Are the fires in california the dying gasp of a civilization?


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2019
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Could be

Most things happen for a reason and the Los Angles fires are no exception

The left wants to blame it all on global warming and nothing else

If they can sell that lie to the voters of california the state is doomed

Not just because of future fires but from looters, shoplifters, drug addiction, mental illness, and soft on crime democrat leadership that is powerless to fix the problems
I think the fires in LA, maui, the chem spills in East Palestine ohio and otherNUMEROUS really stupid 'accidents' and devastation are all symptoms of the destruction of civilization just as I think the mindsets of democrat/liberal/progressive women are a large symptom of a dying civilization. You don't kill your unborn and flourish. You don't physically and mentally damage your children and youth with unnatural beliefs and actions. You don't destroy men in your society and expect to survive. Did you get a look at the women in DC today at the renamed women's march (to kill their unborn and pretend men are women?) It's now caled the Peoples' march, so a to include all the alphabet genders. sick. Peoples' march...sounds commie to me.
As I see what's happening and hearing from those in California, I can't believe what's happening. Arrests are made daily of illegals still trying to start fires. They are released. Looters are arrested in multiples. Most are here illegally and protected by sanctuary laws. The criminals have flooded in such numbers that nearby cities are inundated.

Still nothing is done. It's climate change. That's why California will become a no man's land.
As I see what's happening and hearing from those in California, I can't believe what's happening. Arrests are made daily of illegals still trying to start fires. They are released. Looters are arrested in multiples. Most are here illegally and protected by sanctuary laws. The criminals have flooded in such numbers that nearby cities are inundated.

Still nothing is done. It's climate change. That's why California will become a no man's land.
If proven guilty, arsonists go to jail.
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