Are MAGAs even a little bit embarrassed?


Diamond Member
Jun 3, 2014
It's a provable fact that trump lies often. Many of his supporters acknowledge this, but don't care. I'm just wondering if his followers are ever even a little bit embarrassed by the lies that can not possibly be true. Accepting his every day lies is one thing, but it seems that accepting the bizarrely absurd lies that couldn't possibly be true should eventually cause at least some embarrassment for his followers.
It's a provable fact that trump lies often. Many of his supporters acknowledge this, but don't care. I'm just wondering if his followers are ever even a little bit embarrassed by the lies that can not possibly be true. Accepting his every day lies is one thing, but it seems that accepting the bizarrely absurd lies that couldn't possibly be true should eventually cause at least some embarrassment for his followers.

Very, very unlikely. He has the best words and the biggest brain.
Trump’s march to the sea of stupidity continued yesterday when he boasted about his “beach body”

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It's a provable fact that trump lies often. Many of his supporters acknowledge this, but don't care. I'm just wondering if his followers are ever even a little bit embarrassed by the lies that can not possibly be true. Accepting his every day lies is one thing, but it seems that accepting the bizarrely absurd lies that couldn't possibly be true should eventually cause at least some embarrassment for his followers.

You’d have to have morals to be embarrassed. Most blob supporters need not apply.
He says dumb stuff and it would be great if we had a stronger candidate.

The dems had a bowl of potato salad for president- where is the embarassment there? They tossed him out and installed Harris, circumventing the primary process completely (while claiming to be saving democracry-lol) for a woman who can't hold an adult level conversation without someone writing her lines, and whom they likely knew would not survive an actual primary. - still no embarassment.

It should be embarrassing to all of us that these are the 2 candidates we have. On policy I'll still take Trump over word-salad-Kamala. I'd have preferred DeSantis, but Kamala is laughable and her and Joe's policies on immigration have been flat destructive, nor am I a fan of the global agenda they seem so fond of. I didn't vote for Trump in 2016, but did vs Hillary as I thought she was bad for the country and I'll vote for him again in 2024. Not because I think he's some amazing genius, but because Kamala as president is ridiculous, based on her past record.

Bad tweets, stupid things- yada yada. It should be policy. The rest is mud slinging.
Trump’s march to the sea of stupidity continued yesterday when he boasted about his “beach body”

More direct evidence that Democrats and Leftists have ZERO sense of humor. The title of your own link says .."Trump Jokes". ...
These threads are about as effective as holding your breath in changing anyone's mind on their vote.

As imperfect as Trump is, as much as I dislike some policies of the GOP, there is no way in hell I could ever vote for any current liberal candidate. That's just the way it is.

The childish claims of who or who isn't in a cult only creates further division and the campaign of Shame is simply lame and pathetic, and only shows the lack of intelligence of those using the tactic.
It should be embarrassing to all of us that these are the 2 candidates we have.

Indeed, I have been saying this for years.

But in the end, we have nobody to blame but those that keep voting for them.
It's a provable fact that trump lies often. Many of his supporters acknowledge this, but don't care. I'm just wondering if his followers are ever even a little bit embarrassed by the lies that can not possibly be true. Accepting his every day lies is one thing, but it seems that accepting the bizarrely absurd lies that couldn't possibly be true should eventually cause at least some embarrassment for his followers.

The lack of any self awareness is a requitement for admission to the cult.
You DO realize the face of your party is an ignorant slut with an IQ of 79, and this bed-shitting vegetable.... right?

biden beach dreams of ashley.jpg
I get that. Question is how to get better candidates outside of this 2 party system.
The two corrupt corporations posing as political parties have a literal stranglehold on the process and make it impossible for any rivals.

Money is now king of the political system and both major parties pick who runs.
The media will only cover those preselected candidates during primaries.
The poster blaming voters is off base as there really isn't a choice.

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