Are Republicans still claiming the credit for getting Bin Laden?




Delta developed an audacious plan to come at bin Laden from the one direction he would never expect.

"We want to come in on the back door," Fury explains. "The original plan that we sent up through our higher headquarters, Delta Force wants to come in over the mountain with oxygen, coming from the Pakistan side, over the mountains and come in and get a drop on bin Laden from behind."

But they didn't take that route, because Fury says they didn't get approval from a higher level. "Whether that was Central Command all the way up to the president of the United States, I'm not sure," he says.

The next option that Delta wanted to employ was to drop hundreds of landmines in the mountain passes that led to Pakistan, which was bin Laden's escape route.

"First guy blows his leg off, everybody else stops. That allows aircraft overhead to find them. They see all these heat sources out there. Okay, there a big large group of Al Qaeda moving south. They can engage that," Fury explains.

But they didn't do that either, because Fury says that plan was also disapproved. He says he has "no idea" why.

"How often does Delta come up with a tactical plan that's disapproved by higher headquarters?" Pelley asks.

"In my experience, in my five years at Delta, never before," Fury says.

Elite Officer Recalls Bin Laden Hunt - CBS News

It took Obama 2 ½ years to do to bin Laden what his fumbling predecessor could not do during his whole presidency. And once Obama turned his cold gaze in the direction of Gaddafi, what Reagan, Clinton, and two Bushes could not achieve was done in 5 ½ months.

Obama Invisible in Right-Wing Narratives about bin Laden, Gaddafi

Did Bush even want to get Bin Laden? Would America have allowed Republicans to invade Iraq if Bin Laden had been captured?
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Delta developed an audacious plan to come at bin Laden from the one direction he would never expect.

"We want to come in on the back door," Fury explains. "The original plan that we sent up through our higher headquarters, Delta Force wants to come in over the mountain with oxygen, coming from the Pakistan side, over the mountains and come in and get a drop on bin Laden from behind."

But they didn't take that route, because Fury says they didn't get approval from a higher level. "Whether that was Central Command all the way up to the president of the United States, I'm not sure," he says.

The next option that Delta wanted to employ was to drop hundreds of landmines in the mountain passes that led to Pakistan, which was bin Laden's escape route.

"First guy blows his leg off, everybody else stops. That allows aircraft overhead to find them. They see all these heat sources out there. Okay, there a big large group of Al Qaeda moving south. They can engage that," Fury explains.

But they didn't do that either, because Fury says that plan was also disapproved. He says he has "no idea" why.

"How often does Delta come up with a tactical plan that's disapproved by higher headquarters?" Pelley asks.

"In my experience, in my five years at Delta, never before," Fury says.

Elite Officer Recalls Bin Laden Hunt - CBS News

It took Obama 2 ½ years to do to bin Laden what his fumbling predecessor could not do during his whole presidency. And once Obama turned his cold gaze in the direction of Gaddafi, what Reagan, Clinton, and two Bushes could not achieve was done in 5 ½ months.

Obama Invisible in Right-Wing Narratives about bin Laden, Gaddafi

Did Bush even want to get Bin Laden? Would America have allowed Republicans to invade Iraq if Bin Laden had been captured?

The guy is a flake, which explains why you are quoting him.

If they had mined the passes through the mountains of Afghanistan they would have ended up killing hundreds of people, and probably would not have gotten bin Laden. Those are still trade routes, and most of the people that use them are not Al Qeada operatives. That probably got shot down before it got out of SOCOM, if it was ever proposed.

Delta developed an audacious plan to come at bin Laden from the one direction he would never expect.

"We want to come in on the back door," Fury explains. "The original plan that we sent up through our higher headquarters, Delta Force wants to come in over the mountain with oxygen, coming from the Pakistan side, over the mountains and come in and get a drop on bin Laden from behind."

But they didn't take that route, because Fury says they didn't get approval from a higher level. "Whether that was Central Command all the way up to the president of the United States, I'm not sure," he says.

