Zone1 Are Farms Animal Cruelty Zones Or Just Purely Educational?

Road Runner

Gold Supporting Member
Jun 16, 2021
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Since this came up in another thread I wanted to address it. Now my position on zoos is pretty clearcut. As long as the animals are in enclosers that have the animals enough room to run around then I don't have any problem with them so it's fairly simple to understand. However, when it comes to the farm as I'm going there next month it seems to be that I'm hypocritical if I don't like looking and touching and petting the animals when they're alive but I also love my ham, pork, bacon, chicken, beef, and cheeseburgers. (Plus I love milk and dairy products)

I've said this time and time again but it's probably because I'm not a farmer myself. If I was I'll be the first one to admit that I probably would form an emotional attachment to the animals. However, I'm not a farmer and the animals there are just neat to see but it doesn't bother me that I'm eating one of their species because I don't have any special relationship to them.

Plus I don't eat as many fruits and vegetables as I should so it's mostly what I eat to stay alive. Anyways, that all being said I'm really excited about going to the farm and seeing the animals and seeing all their crops etc. (It's been many years since I've been there so I forget what all they have there but obviously it's one that allows visitors.) and I was debating about whether or not I should post pictures because of the uproar it might cause, but I don't see why not. I'm going in April because that's baby season. 🥰 (Oh and I draw the line at eating babies as I don't want to touch lamb or veal or anything.)
Last week I took the great-grandson over to a friend's farm and we showed him the various livestock and I explained to him that's where our meat and eggs comes from.

He got to ride on the tractor when the owner put a couple of round bails out for the cattle. I took along his muck boots and let him play in the creek a bit. He really enjoyed it.
Last week I took the great-grandson over to a friend's farm and we showed him the various livestock and I explained to him that's where our meat and eggs comes from.

The local farm that I go to is very open and straightforward with all of the children that visit it as well. It never scarred me for life when I went as a child knowing that I was eating what I was petting either. :dunno:
Last week I took the great-grandson over to a friend's farm and we showed him the various livestock and I explained to him that's where our meat and eggs comes from.

He got to ride on the tractor when the owner put a couple of round bails out for the cattle. I took along his muck boots and let him play in the creek a bit. He really enjoyed it.
Either you are very old or ya all start very early
The animals on a farm are not pets

They are there for a purpose… be raised to a certain size and then slaughtered and sold.
I refuse to participate knowing my posts will be deleted.

But I will say this. Yes, farms are ABUSIVE and it only requires a tiny bit of honesty to understand this.

You're only looking for people who will tell you you're doing nothing wrong


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I refuse to participate knowing my posts will be deleted.

But I will say this. Yes, farms are ABUSIVE and it only requires a tiny bit of honesty to understand this.

You're only looking for people who will tell you you're doing nothing wrong

No, actually I'm being open for all opinions whether you agree with me or not. You say they're abusive, how? Just because they kill the animals for food or is there something else that I'm missing?

Goats and horses are my favorite farm animals and I don't even eat them. 😍 (Or drink their milk or eat goat cheese. 🤮)
Btw, I TOTALLY want a goat for a pet but unfortunately I live in the city. I always wanted a horse too though.

I thought that you kept pigs. So do you get emotionally attached to them or do you not have any problems butchering them whatsoever? I hate to admit it, I do love to eat their meat but they are also cute in an ugly sort of way. 😆
Since this came up in another thread I wanted to address it. Now my position on zoos is pretty clearcut. As long as the animals are in enclosers that have the animals enough room to run around then I don't have any problem with them so it's fairly simple to understand. However, when it comes to the farm as I'm going there next month it seems to be that I'm hypocritical if I don't like looking and touching and petting the animals when they're alive but I also love my ham, pork, bacon, chicken, beef, and cheeseburgers. (Plus I love milk and dairy products)

I've said this time and time again but it's probably because I'm not a farmer myself. If I was I'll be the first one to admit that I probably would form an emotional attachment to the animals. However, I'm not a farmer and the animals there are just neat to see but it doesn't bother me that I'm eating one of their species because I don't have any special relationship to them.

Plus I don't eat as many fruits and vegetables as I should so it's mostly what I eat to stay alive. Anyways, that all being said I'm really excited about going to the farm and seeing the animals and seeing all their crops etc. (It's been many years since I've been there so I forget what all they have there but obviously it's one that allows visitors.) and I was debating about whether or not I should post pictures because of the uproar it might cause, but I don't see why not. I'm going in April because that's baby season. 🥰 (Oh and I draw the line at eating babies as I don't want to touch lamb or veal or anything.)

There's so much to be said here I really don't even know where to begin.

Before I continue, I just want to answer your question from the other thread. This will probably piss off a lot of people, but you asked and I have to answer honestly.

No, I do not believe one can love animals yet exploit and harm them. To do so takes either:

  1. sincere ignorance
  2. extreme cognitive dissonance and willful blindness

Now getting to the question of farming....gosh, again, there's so much to talk about it's hard to know where to start.

Let's start with dairy. What dairy boils down to is the following:

  1. Forcibly causing a cow to be pregnant so that she will lactate

  2. After she gives birth (usually Day One or soon after that) the baby calf is forcibly and permanently taken away from the mother cow, causing deep distress to both the mother and the baby. Why? To steal the milk intended for the baby, to sell it to humans.

  3. If the baby cow is a male, he is considered useless to the dairy industry, and either sold to be veal (extremely cruel and evil) or sometimes sold to be beef..... but in many cases in different parts of the world the baby male cow is shot and killed soon after birth.

    Please this short video:

  4. Year after year the same exploitative cruel cycle continues where the mother cow is forced to be pregnant over and over and over again, has her babies taken away over and over and over again, and is treated like a milk machine, to the point where she becomes so exhausted that she can no longer go on. And at that point, what is their reward for years of "serving" people so humans can make a profit? Once the cow is no longer useful, she is killed to become cheap hamburger meat.

This video below states the information in a sarcastic way, but sometimes bluntness is needed to shake people awake. I've posted this before but I'll post it again, but please take the time to watch it:

Whoa, hold up there too much at one time buttercup. Let's rewind to the loving animals part. Do I think that pigs and cows are neat to look at and touch? Yes, I do. Do I love them like I would a cat or dog or a pet of mine? No not really because I don't have a personal relationship with them.

Oh and the whole dairy farming part is in the protection of the calf but I know that you wouldn't watch my video any more than I want to watch yours, but at least I can debate civilly with you now as nothing is personal anymore. You grew on me. :)
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