Are the Mods aware aspects of USMB have become like Stormfront

if you dont like this forum? why dont you leave? so far i see nothing but complaining.

all she wants to do? is cause trouble. Then if she doesnt like it here- then report it to the mods. She uses every thread- to try a turn it into an intellectual excuse to spew her agenda? Which is constant? and accuse everyone else of what she's doing... it is funny.
My agenda? What agenda would that be? To reduce the antisemitic propoganda on social media that is driving the increased Jew-hate?

Sounds like a worthy objective to me.
My agenda? What agenda would that be? To reduce the antisemitic propoganda on social media that is driving the increased Jew-hate?

Sounds like a worthy objective to me.
no it isnt- you're feeding it- which is exactly what you are trying to do. low IQ... then complain and report to the mods... make sure you're proud of that... hahahahaha fake
It wasn't exactly a sneak attack white 6. Netanyahu was warned by his military that Hamas was planning an attack. He ignored it.

New Evidence Reveals IDF Had Detailed Prior Knowledge of Hamas Plan to Raid Israel

A newly surfaced document reveals that Israel Defense Forces and Israeli intelligence systems had detailed knowledge of Hamas' plan to raid Israel, including the number of hostages to be taken and specific instructions for their treatment while in captivity.

According to a Monday night report presented by Israel's public broadcaster, Kan, the document, which is based on information from military intelligence's 8200 Unit, began circulating on September 19, less than three weeks before the October 7 massacre.

The unnamed sources who provided Kan with the document, also claim its contents were brought to the attention of at least some senior intelligence officials but apparently ignored. The memo highlights the extent to which the IDF's Gaza Division was aware of a potential attack on Israel's southern border communities.

The document, titled "Detailed End-to-End Raid Training," goes into startling detail, beginning with a description of a series of exercises conducted by Hamas' elite Nukhba units in the weeks prior to its publication. "At 11 A.M., several companies were observed converging at the beginning of the training sessions, not before prayer and lunch," the memo recounts.

One of the most shocking sections of the IDF report involves instructions relating to the taking of hostages, the number of which is estimated to be between 200-250, alarmingly close to the actual 251 men, women, and children taken captive by Hamas.

Netanyahu Was Warned Twice About Hamas Attack Months Ago, Ignored Both Warnings: Report​

Ahead of the deadly October 7 terrorist attack on Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was personally warned, twice, that Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran desired to attack his nation, according to a report, despite repeated claims from the Israeli leader that no such warnings took place.

In two letters, the head of the research division in Israel’s Intelligence Division Lt. Col. Amit Sa'ar told Netanyahu that the political-social crisis in Israel was encouraging those groups to attack the nation, and possibly colluding to do so, Haaretz’s journalist Chaim Levinson reported on Monday.

"Iran, Hezbollah, and Hamas have identified an opportunity for a perfect storm," Sa’ar wrote according to Haaretz. “The players in the system indicate that Israel is in an acute, unprecedented crisis that threatens its cohesion and weakening."

“For our main enemies, Iran, Hezbollah, and Hamas, this weakness is an expression of a linear process that will end in the collapse of Israel and the current situation is an opportunity to accelerate and deepen its distress,” Sa’ar reportedly added in his letters. “This analysis of the players is the basis for assessing their situation and is already leading to changes in decision-making and risk-taking by the various players.”

I always like unnamed sources and claims. Fact remains, Hamas should not have started this, with its genocidal attack, last October, as the action is and was totally unacceptable by international law and beyond any standard of human decency.

I support Israel, Period.
My agenda? What agenda would that be? To reduce the antisemitic propoganda on social media that is driving the increased Jew-hate?

Sounds like a worthy objective to me.
How about YOU reduce your anti black racist rhetoric and propaganda?
I always like unnamed sources and claims. Fact remains, Hamas should not have started this, with its genocidal attack, last October, as the action is and was totally unacceptable by international law and beyond any standard of human decency.

I support Israel, Period.
Unfortunately for you and your opinion about unnamed sources, therea re named sources in this information also. Hamas didn't exactly start anything. The Israeli government has been the problem all along. So you go on and give blind support to actions of the Israeli government that the people of Israel are not giving.
I always like unnamed sources and claims. Fact remains, Hamas should not have started this, with its genocidal attack, last October, as the action is and was totally unacceptable by international law and beyond any standard of human decency.

