Are the Mods aware aspects of USMB have become like Stormfront

I will preface this by saying I have never actually visited Stormfront and know of its existence only from the leftists here.

That said, much of the Israel/Palestine subforum has become a platform for Jew-haters to spread antisemitic propaganda, most notably the blood libel of “genocide” and comparisons of Israel to Nazi Germany, in an effort to spread Jew-hate. Both of these meet the standard of antisemitism, according to the definition accepted by the U.S. State Department and 150 other developed countries.

The most recent line of attack is that Israel is now committing a “genocide” in Lebanon. Are we to expect that when Islamic terrorists launch a big rocket attack or are about to do so, and Israel hits back, that the antisemites will call it a genocide?

If USMB has decided to provide a platform by which to allow antisemites to advance lies to increase contempt for Jews, well….its a private board and can do as the owner pleases. But let’s admit that this is what the I/P forum has devolved to.

This forum is not like Stormfront. It allows some freedom of speech and thought. So, you have a wide range of opinions Lisa. I've been on all sort of forums going back to the bulletin board days...hundreds of them and hundreds more. Do you want a forum where everyone just sucks IM2's dick? Is freedom of speech and thought, Stormfront to you Lisa?

Why don't you go to Reddit where you will have a safe space, Lisa?

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I have never spent much time at Stormfront. They don't like profanity and are too Christian nutter for me. They banned me, so I just read it once in a while to keep up with things. Maybe I check in a couple times or three a year. From what I gather and I may be wrong, they have a super duper Stormfront where it is invite only, but I'm not sure. They do have an opposing opinions forum where you can go and tell them they are bad people, Lisa.

I never even read their rules until now. No wonder they didn't like my stuff.


As far as the Jews?

Yes, Stormfront really hates the Jews...for some reason. Alan Watts used to say we define ourselves by our enemy. He used the beatnik vs squares as an example. So, just as IM2 hates whites 24/7/365, so does Stormfront hate Jews 24/7/365. I said, if a meteor was going to hit eath and destroy it...Stormfront would say the Jews are behind it.

I have no idea about the ethinic cleaning the Jews are doing. Suppsoedly Trump Jr or soemone in the Trump family said Gaza will make nice beachfront property...or some such thing. The Jews do make a great mag loader, the UpLULA. And they got some pretty olive oil skin beauties over there.
This forum is not like Stormfront. It allows some freedom of speech and thought. So, you have a wide range of opinions Lisa. I've been on all sort of forums going back to the bulletin board days...hundreds of them and hundreds more. Do you want a forum where everyone just sucks IM2's dick? Is freedom of speech and thought, Stormfront to you Lisa?

Why don't you go to Reddit where you will have a safe space, Lisa?

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I have never spent much time at Stormfront. They don't like profanity and are too Christian nutter for me. They banned me, so I just read it once in a while to keep up with things. Maybe I check in a couple times or three a year. From what I gather and I may be wrong, they have a super duper Stormfront where it is invite only, but I'm not sure. They do have an opposing opinions forum where you can go and tell them they are bad people, Lisa.

I never even read their rules until now. No wonder they didn't like my stuff.

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As far as the Jews?

Yes, Stormfront really hates the Jews...for some reason. Alan Watts used to say we define ourselves by our enemy. He used the beatnik vs squares as an example. So, just as IM2 hates whites 24/7/365, so does Stormfront hate Jews 24/7/365. I said, if a meteor was going to hit eath and destroy it...Stormfront would say the Jews are behind it.

I have no idea about the ethinic cleaning the Jews are doing. Suppsoedly Trump Jr or soemon in thate Trump family said Gaza will make nice beachfront propoerty...or some such thing. The Jews do make a great mag loader, the UpLULA. And they got some pretty olive oil skin beauties over there.
If you think people agreeing with me in opposition to your racism is sucking my dick, then you have a severe probem.
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Don’t listen to him. I’ve never said anything racist. I am opposed to race-based policies, like DEI and AA, preferring that race be irrelevant, and so he calls me racist.

