Are the Mods aware aspects of USMB have become like Stormfront

That's not a lie you Snowflake. It's a difference of opinion. Also Israel is a State, jews are the people and not all jews are Israeli Jews. This is a specific claim about the actions of a country, not a ethnic group.
It is an outright lie.

You do not drop leaflets on a population warning them ahead of time of an imminent attack and then use precise munitions to ensure you hit ONLY that target you aim at and label that as genocide.

A little intellectual honesty from your jew haters would be nice for a change.

I laughed at the term "difference of opinion".
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The OP has hundreds of racist anti black threads and posts. There are better representatives of the Jewish FAITH than her to talk about anti semitism. The OP is a white racist and it gets real old reading this bitches whining about anti semitism just because she gets called out on her racism.

Jews are not being opposed, the right wing government of Israel is. Netanyahu needs to get the fuck out. And we need to stop supporting them until he and Likkud are gone. If we wants to fight everybody, do it by himself and with the weapons he's got. When that runs out, he is on his own. We don't need to be dragged into a war because punk ass Netanyahu wants to stay in power.

So if my refusal to support Jewish rIght wing extremists is anti semitic, so be it. Because a right wing extremist Jew is no different than any other fundamentalist nutjob. Netanyahu might as well be calling for jihad because that's the exact same thing he is doing.

Stop telling me about what Hamas did. Israel exacted justice for that long ago.
The OP has hundreds of racist anti black threads and posts. There are better representatives of the Jewish FAITH than her to talk about anti semitism. The OP is a white racist and it gets real old reading this bitches whining about anti semitism just because she gets called out on her racism.

Jews are not being opposed, the right wing government of Israel is. Netanyahu needs to get the fuck out. And we need to stop supporting them until he and Likkud are gone. If we wants to fight everybody, do it by himself and with the weapons he's got. When that runs out, he is on his own. We don't need to be dragged into a war because punk ass Netanyahu wants to stay in power.

So if my refusal to support Jewish rIght wing extremists is anti semitic, so be it. Because a right wing extremist Jew is no different than any other fundamentalist nutjob. Netanyahu might as well be calling for jihad because that's the exact same thing he is doing.

Stop telling me about what Hamas did. Israel exacted justice for that long ago.

Wut? Lol
It is an outright lie.
It's an opinion about intent. You have a different one. :dunno:

Do you understand the difference between facts and opinions? :dunno:
You do not drop leaflets on a population warning them ahead of time of an imminent attack and then use precise munitions to ensure you hit ONLY that tartet you aim at and label that as genocide.
In your opinion.....

In my opinion when those people don't have very many other places to go that just seems like a cruel joke.
A little intellectual honesty from your jew haters would be nice for a change.
You're the one misconstruing facts and opinions my guy. :dunno:
I laughed at the term "difference of opinion".
And I laugh at your understanding of what a fact and falsehood are. :dunno:
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It is an outright lie.

You do not drop leaflets on a population warning them ahead of time of an imminent attack and then use precise munitions to ensure you hit ONLY that tartet you aim at and label that as genocide.

A little intellectual honesty from your jew haters would be nice for a change.

I laughed at the term "difference of opinion".
Except that hasn't always happened.
The DemoKKKrat party
Marvin keeps living the LIE.

Southern KKK copy.png
That's not a lie you Snowflake. It's a difference of opinion. Also Israel is a State, jews are the people and not all jews are Israeli Jews. This is a specific claim about the actions of a country, not a ethnic group.
And the claim is an antisemitic blood libel! There is no genocide.
Sorry Blutarski, you don't get to make that call of definition.

The definition already exists, JerkOff. And it’s you who is denied permission to change it. So gfy.
By the UN definition of genocide,
Any daffynition by the UN is also beside the point. Let’s refer instead to the actual definition.

genocide, the deliberate and systematic destruction of a group of people because of their ethnicity, nationality, religion, or race.
that IS what is happening in Gaza.
No. Even the trite and biased UN daffynition is not what’s going on. And under the actual definition, it unquestionably is not “genocide.”

There is obviously no intent to destroy the whole of the group we call “Palestinians.”

There is an intent to destroy Hamas. A very different thing.

You entirely lack any shred of credibility, JerkOff.

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