I support Israel, Period.
And it was appalling to see how quickly people turned against Israel, even immediately after the genocidal massacre. Someone I know (and haven’t spoken to since October 2023) went to an anti-Israel rally the weekend after the attack.

That only days after Jews suffered the most devastating attack since the Holocaust we had people ALREADY demonstrating against Israel speaks to the antisemitism driving how this conflict is being manipulated to make the Jews the “bad guys.”
Unfortunately for you and your opinion about unnamed sources, therea re named sources in this information also. Hamas didn't exactly start anything. The Israeli government has been the problem all along. So you go on and give blind support to actions of the Israeli government that the people of Israel are not giving.
Thanks. I most likely will. Perhaps Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran, should cease to threaten, plot, plan, and implement attacks on Israel, in pursuit of the destruction of Israel, is my position.
I always like unnamed sources and claims. Fact remains, Hamas should not have started this, with its genocidal attack, last October, as the action is and was totally unacceptable by international law and beyond any standard of human decency.

I support Israel, Period.
And yet we have members here that support those terrorists, which is disgusting.
Thanks. I most likely will. Perhaps Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran, should cease to threaten, plot, plan, and implement attacks on Israel, in pursuit of the destruction of Israel, is my position.
Perhaps the Israeli government shoud stop expanding settlements against agreements, end settler violence and kiling, then demand that Netanyahu stand on trial for his propping up and empowering Hamas.

I can recognize the wrong Hamas has done. But there are two sides to this story and you only want to recognize one. Both sides have done wrong here white6., regardess of what you think.
And yet we have members here that support those terrorists, which is disgusting.
What we have are people who oppose the Israeli governments long history of violating agreements with Palestinians that started before you were born.
Debunked by whom? The increasingly antisemitic Democrat Party, pushing to allow more venom to be thrown at the Jew country? The Squad even wanted to defund the Iron Dome and let HAMAS kill as many Jews as possible.

And don’t lecture me about how the civilized world works. Your venom for Israel, and not a SINGLE word for the HAMAS savages, is a double standard - and a big tell.
I’m not engaging in any debates about Israel or Palestine in this thread. Or you making up my views about the situation

Full stop it’s about you trying to redefine what antisemitism is. The state department and Western countries who are beholden to American politicians agenda are also doing this. Thomas Massie and Marjorie Taylor Green has called out this hypocrisy.

I’m fully on board to support calling out anti-Jewish people, but there has to be direct evidence. They have to specifically claim Jews are inferior to non-Jews or Jews are trying to control the world. Not some BLM type re definition of what antisemitism is, which is exactly what the state department is engaging in….along with all of the Congress people Democrat and Republican who support redefining what antisemitism is to suit a political agenda.
Perhaps the Israeli government shoud stop expanding settlements against agreements, end settler violence and kiling, then demand that Netanyahu stand on trial for his propping up and empowering Hamas.

I can recognize the wrong Hamas has done. But there are two sides to this story and you only want to recognize one. Both sides have done wrong here white6., regardess of what you think.
If there were not a long history of attacks on Israel from near boarders, I might be inclined to agree, they are not blameless. But, my viewpoints go back to the 6 day war, back in the 60s, and repeated assertions, that Israel has not right to exist and indeed should be destroyed. There have been those people and those countries, that have been against the existence of Israel since it was established. That it exists, is a matter of settled international law, set up and established, during my father's and grandfather's generations, and supported by my country after a world war. I will not bother going back to the debate, now.
If there were not a long history of attacks on Israel from near boarders, I might be inclined to agree, they are not blameless. But, my viewpoints go back to the 6 day war, back in the 60s, and repeated assertions, that Israel has not right to exist and indeed should be destroyed. There have been those people and those countries, that have been against the existence of Israel since it was established. That it exists, is a matter of settled international law, set up and established, during my father's and grandfather's generations, and supported by my country after a world war. I will not bother going back to the debate, now.
Go on back to the Nakba and understand that both sides have done wrong.
I’m not engaging in any debates about Israel or Palestine in this thread. Or you making up my views about the situation

Full stop it’s about you trying to redefine what antisemitism is. The state department and Western countries who are beholden to American politicians agenda are also doing this. Thomas Massie and Marjorie Taylor Green has called out this hypocrisy.

