Are the Mods aware aspects of USMB have become like Stormfront

if this is just about being against the Israeli PM - and not antisemitism - then why are college kids chanting “Death to Jews!,” assaulting Jewish kids, slamming them against walls, and yanking them out of their dorm rooms? And why is a Jew, simply looking at Chanukah decorations in the store, subjected to some anti-Jew remark

That is the only part of your post that is true.

The focus should be on Netanyahu and his enablers, not all Jews. The term is Zionist Fascism.

Hating Einstein is completely wrong... because he was Jewish and told the truth.

But that is not what is happening. The antisemites are spreading false and vicious lies. Israel is NOT committing genocide. Israel is NOT like Nazi Germany. Jews who support Israel’s right to exist are not “evil Zionists” akin to Hitler.

Those are all blatant antisemitism - smears driven by contempt for Jews, and wanting to spread it more.

And so too are the people screaming “fuck Israel!” when never mentioning TRUE genocide, or genocidal goals, of others. The double standards where Jews is concerned is despicable.

Q: if this is just about being against the Israeli PM - and not antisemitism - then why are college kids chanting “Death to Jews!,” assaulting Jewish kids, slamming them against walls, and yanking them out of their dorm rooms? And why is a Jew, simply looking at Chanukah decorations in the store, subjected to some anti-Jew remark?
Israel has committed war crimes with impunity. America is complicit.
All Israel has tried do throughout its existence has been to try to survive in a dangerous neighborhood.
No. Israel wants the land of the Palestinians. Israel is against an independent state for the Palestinians. That's a fact

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