Are MAGAs even a little bit embarrassed?

And every cult response is a deflection away from trump
They simply can’t address any of these 10
Why not?
Calling Biden a vegetable is easy
Accepting trump as a liar and a moron cuts too deep
Yep. This is absolutely personal for them. So they convince themselves and each other that he is the exact opposite of what he really is.

Group pathology. The world has seen it before.
Meanwhile the left lap up Kamala lies like candy.

Libs love lies ....Billy boy was non stop liar

The projection is so thick, you could cut it with a knife. LOL

You DO realize the face of your party is an ignorant slut with an IQ of 79, and this bed-shitting vegetable.... right?

Let's see.....a successful President vs a know nothing hooker...gee that's a hard choice....whatever shall I do

Better the occasional minor stretching of the truth than the constant stream of out-and-out lies by the dems whenever one of them opens their mouth.

The level of hatred by the left toward MAGAs is on full display here

America is close to becoming a dysfunctional society that is split into two parts
And NONE of you Cultists will address trump. You MUST deflect.
You are too afraid of the total embarrassment.
It hurts you to admit he is gone.
(D) did it with biden.
You cult members simply cannot.
It hurts too much.
It's a provable fact that trump lies often. Many of his supporters acknowledge this, but don't care. I'm just wondering if his followers are ever even a little bit embarrassed by the lies that can not possibly be true. Accepting his every day lies is one thing, but it seems that accepting the bizarrely absurd lies that couldn't possibly be true should eventually cause at least some embarrassment for his followers.

Id rather be waterhoarded than vote Dem.
Yep. This is absolutely personal for them. So they convince themselves and each other that he is the exact opposite of what he really is.

Group pathology. The world has seen it before.
The destruction of our country by the Swamp and Commies like you is personal.

I personally Detest the WOKE BS FROM YOUR SIDE.

i also detest the Hitler Youth BS you spout everyday. You are a Cult over and over again. To the poinr of Needing a Barf Bag.
Trump’s march to the sea of stupidity continued yesterday when he boasted about his “beach body”

Beached WHALE Body

And NONE of you Cultists will address trump. You MUST deflect.
You are too afraid of the total embarrassment.
It hurts you to admit he is gone.
(D) did it with biden.
You cult members simply cannot.
It hurts too much.
What about trump that does not apply to the obama/biden/harris junta?

We are being ruled by an embarrassing gang of Baby Boomers in both parties

And the fence jockeys are no better

At least trump has the best policies
And NONE of you Cultists will address trump. You MUST deflect.
You are too afraid of the total embarrassment.
It hurts you to admit he is gone.
(D) did it with biden.
You cult members simply cannot.
It hurts too much.
What would you like addressed sport? He's a liar? OK , he's a liar. And Harris is a liar. What's your point that you start spewing your sanctimonious, holier than thou bullshit?
Aren't lefties embarrassed that the entire freaking media lied to us about Biden's mental health for the last three years? Doesn't a left wing British editorial criticizing Trump constitute foreign interference in an American election?
It's a provable fact that trump lies often. Many of his supporters acknowledge this, but don't care. I'm just wondering if his followers are ever even a little bit embarrassed by the lies that can not possibly be true. Accepting his every day lies is one thing, but it seems that accepting the bizarrely absurd lies that couldn't possibly be true should eventually cause at least some embarrassment for his followers.

Can't shame the shameless. :dunno: Magaturds are pathological in their hate fest.
He says dumb stuff and it would be great if we had a stronger candidate.

The dems had a bowl of potato salad for president- where is the embarassment there? They tossed him out and installed Harris, circumventing the primary process completely (while claiming to be saving democracry-lol) for a woman who can't hold an adult level conversation without someone writing her lines, and whom they likely knew would not survive an actual primary. - still no embarassment.

It should be embarrassing to all of us that these are the 2 candidates we have. On policy I'll still take Trump over word-salad-Kamala. I'd have preferred DeSantis, but Kamala is laughable and her and Joe's policies on immigration have been flat destructive, nor am I a fan of the global agenda they seem so fond of. I didn't vote for Trump in 2016, but did vs Hillary as I thought she was bad for the country and I'll vote for him again in 2024. Not because I think he's some amazing genius, but because Kamala as president is ridiculous, based on her past record.

Bad tweets, stupid things- yada yada. It should be policy. The rest is mud slinging.
You're an idiot.
Aren't lefties embarrassed that the entire freaking media lied to us about Biden's mental health for the last three years? Doesn't a left wing British editorial criticizing Trump constitute foreign interference in an American election?
No and Dems love it when foreigners interfere in our elections on behalf of Dems.

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