarding many traditional beliefs as dispensable, invalidated by modern thought, or liable to change.
  • 2.
    (of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.
    synonyms:wide-ranging, broad-based, general
    [TBODY] [/TBODY]
When liberals have to LIE to trick their own base into supporting their policies, well there you have it.

You clearly don't know what the term Liberal means and you clearly haven't visited websites of fact checkers. Last election Republicans stated, "We won't let our campaign be dictated by fact checkers" after being found full of lies just like Fox News is currently today.

Liberal = lying America hating Chinese communist loving socialist puke. Glad I could clear that up for you.

ˈlib(ə)rəl/tolerant, unprejudiced, unbigoted, broad-minded, open-minded, enlightened;More
permissive, free, free and easy, easygoing, libertarian, indulgent, lenient
"the values of a liberal society"
antonyms:narrow-minded, bigoted
  • of or characteristic of Liberals or a Liberal Party.
    adjective: Liberal
  • (in the UK) of or relating to the Liberal Democrat Party.
    adjective: Liberal
    "the Liberal leader"
  • Theology
    regarding many traditional beliefs as dispensable, invalidated by modern thought, or liable to change.
  • 2.
    (of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.
    synonyms:wide-ranging, broad-based, general
    [TBODY] [/TBODY]

Liberal = Pelosi lies, the Catholic church calls her out on her lie and incredibly she accuses the Catholic church of lying. lol If you like your plan if you like your doctor you can keep your plan and doctor, period. Any of this refreshing your memory?
When liberals have to LIE to trick their own base into supporting their policies, well there you have it.

I think this posts says a lot about what I am talking about - neither party has a monopoly on honesty, not even a particularly strong record of honesty.

And yet here we see posters who scream about one party every day, but are simply incapable of screaming about the other. I don't see that as being particularly intelligent.

Oh please, not another 'the other side does it to' excuse. Look the left's lying has spiraled completely out of control, its like comparing a camp fire to a forest fire.

If you think the Left has anything to do with the Chinese Government and their perspectives you need to do 1 hours research to prove yourself ignorant.

The Left Wing media today is applauding the Chinese people for fighting for their individual rights to protect them from a Government using them as profit drones. Occupy is strong in China today. If you even know what Occupy is....
When liberals have to LIE to trick their own base into supporting their policies, well there you have it.

I think this posts says a lot about what I am talking about - neither party has a monopoly on honesty, not even a particularly strong record of honesty.

And yet here we see posters who scream about one party every day, but are simply incapable of screaming about the other. I don't see that as being particularly intelligent.

Oh please, not another 'the other side does it to' excuse. Look the left's lying has spiraled completely out of control, its like comparing a camp fire to a forest fire.

If you think the Left has anything to do with the Chinese Government and their perspectives you need to do 1 hours research to prove yourself ignorant.

The Left Wing media today is applauding the Chinese people for fighting for their individual rights to protect them from a Government using them as profit drones.

Riiiiight, Obama has repeatedly held up China as an example of good vs America as an example of bad but there's nothing to see, move along, we get it that's why we kicked the living shit out of the Dem's in this election.
When liberals have to LIE to trick their own base into supporting their policies, well there you have it.

I think this posts says a lot about what I am talking about - neither party has a monopoly on honesty, not even a particularly strong record of honesty.

And yet here we see posters who scream about one party every day, but are simply incapable of screaming about the other. I don't see that as being particularly intelligent.

Oh please, not another 'the other side does it to' excuse. Look the left's lying has spiraled completely out of control, its like comparing a camp fire to a forest fire.

If you think the Left has anything to do with the Chinese Government and their perspectives you need to do 1 hours research to prove yourself ignorant.

The Left Wing media today is applauding the Chinese people for fighting for their individual rights to protect them from a Government using them as profit drones. Occupy is strong in China today. If you even know what Occupy is....
"Occupy" is even stronger in Tibet.
Last edited:
When liberals have to LIE to trick their own base into supporting their policies, well there you have it.

You clearly don't know what the term Liberal means and you clearly haven't visited websites of fact checkers. Last election Republicans stated, "We won't let our campaign be dictated by fact checkers" after being found full of lies just like Fox News is currently today.

Liberal = lying America hating Chinese communist loving socialist puke. Glad I could clear that up for you.

ˈlib(ə)rəl/tolerant, unprejudiced, unbigoted, broad-minded, open-minded, enlightened;More
permissive, free, free and easy, easygoing, libertarian, indulgent, lenient
"the values of a liberal society"
antonyms:narrow-minded, bigoted
  • of or characteristic of Liberals or a Liberal Party.
    adjective: Liberal
  • (in the UK) of or relating to the Liberal Democrat Party.
    adjective: Liberal
    "the Liberal leader"
  • Theology
    regarding many traditional beliefs as dispensable, invalidated by modern thought, or liable to change.
  • 2.
    (of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.
    synonyms:wide-ranging, broad-based, general
    [TBODY] [/TBODY]

Liberal = Pelosi lies, the Catholic church calls her out on her lie and incredibly she accuses the Catholic church of lying. lol If you like your plan if you like your doctor you can keep your plan and doctor, period. Any of this refreshing your memory?

Catholic's have ruled long enough. America is sick of oppression.
When liberals have to LIE to trick their own base into supporting their policies, well there you have it.

I think this posts says a lot about what I am talking about - neither party has a monopoly on honesty, not even a particularly strong record of honesty.

And yet here we see posters who scream about one party every day, but are simply incapable of screaming about the other. I don't see that as being particularly intelligent.

Oh please, not another 'the other side does it to' excuse. Look the left's lying has spiraled completely out of control, its like comparing a camp fire to a forest fire.

If you think the Left has anything to do with the Chinese Government and their perspectives you need to do 1 hours research to prove yourself ignorant.

The Left Wing media today is applauding the Chinese people for fighting for their individual rights to protect them from a Government using them as profit drones.

Riiiiight, Obama has repeatedly held up China as an example of good vs America as an example of bad but there's nothing to see, move along, we get it that's why we kicked the living shit out of the Dem's in this election.

The Chinese people are fed up with a Government that is making them pollute their own atmosphere and work for nothing. China has "smog days" in school similar to our "snow days"
Every day on this board we seem to have threads about 'how stupid are libs?', 'dimbocrats', 'typical liberal stupidity' know the drill.

The strange thing is, I don't see a lot of posts claiming the opposite. Some comments, sure, but I think most people will agree that there are far, far more posts labelling liberalism as being in some way stupid, a mental illness etc than there are posts about conservatism claiming the same superiority.

I don't get this at all - I see no link between political views and intelligence. I've met some brilliant socialists, a couple of brilliant fascists, and everything in between. I have met enough painfully stupid liberals and painfully stupid conservatives that I don't think either side are in too great a position to start claiming a monopoly on smarts.

Isn't claiming 'liberalism is a mental illness' the kind of Catch 22 comment that only an intellectual dwarf could assume?

Or is there a reason that some conservatives believe they are intellectually superior?

the proof is the idiotic and harmful policies libs support- yes they are dumber; much more so.

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