To him, a racist is anyone who doesn’t go along with favoritism to blacks based on skin color.
This forum is not like Stormfront. It allows some freedom of speech and thought. So, you have a wide range of opinions Lisa. I've been on all sort of forums going back to the bulletin board days...hundreds of them and hundreds more. Do you want a forum where everyone just sucks IM2's dick? Is freedom of speech and thought, Stormfront to you Lisa?

Why don't you go to Reddit where you will have a safe space, Lisa?

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I have never spent much time at Stormfront. They don't like profanity and are too Christian nutter for me. They banned me, so I just read it once in a while to keep up with things. Maybe I check in a couple times or three a year. From what I gather and I may be wrong, they have a super duper Stormfront where it is invite only, but I'm not sure. They do have an opposing opinions forum where you can go and tell them they are bad people, Lisa.

I never even read their rules until now. No wonder they didn't like my stuff.

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As far as the Jews?

Yes, Stormfront really hates the Jews...for some reason. Alan Watts used to say we define ourselves by our enemy. He used the beatnik vs squares as an example. So, just as IM2 hates whites 24/7/365, so does Stormfront hate Jews 24/7/365. I said, if a meteor was going to hit eath and destroy it...Stormfront would say the Jews are behind it.

I have no idea about the ethinic cleaning the Jews are doing. Suppsoedly Trump Jr or soemone in the Trump family said Gaza will make nice beachfront property...or some such thing. The Jews do make a great mag loader, the UpLULA. And they got some pretty olive oil skin beauties over there.
You gave away your OWN antisemitism when you talked about “the ethnic cleansing Jews are doing, rendering the rest of your post meaningless.
Well, they’d like to…..if they could. If the Dems keep enriching Iran, who knows?

Criticizing the actions and the policies of the Israeli government is NOT antisemitism.
Much of the time, your statement is true. Many are just viscerally opposed to armed conflict of any type, and speaking out agains the one successfully prosecuting at the time. But, there are surprisingly many (nowhere near a mojority of commenters) that for some reason, do appear to hate Jewish people, are anti-Israel and would love to see it destroyed. I have never understood this. I view the existance of Israel as settled international law, settled before I was born, and supported by US foreign policy attesting to such, as it should be and always has been. I am not Jewish, and have no close Jewish friends (I am aware of), but certainly have not Jewish enemies, either. I support Israel doing whatever it needs to, in order to assure the continued existence of that country and the safety of all that live within its borders.
Criticizing the actions and the policies of the Israeli government is NOT antisemitism.
Claiming Israel is committing a “genocide” is an outright lie, and antisemitic propaganda. So are comparisons of Israel to Nazi Germany - a disgusting lie.

And, if this was just about Israeli policy, and not driven by hate for Jews, how do you explain all the virrulent antisemitic activity on (liberal) college campuses, and elsewhere? It is so bad that some Jews are removing their mezzzuzim, synogogues are hiring armed military men, and local antisemites march around chanting “Death to Jews.”

The over-the-top screams of “genocide!!!”, and Nazis!!” are driven by contempt for Jewish people.
Much of the time, your statement is true. Many are just viscerally opposed to armed conflict of any type, and speaking out agains the one successfully prosecuting at the time. But, there are surprisingly many (nowhere near a mojority of commenters) that for some reason, do appear to hate Jewish people, are anti-Israel and would love to see it destroyed. I have never understood this. I view the existance of Israel as settled international law, settled before I was born, and supported by US foreign policy attesting to such, as it should be and always has been. I am not Jewish, and have no close Jewish friends (I am aware of), but certainly have not Jewish enemies, either. I support Israel doing whatever it needs to, in order to assure the continued existence of that country and the safety of all that live within its borders.
I am glad you are aware of it. My fear is that the Jew-haters pushing antisemitic propaganda will influence ignorant and gullible people into believing their crap, and increase antisemitism even more than we have right now. And it’s plenty bad enough as is.
It seems that some people here just don't WANT to get it.


The Times of Israel is a Jerusalem-based online newspaper founded in 2012 to document developments in Israel, the Middle East and around the Jewish world.

The Times of Israel has no partisan political affiliation. It seeks to present the news fair-mindedly and offers a wide range of analysis and opinion pieces.

For years, Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it’s blown up in our faces​

For years, the various governments led by Benjamin Netanyahu took an approach that divided power between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank — bringing Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to his knees while making moves that propped up the Hamas terror group.