I’m fully on board to support calling out anti-Jewish people, but there has to be direct evidence. They have to specifically claim Jews are inferior to non-Jews or Jews are trying to control the world. Not some BLM type re definition of what antisemitism is, which is exactly what the state department is engaging in….along with all of the Congress people Democrat and Republican who support redefining what antisemitism is to suit a political agenda.
your post is the best on this thread. Touche
if you [Lisa] dont like this forum? why dont you leave? so far i see nothing but complaining.

all she [Lisa] wants to do? is cause trouble. Then if she doesnt like it here- then report it to the mods. She uses every thread- to try an turn it into an intellectual excuse to spew her agenda? Which is constant? and accuse everyone else of what she's doing... it is funny.
Because Lisa is paid to post here. No one--and I mean NO ONE--would carry on like her and play the religion card if she was not paid to do it.
This was written 5 years ago. Some of Netanyahus own Generals saw this coming.

Why Israel’s Generals Are Taking on Netanyahu​

by Neri Zilber
Jul 2, 2019

Almost all of them believe the prime minister is destroying the country's democratic values and sacrificing the Zionist dream by avoiding a two-state solution.
After six years away, Ehud Barak, Israel’s most decorated soldier and a former prime minister, last week made a dramatic return to political life ahead of September’s repeat election. Barak is hardly alone. In recent months, a slew of ex-generals and former heads of the Israel Defense Forces have entered politics with one common goal in mind: ousting corruption-plagued Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. And, for some of them, the broader goal is saving Israel’s future as a Jewish and democratic state by separating from the Palestinians.

“The future of the Zionist movement is on the line here,” Barak, who served as prime minister from 1999 to 2001, declared at the launch of his as-yet-unnamed political party. At the side of the 77-year-old former general was another retired officer who previously served as the IDF’s deputy chief of staff, Yair Golan.

Call it the brass revolt. With Netanyahu in deep political trouble after his failure in May to pull together a new government following a squeak-through election victory, the officers-cum-politicians hope to succeed this time where they have failed before. But they likely face an uphill campaign: Despite the near total mobilization of Israel’s security establishment against him in recent years, Netanyahu keeps winning.

Playing on his own image as “Mr. Security,” the long-serving premier has paid lip service to the idea of peace while in effect mothballing any steps toward resolving the conflict. Lately he has even begun voicing support for annexing swaths of the West Bank, a move that could doom prospects for a negotiated two-state solution. Netanyahu knows, like few Israeli politicians before him, how to pander to his right-wing base and keep supporters loyal—no matter the long-term damage to institutions that push back, like the judiciary, media, and in some cases even the army.

Yet it’s not just the very top echelon of Israel’s security establishment that thinks such policies are self-destructive. Nearly 300 retired officers from the army, police, Shin Bet security service, and Mossad spy agency with the rank of brigadier general (or its equivalent) and up have joined Commanders for Israel’s Security, a movement established in 2014 that calls for preserving the future option of a two-state solution. “The illusion of a status quo, and the current stalemate are detrimental to Israel’s security, wellbeing and character as a Jewish democracy,” its platform says.

Ate these former high ranking Israeli military officials pushing anti semitic tropes?

Or is the claim of anti semitsm being used here in an attempt to silence the opposition to what's being done?
I will preface this by saying I have never actually visited Stormfront and know of its existence only from the leftists here.

That said, much of the Israel/Palestine subforum has become a platform for Jew-haters to spread antisemitic propaganda, most notably the blood libel of “genocide” and comparisons of Israel to Nazi Germany, in an effort to spread Jew-hate. Both of these meet the standard of antisemitism, according to the definition accepted by the U.S. State Department and 150 other developed countries.

The most recent line of attack is that Israel is now committing a “genocide” in Lebanon. Are we to expect that when Islamic terrorists launch a big rocket attack or are about to do so, and Israel hits back, that the antisemites will call it a genocide?

If USMB has decided to provide a platform by which to allow antisemites to advance lies to increase contempt for Jews, well….its a private board and can do as the owner pleases. But let’s admit that this is what the I/P forum has devolved to.
It’s the same old shit. Israel gets attacked, retaliates and gets blamed.

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