The next option that Delta wanted to employ was to drop hundreds of landmines in the mountain passes that led to Pakistan, which was bin Laden's escape route.

"First guy blows his leg off, everybody else stops. That allows aircraft overhead to find them. They see all these heat sources out there. Okay, there a big large group of Al Qaeda moving south. They can engage that," Fury explains.

But they didn't do that either, because Fury says that plan was also disapproved. He says he has "no idea" why.

"How often does Delta come up with a tactical plan that's disapproved by higher headquarters?" Pelley asks.

"In my experience, in my five years at Delta, never before," Fury says.

Elite Officer Recalls Bin Laden Hunt - CBS News

It took Obama 2 ½ years to do to bin Laden what his fumbling predecessor could not do during his whole presidency. And once Obama turned his cold gaze in the direction of Gaddafi, what Reagan, Clinton, and two Bushes could not achieve was done in 5 ½ months.

Obama Invisible in Right-Wing Narratives about bin Laden, Gaddafi

Did Bush even want to get Bin Laden? Would America have allowed Republicans to invade Iraq if Bin Laden had been captured?

Yep, we are still taking credit for getting Bin Lauden, because of enhanced interrogation that led to his whereabouts. Bush aimed the gun all Obama did was pull the trigger.
Tactic 1. Bush really set the ball in motion and deserves all the credit

Tactic 2. Obama didn't actually kill anyone so deserves no credit

Take your pick
Im fairly confident Seal Team 6 was likely a nonpartisan organization of government.
Tactic 1. Bush really set the ball in motion and deserves all the credit

Tactic 2. Obama didn't actually kill anyone so deserves no credit

Take your pick

1. For sure, yet Obama does get some credit for not pulling a Clinton and deferring to the "it's a law enforcement issue" tact.
Yep, we are still taking credit for getting Bin Lauden, because of enhanced interrogation that led to his whereabouts. Bush aimed the gun all Obama did was pull the trigger.

Yet Bush closed down the unit that was tracking Bin Laden. So information Bush had was good 5 or 6 years later? Is there anyone who can possibly really believe that? Besides yourself? The burning question: If Bush had this information for 5 or 6 years, why the fuck didn't he USE IT?

C.I.A. Closes Unit Focused on Capture of bin Laden

Published: July 4, 2006
WASHINGTON, July 3 — The Central Intelligence Agency has closed a unit that for a decade had the mission of hunting Osama bin Laden and his top lieutenants, intelligence officials confirmed Monday.

The unit, known as Alec Station, was disbanded late last year and its analysts reassigned within the C.I.A. Counterterrorist Center, the officials said.

Michael Scheuer, a former senior C.I.A. official who was the first head of the unit, said the move reflected a view within the agency that Mr. bin Laden was no longer the threat he once was.

C.I.A. Closes Unit Focused on Capture of bin Laden - New York Times

Delta developed an audacious plan to come at bin Laden from the one direction he would never expect.

"We want to come in on the back door," Fury explains. "The original plan that we sent up through our higher headquarters, Delta Force wants to come in over the mountain with oxygen, coming from the Pakistan side, over the mountains and come in and get a drop on bin Laden from behind."

But they didn't take that route, because Fury says they didn't get approval from a higher level. "Whether that was Central Command all the way up to the president of the United States, I'm not sure," he says.

The next option that Delta wanted to employ was to drop hundreds of landmines in the mountain passes that led to Pakistan, which was bin Laden's escape route.

"First guy blows his leg off, everybody else stops. That allows aircraft overhead to find them. They see all these heat sources out there. Okay, there a big large group of Al Qaeda moving south. They can engage that," Fury explains.

But they didn't do that either, because Fury says that plan was also disapproved. He says he has "no idea" why.

"How often does Delta come up with a tactical plan that's disapproved by higher headquarters?" Pelley asks.

"In my experience, in my five years at Delta, never before," Fury says.