The idea was to prevent Abbas — or anyone else in the Palestinian Authority’s West Bank government — from advancing toward the establishment of a Palestinian state.

Thus, amid this bid to impair Abbas, Hamas was upgraded from a mere terror group to an organization with which Israel held indirect negotiations via Egypt, and one that was allowed to receive infusions of cash from abroad.
Most of the time, Israeli policy was to treat the Palestinian Authority as a burden and Hamas as an asset. Far-right MK Bezalel Smotrich, now the finance minister in the hardline government and leader of the Religious Zionism party, said so himself in 2015.

According to various reports, Netanyahu made a similar point at a Likud faction meeting in early 2019, when he was quoted as saying that those who oppose a Palestinian state should support the transfer of funds to Gaza, because maintaining the separation between the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza would prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state.

This tells any unbiased person tht the mess in Israel was created by its government. Netanyahu supported Hamas so to speak, just as long as Hamas helped him politically. Now he wants to create stories about how Hamas wants to wipe Israel off the map and how much of terrorist group they are.

He even compared this to Americas 9-11 in order to get Americans juiced up and ready to support his crusade.

Was Hamas out to erase Israel when he partnered with them to make a deal with Egypt?
Was Hamas out to erase Israel when he allowed them to be funded by Qatar?
Was Hamas out to erase Israel when he gave them a seat atthe table pertaining to work permits?

This is a report from Israel not the New York Times, and this is a mess Netanyahu created. We should leave him to clean up his own mess. If we do that, he won't be so quick to try starting wars everywhere else.
You can’t? Are you saying the mods are allowing this virrulent anti-Jew venom, and taking a hard line against people who push back against it?
I can't really go there, Lisa.

I simply want people to understand that when people offer fighting words, that it normal for the people they are attacking to respond.
I am glad you are aware of it. My fear is that the Jew-haters pushing antisemitic propaganda will influence ignorant and gullible people into believing their crap, and increase antisemitism even more than we have right now. And it’s plenty bad enough as is.
There is more white racism, including white racism from Jews such as yusef than anti semitism. And you push anti back narratives frequently.

This is from Haaretz, another Jewish publication.

Why Israel's Generals Are Now Openly Briefing Against Netanyahu​

Israel's military commanders should have confronted Netanyahu about the lack of a strategy for the day after Hamas before entering Gaza in October. Now, they may be right to blame him for squandering their tactical gains, but they must also shoulder some of the blame.

The revolt against Binyamin Netanyahu​

His war cabinet and generals want a new plan—and a new boss​

The economist is hardly a far left publication so don't use that excuse.
I am glad you are aware of it. My fear is that the Jew-haters pushing antisemitic propaganda will influence ignorant and gullible people into believing their crap, and increase antisemitism even more than we have right now. And it’s plenty bad enough as is.
It will not, during this latest round of military combat operations by Israel, against the organization in Gaza that perpetrated a true, genocidal sneak attack against Israel, almost a year ago.
Claiming Israel is committing a “genocide” is an outright lie, and antisemitic propaganda. So are comparisons of Israel to Nazi Germany - a disgusting lie.
40K+ dead in Gaza. Settlers murdering Palestinians in the West Bank with cover from the IDF. Bombing a sovereign country, killing indiscriminately. Pamphets aside.
These are criticisms of the government of Israel's campaign against Palestinians. And they are not antisemitic.
And, if this was just about Israeli policy, and not driven by hate for Jews, how do you explain all the virrulent antisemitic activity on (liberal) college campuses, and elsewhere? It is so bad that some Jews are removing their mezzzuzim, synogogues are hiring armed military men, and local antisemites march around chanting “Death to Jews.”
Well, even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while. :) Hatred of this kind has no place..anywhere. This talk..IS antisemitic. I only wish you'd show the same kind of concern for the Muslims and black people..or hell, even election workers.
The over-the-top screams of “genocide!!!”, and Nazis!!” are driven by contempt for Jewish people.
No. They are driven by a contempt for the hardline Israeli government policy toward the Palestinian people and reviling its hatchet man, Bibi.
That's not antisemitic.

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