Are the Mods aware aspects of USMB have become like Stormfront

I will preface this by saying I have never actually visited Stormfront and know of its existence only from the leftists here.

That said, much of the Israel/Palestine subforum has become a platform for Jew-haters to spread antisemitic propaganda, most notably the blood libel of “genocide” and comparisons of Israel to Nazi Germany, in an effort to spread Jew-hate. Both of these meet the standard of antisemitism, according to the definition accepted by the U.S. State Department and 150 other developed countries.

The most recent line of attack is that Israel is now committing a “genocide” in Lebanon. Are we to expect that when Islamic terrorists launch a big rocket attack or are about to do so, and Israel hits back, that the antisemites will call it a genocide?

If USMB has decided to provide a platform by which to allow antisemites to advance lies to increase contempt for Jews, well….its a private board and can do as the owner pleases. But let’s admit that this is what the I/P forum has devolved to.
It’s such a divisive topic and no doubt hard to moderate fairly.

Have you thought about just not posting on the Israel and Palestine type threads?
I will preface this by saying I have never actually visited Stormfront and know of its existence only from the leftists here.

That said, much of the Israel/Palestine subforum has become a platform for Jew-haters to spread antisemitic propaganda, most notably the blood libel of “genocide” and comparisons of Israel to Nazi Germany, in an effort to spread Jew-hate. Both of these meet the standard of antisemitism, according to the definition accepted by the U.S. State Department and 150 other developed countries.

The most recent line of attack is that Israel is now committing a “genocide” in Lebanon. Are we to expect that when Islamic terrorists launch a big rocket attack or are about to do so, and Israel hits back, that the antisemites will call it a genocide?

If USMB has decided to provide a platform by which to allow antisemites to advance lies to increase contempt for Jews, well….its a private board and can do as the owner pleases. But let’s admit that this is what the I/P forum has devolved to.
You read Stormfront?
It’s such a divisive topic and no doubt hard to moderate fairly.

Have you thought about just not posting on the Israel and Palestine type threads?
For awhile I took a break from posting on the Israel Palestine topic. Because I know a lot of fellow Trump supporters support Israel. But 30% of us Trump supporters don’t agree with arming Israel. That’s not even the same thing as saying we don’t support Israel btw. More recently though with Israel attacking Lebanon, which is a country which is about half Christian. It’s hard not to talk about the topic, especially as a Catholic.

The thing is it is the media and American politicians including left-wing Democrats like Chuck Schumer and Hakim Jeffries who support Israel. They make this thing a huge topic in the USA and frankly they never talk about the war in Myanmar or the war in Somalia…. wars that have killed tens of thousands of people. I think a lot of Americans are reacting to what the media is telling us. I just hope that the media is more honest …. Same with American politicians with exception to a few brave ones like Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Thomas Massey. I mean the media and the politicians keep on talking about Israel Palestine and they will claim it’s about human rights, morals and such why don’t they ever talk about the war in Myanmar?

But also some supporters of Israel are so hysterical that if they even perceive somebody to not agree with their political views, they start using the “anti-Semitic” identifier. It’s not even about saying I recognize Israel or I don’t agree with Hamas. That’s not enough. They need you to agree with their political views.

Anyways for me, the issue is not about supporting Israel. I’m not offended if somebody says they support Israel. But if somebody is offended at somebody saying simply they support Palestinians or don’t want to see Palestinian kids get killed and then they called anti-Jewish …well that’s ridiculous. It’s ridiculous and have no evidence of them saying Jews are inferior to non-Jews or Jews want to control the world which are the actual definitions of anti-Semitism.
Thanks. I most likely will. Perhaps Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran, should cease to threaten, plot, plan, and implement attacks on Israel, in pursuit of the destruction of Israel, is my position.
It is also worth mentioning, although the anti-Isrsael contingent would rather keep it quiet, is that Israel offered land-for-peace deals twice (twice that I know of), one of which gave the “Palestinians” 95% of the land they demanded. But still, the deal was rejected.

And why? Because Israel quite reasonably conditioned the deal on the Palestinians recognizing Israel’s right to exist. The HAMAS terrorists turned it down. And that tells you that their goal is not their own state, but the elimination of Israel.

The barrier to peace has been on the Palestinians. NOT Israel.
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It’s such a divisive topic and no doubt hard to moderate fairly.

Have you thought about just not posting on the Israel and Palestine type threads?
It’s a possibility, but then the lying antisemites will get away with their lies and propoganda, with no pushback. Clueless and ignorant posters might believe it.
It's fashionable for them.

Loving terrorists is common among those still in the acting out phase of their life

Juvenile nihilist.
It is trendy to be antisemitic these days, and they feel emboldened as a result.

Last Chanukah, a friend of mine stopped by the Chanukah decoration table at the store, and someone made a snarky anti-Jew comment. These a-holes feel entitled to march up to a stranger and make an antisemitic remark.
It’s a possibility, but then the lying antisemites will get away with their lies and propoganda, with no pushback. Clueless and ignorant posters might believe it.
I think people already have a strong opinion for or against the conflict, no one will be changing their mind at this point. Best to not let it trigger you and post threads like this. People are allowed to have an opinion even if it is different to you, regardless of the topic.
I think people already have a strong opinion for or against the conflict, no one will be changing their mind at this point. Best to not let it trigger you and post threads like this. People are allowed to have an opinion even if it is different to you, regardless of the topic.
Except often that opinion is antisemitic. Should that not be called out?

We have a history that shows what happens when Jews “go along” so as to not make a fuss.
It is also worth mentioning, although the anti-Isrsael contingent would rather keep it quiet, is that Israel offered land-for-peace deals twice (twice that I know of), one of which gave the “Palestinians” 95% of the land they demanded. But still, the deal was rejected.

And why? Because Israel quote reasonably conditioned the deal on the Palestinians recognizing Israel’s right to exist. The HAMAS terrorists turned it down. And that tells you that their goal is not their own state, but the elimination of Israel.

The barrier to peace has been on the Palestinians. NOT Israel.
To follow up, Isreal has a demonstrated history of returning / trading land in exchange for peace effectively redefining its borders. The State of Israel has returned and withdrawn from captured territory nearly the size of Israel itself-- the Sinai, land east of the Golan, southern Lebanon, Gaza, etc. let's remember that the lands Israel has captured were the result of Arab-islamist wars of aggression in which the Islamist aggressors suffered humiliating losses. Let’s talk about the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza which was met with islamic terrorists turning the area into another islamic terrorist enclave.
I will preface this by saying I have never actually visited Stormfront and know of its existence only from the leftists here.

That said, much of the Israel/Palestine subforum has become a platform for Jew-haters to spread antisemitic propaganda, most notably the blood libel of “genocide” and comparisons of Israel to Nazi Germany, in an effort to spread Jew-hate. Both of these meet the standard of antisemitism, according to the definition accepted by the U.S. State Department and 150 other developed countries.

The most recent line of attack is that Israel is now committing a “genocide” in Lebanon. Are we to expect that when Islamic terrorists launch a big rocket attack or are about to do so, and Israel hits back, that the antisemites will call it a genocide?

If USMB has decided to provide a platform by which to allow antisemites to advance lies to increase contempt for Jews, well….its a private board and can do as the owner pleases. But let’s admit that this is what the I/P forum has devolved to.
Well, I've heard of Stormfront in the past but never ever seen the site. So I've actually Googled it and looked just before. Suffice to say, it's not a place that I would sign up to. The first page by the owner would suggest you would be under your government watch department being on it.

So not for me, but I'm sure some of those nut cases are here.

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