Elite Officer Recalls Bin Laden Hunt - CBS News

It took Obama 2 ½ years to do to bin Laden what his fumbling predecessor could not do during his whole presidency. And once Obama turned his cold gaze in the direction of Gaddafi, what Reagan, Clinton, and two Bushes could not achieve was done in 5 ½ months.

Obama Invisible in Right-Wing Narratives about bin Laden, Gaddafi

Did Bush even want to get Bin Laden? Would America have allowed Republicans to invade Iraq if Bin Laden had been captured?

Yep, we are still taking credit for getting Bin Lauden, because of enhanced interrogation that led to his whereabouts. Bush aimed the gun all Obama did was pull the trigger.

If Obama really did order the hit? There are many that state that it was Leon Panetta that ordered the attack on the compound because Obama hesitated. One has to wonder why it took 8 long months after finding the location of Bin Laden to make the attack.

Here is the story:

Obama hesitated--Leon Panetta ordered attack on Osama Bin Laden

Obama Hesitated

If this story is true--Hillary Clinton will confirm it--directly after she leaves office in 2012--in her next book--LOL
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Tactic 1. Bush really set the ball in motion and deserves all the credit

Tactic 2. Obama didn't actually kill anyone so deserves no credit

Take your pick

I prefer this...

Bush really set the ball in motion, so he deserves some credit.

Obama gave the OK, once the intel was 100%, so he deserves some credit.

SEAL TEAM 6 pulled the trigger, so THEY deserve 99% of the credit.

Delta developed an audacious plan to come at bin Laden from the one direction he would never expect.

"We want to come in on the back door," Fury explains. "The original plan that we sent up through our higher headquarters, Delta Force wants to come in over the mountain with oxygen, coming from the Pakistan side, over the mountains and come in and get a drop on bin Laden from behind."

But they didn't take that route, because Fury says they didn't get approval from a higher level. "Whether that was Central Command all the way up to the president of the United States, I'm not sure," he says.

The next option that Delta wanted to employ was to drop hundreds of landmines in the mountain passes that led to Pakistan, which was bin Laden's escape route.

"First guy blows his leg off, everybody else stops. That allows aircraft overhead to find them. They see all these heat sources out there. Okay, there a big large group of Al Qaeda moving south. They can engage that," Fury explains.

But they didn't do that either, because Fury says that plan was also disapproved. He says he has "no idea" why.

"How often does Delta come up with a tactical plan that's disapproved by higher headquarters?" Pelley asks.

"In my experience, in my five years at Delta, never before," Fury says.

Elite Officer Recalls Bin Laden Hunt - CBS News

It took Obama 2 ½ years to do to bin Laden what his fumbling predecessor could not do during his whole presidency. And once Obama turned his cold gaze in the direction of Gaddafi, what Reagan, Clinton, and two Bushes could not achieve was done in 5 ½ months.

Obama Invisible in Right-Wing Narratives about bin Laden, Gaddafi

Did Bush even want to get Bin Laden? Would America have allowed Republicans to invade Iraq if Bin Laden had been captured?

The next option that Delta wanted to employ was to drop hundreds of landmines in the mountain passes that led to Pakistan, which was bin Laden's escape route.

i thought land mines were considered illegal to use.....and were banned in the 90's?....

Delta developed an audacious plan to come at bin Laden from the one direction he would never expect.

"We want to come in on the back door," Fury explains. "The original plan that we sent up through our higher headquarters, Delta Force wants to come in over the mountain with oxygen, coming from the Pakistan side, over the mountains and come in and get a drop on bin Laden from behind."

But they didn't take that route, because Fury says they didn't get approval from a higher level. "Whether that was Central Command all the way up to the president of the United States, I'm not sure," he says.

The next option that Delta wanted to employ was to drop hundreds of landmines in the mountain passes that led to Pakistan, which was bin Laden's escape route.

"First guy blows his leg off, everybody else stops. That allows aircraft overhead to find them. They see all these heat sources out there. Okay, there a big large group of Al Qaeda moving south. They can engage that," Fury explains.

