Are the Mods aware aspects of USMB have become like Stormfront

I was there for two weeks. I knew I would be banned, and I wanted to see how long I would last. The first week I contributed to a thread about pre Christian Germanic myth and legend. That is a subject I am versed in, having read all of the surviving works.

The second week I became more daring, and contributed to a thread about Mein Kampf, which I have read. When I pointed out that one of Hitler's charges against German Jews during World War I was false I was banned.
What charge was that?
I like to argue on the internet. The Ashkenazim are the most superior race in existence. :yes_text12:
Thank you. We do have our positive attributes - as indicated by our high percentage of Nobel prize winners, and the highest average IQ. These are facts that can’t be argued.

BTW, wasn’t Israel’s targeted pager attack on the Islamic terrorists pure brilliance?
The Palestinians are the squatters. It is time for them to be thrown into the desert. Let's see if they can make the desert bloom, like the Jews did.
Nope. Most are descended from Jewish farmers who didn't leave in the first century.

I almost NEVER do/have.
But he stalks my posts and this is a Moderator issue.
And of course here, unlike FB, there is no Block (which is 2-sided), but only ignore which just blinds you and doesn't prevent mocking response or getting feedbacks.
I tried to change that but FlaCalTeeen wouldn't go for it as it would hurt Page view$$$.
This place is a dumping ground for RW rejects and has no moderation/rules.
You can post here without ever posting more than 10 words or a meme.
I understand…but at least there is an ignore feature which I also hate to have to use. I only use it when certain posters never respond with substance but only respond with trolling/personal attacks . I feel like the ignore feature is most useful as the conversation will go nowhere with posters like that. Some people might disagree with my view… so people say they have nobody on ignore but they should understand that if the conversation never goes anywhere, and you are only engaging with trolling and personal attacks ….what’s the point of engaging ?

I would not stress it. Dont worry about the poster in question still being able to see you. I think in this case that these minor problems are well worth a free speech atmosphere that is allowed by this site. Just keep in mind that other message boards are very strict and silence people with different political viewpoints even if they don’t engage in personal attacks or vulgarity.
Israel is a squatter nation.
So is Turkey and every ounce of OTTOMAN LAND.

Constantinople was Christian land. Perhaps we should use your mentality and kick those SQUATERS of the land AND TAKE IT.


Gaza was hardly inhabited during WWI.

Your Outrage is BS
But for a smidgen of cooperation and the cessation of the constant rhetoric that Israel must be destroyed they could have a completely different life.
Palestinians have always been allowed to migrate across into Israel and assimilate. They choose otherwise.
That isn't really the case.
So is Turkey and every ounce of OTTOMAN LAND.

Constantinople was Christian land. Perhaps we should use your mentality and kick those SQUATERS of the land AND TAKE IT.


Gaza was hardly inhabited during WWI.

Your Outrage is BS
Yup. They are OUTRAGED when it involves the Jewish country, and ignore it when it’s done elsewhere.

Double standards by the antisemites.
Fuck him.

Just tell him to go to hell and laugh at him.

Israel has eveey right to beat the hell out of Gaza.
Yup. These Jew-haters skip right over the part that the Muslim terrorists started it - and in the most horrific, savage, non-human way possible.
That isn't really the case.
Well I can't profess to be an expert on that particular affair. I know Jews and I know Palestinians.

I can't help but think that it's not them but an outside force that's driving them against each other.

I don't have to be correct it's just a feeling.

Up till now the constant call from the Muslim side is that Israel simply must be completely destroyed and there is no mitigating of that goal. They may very well reach that goal eventually but it's silly for them to think they're going to get there without any resistance.
Well I can't profess to be an expert on that particular affair. I know Jews and I know Palestinians. I can't help but think that it's not them but an outside force that's driving them against each other
I don't have to be correct it's just a feeling.
It's the governments. The people are just people, like you and me.

Both of the leadership cadres suck ass.
Well I can't profess to be an expert on that particular affair. I know Jews and I know Palestinians. I can't help but think that it's not them but an outside force that's driving them against each other
I don't have to be correct it's just a feeling.
An outside force made Islamic terrorists hunt down every innocent Jew they could find, including setting their houses on fire to drive them out into the open, and then torture them to death in the most terrifying, agonizing, humiliating, horrific ways possible?

What force are you suggesting?
I will preface this by saying I have never actually visited Stormfront and know of its existence only from the leftists here.

That said, much of the Israel/Palestine subforum has become a platform for Jew-haters to spread antisemitic propaganda, most notably the blood libel of “genocide” and comparisons of Israel to Nazi Germany, in an effort to spread Jew-hate. Both of these meet the standard of antisemitism, according to the definition accepted by the U.S. State Department and 150 other developed countries.

The most recent line of attack is that Israel is now committing a “genocide” in Lebanon. Are we to expect that when Islamic terrorists launch a big rocket attack or are about to do so, and Israel hits back, that the antisemites will call it a genocide?

If USMB has decided to provide a platform by which to allow antisemites to advance lies to increase contempt for Jews, well….its a private board and can do as the owner pleases. But let’s admit that this is what the I/P forum has devolved to.
Just another bullshit attempt to silence critics of Israeli foreign policy.

I was on Stormfront for 3 weeks. My user name was Rob Whitey. They are a bunch of pussies at that site. Your first post has to be reviewed and approved before being posted. My take is, if you're supposed to be tough guys, then why are you afraid of what people say?
Just another bullshit attempt to silence critics of Israeli foreign policy.

I was on Stormfront for 3 weeks. My user name was Rob Whitey. They are a bunch of pussies at that site. Your first post has to be reviewed and approved before being posted. My take is, if you're supposed to be tough guys, then why are you afraid of what people say?
Not afraid…..just don’t want antisemites spreading propaganda to drive hate against my people. Why do you WANT to spread the lies, is the real question.

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