Are the Mods aware aspects of USMB have become like Stormfront

Just give it better than they can take it. Taking things personal on here is fruitless.

I see antisemitism, hatred of Israel, etc. You can't educate them, evidently they're not teachable
My concern is that they may reach the gullible, not very intelligent posters. There’s one in mind, who really is clueless but is now parroting the same hateful, antisemitic lies.

This is why I push back - not to convince the antisemite spewing the venom, but to give the gullible the true picture.
My concern is that they may reach the gullible, not very intelligent posters. There’s one in mind, who really is clueless but is now parroting the same hateful, antisemitic lies.

This is why I push back - not to convince the antisemite spewing the venom, but to give the gullible the true picture.

I've got nothing against Jewish people and fully support Israel
The American left is clearly now in the camp of the Islamists. Going forward, the Dimocrat party will reflect this more and more, and will become the enemy of Israel and conservative Jews.
My concern is that they may reach the gullible, not very intelligent posters. There’s one in mind, who really is clueless but is now parroting the same hateful, antisemitic lies.

This is why I push back - not to convince the antisemite spewing the venom, but to give the gullible the true picture.
I just wish it was possible to respond to all the incendiary hatred in kind.
Bullshit claims made by you assclowns that Israel is engaging in “genocide” is indeed an antisemitic contention.
Sorry Blutarski, you don't get to make that call of definition.

By the UN definition of genocide, that IS what is happening in Gaza. And there is no reason to think they won't pursue the same thing in Lebanon...a sovereign country by the way.
But hey, we'll drop fliers warning you to evacuate. We don't care if you have nowhere to go or can't get out...we'll kill you all the same.
Just another way of Bibi and the hardliners ensuring that the legacy continues.
You people really are the Snowflakes you accuse liberals of being. The State of Israel isn't above criticism for its actions, even harsh ones. :itsok:
It is antisemitic to lie about the actions of Israel.

They are not engaged, nor have they ever been engaged, in genocide.

To make the claim is to make it out of prejudice and hatred. The very bedrock of antisemitism.
It is antisemitic to lie about the actions of Israel.

They are not engaged, nor have they ever been engaged, in genocide.

To make the claim is to make it out of prejudice and hatred. The very bedrock of antisemitism.
That's not a lie you Snowflake. It's a difference of opinion. Also Israel is a State, jews are the people and not all jews are Israeli Jews. This is a specific claim about the actions of a country, not a ethnic group.

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