But they didn't do that either, because Fury says that plan was also disapproved. He says he has "no idea" why.

"How often does Delta come up with a tactical plan that's disapproved by higher headquarters?" Pelley asks.

"In my experience, in my five years at Delta, never before," Fury says.

Elite Officer Recalls Bin Laden Hunt - CBS News

It took Obama 2 ½ years to do to bin Laden what his fumbling predecessor could not do during his whole presidency. And once Obama turned his cold gaze in the direction of Gaddafi, what Reagan, Clinton, and two Bushes could not achieve was done in 5 ½ months.

Obama Invisible in Right-Wing Narratives about bin Laden, Gaddafi

Did Bush even want to get Bin Laden? Would America have allowed Republicans to invade Iraq if Bin Laden had been captured?

The next option that Delta wanted to employ was to drop hundreds of landmines in the mountain passes that led to Pakistan, which was bin Laden's escape route.

i thought land mines were considered illegal to use.....and were banned in the 90's?....

ICBL - International Campaign to Ban Landmines

unfortunately, we are non-signatories for both the mine ban, and the cluster munitions ban
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Tactic 1. Bush really set the ball in motion and deserves all the credit

Tactic 2. Obama didn't actually kill anyone so deserves no credit

Take your pick

who gives a fuck.....the guys out there now are hard core compared to pussy Laden or Gadaffy.....
Tactic 1. Bush really set the ball in motion and deserves all the credit

Tactic 2. Obama didn't actually kill anyone so deserves no credit

Take your pick

How about a more sesnible interpretation. Bush set the ball in motion by allowing the military experts to do what they do best. He neither interfered nor is responsible for anything other then saying yes.

Obama likewise isn't responsible for anything other than saying "yes" at the exact right time. Presidents don't pull triggers. Soldiers do. And for that I thank them...not the president, whether it is a Republican or a Democrat.
Tactic 1. Bush really set the ball in motion and deserves all the credit

Tactic 2. Obama didn't actually kill anyone so deserves no credit

Take your pick

the military killed bin laden; neither bush nor obama deserve any credit, any more than either one of them deserves credit for the sun coming up.
Tactic 1. Bush really set the ball in motion and deserves all the credit

Tactic 2. Obama didn't actually kill anyone so deserves no credit

Take your pick

the military killed bin laden; neither bush nor obama deserve any credit, any more than either one of them deserves credit for the sun coming up.

It took a lot of people to find Bin Laden and the intelligence community deserves a lot of credit for this also.

Leon Panetta and other CIA chiefs and agents deserve credit also--

Obama Hesitated
Yep, we are still taking credit for getting Bin Lauden, because of enhanced interrogation that led to his whereabouts. Bush aimed the gun all Obama did was pull the trigger.

Yet Bush closed down the unit that was tracking Bin Laden. So information Bush had was good 5 or 6 years later? Is there anyone who can possibly really believe that? Besides yourself? The burning question: If Bush had this information for 5 or 6 years, why the fuck didn't he USE IT?

C.I.A. Closes Unit Focused on Capture of bin Laden

Published: July 4, 2006
WASHINGTON, July 3 — The Central Intelligence Agency has closed a unit that for a decade had the mission of hunting Osama bin Laden and his top lieutenants, intelligence officials confirmed Monday.

The unit, known as Alec Station, was disbanded late last year and its analysts reassigned within the C.I.A. Counterterrorist Center, the officials said.

Michael Scheuer, a former senior C.I.A. official who was the first head of the unit, said the move reflected a view within the agency that Mr. bin Laden was no longer the threat he once was.

C.I.A. Closes Unit Focused on Capture of bin Laden - New York Times

Are Republicans saying Bush sat on this information for 5 or 6 years so the next president could "do it".
Do the Obamites think the killing of BinLaden (and the bizarre disposal of his body) was Barry's "mission acomplished"? Guess what lefties, Americans are still being killed in Afghanistan.

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