Are the Mods aware aspects of USMB have become like Stormfront

The left lives to use class warfare against each other. It is the tactic of the Nazis in 1933.

Just like they use Cult over and over again.

Brain dead uninformed people actually believe their Dumb Asses. We dont.

Pathetic actually
But brain dead youth fall for their BS
Here we see classic right wing extremist projection.
Yeah...Funny how that works, innit?
I will preface this by saying I have never actually visited Stormfront and know of its existence only from the leftists here.

That said, much of the Israel/Palestine subforum has become a platform for Jew-haters to spread antisemitic propaganda, most notably the blood libel of “genocide” and comparisons of Israel to Nazi Germany, in an effort to spread Jew-hate. Both of these meet the standard of antisemitism, according to the definition accepted by the U.S. State Department and 150 other developed countries.

The most recent line of attack is that Israel is now committing a “genocide” in Lebanon. Are we to expect that when Islamic terrorists launch a big rocket attack or are about to do so, and Israel hits back, that the antisemites will call it a genocide?

If USMB has decided to provide a platform by which to allow antisemites to advance lies to increase contempt for Jews, well….its a private board and can do as the owner pleases. But let’s admit that this is what the I/P forum has devolved to.

Sister needs to grow a thicker skin.
Just give it better than they can take it. Taking things personal on here is fruitless.

I see antisemitism, hatred of Israel, etc. You can't educate them, evidently they're not teachable
Man, I had an online Princess running partner that would smoke those jackasses and
make them reconsider their life choices n stuff. Oh yeah, she was a badass.
We were tight for a couple years, but then she got married, and well, what we were doing
isn't the brightest thing if you're trying to start a new life with a husband.
I understood. We certainly had some fun, though. She taught me about FreeBSD.
I will preface this by saying I have never actually visited Stormfront and know of its existence only from the leftists here.

That said, much of the Israel/Palestine subforum has become a platform for Jew-haters to spread antisemitic propaganda, most notably the blood libel of “genocide” and comparisons of Israel to Nazi Germany, in an effort to spread Jew-hate. Both of these meet the standard of antisemitism, according to the definition accepted by the U.S. State Department and 150 other developed countries.

The most recent line of attack is that Israel is now committing a “genocide” in Lebanon. Are we to expect that when Islamic terrorists launch a big rocket attack or are about to do so, and Israel hits back, that the antisemites will call it a genocide?

If USMB has decided to provide a platform by which to allow antisemites to advance lies to increase contempt for Jews, well….its a private board and can do as the owner pleases. But let’s admit that this is what the I/P forum has devolved to.

Censorship, a core value of all fascists, including Zionist Fascists...

I will preface this by saying I have never actually visited Stormfront and know of its existence only from the leftists here.

That said, much of the Israel/Palestine subforum has become a platform for Jew-haters to spread antisemitic propaganda, most notably the blood libel of “genocide” and comparisons of Israel to Nazi Germany, in an effort to spread Jew-hate. Both of these meet the standard of antisemitism, according to the definition accepted by the U.S. State Department and 150 other developed countries.

The most recent line of attack is that Israel is now committing a “genocide” in Lebanon. Are we to expect that when Islamic terrorists launch a big rocket attack or are about to do so, and Israel hits back, that the antisemites will call it a genocide?

If USMB has decided to provide a platform by which to allow antisemites to advance lies to increase contempt for Jews, well….its a private board and can do as the owner pleases. But let’s admit that this is what the I/P forum has devolved to.
Stormfront does not exist.
So you admit that you support the terrorists. Maybe White 6 needs to ban you on those grounds.
You need to know, that is not how this place works. My responses in this thread are White 6 member poster responses, not board monitoring mod posts. If something came about that would require board action, it would have to be reported, and Mod Zen would require me to report, but not action, as I am deeply involved in the discussion and debate of the thread and Israel's position in the world and world politics. The fact IM2 and I disagree on this issue is immaterial. We have disagreed before and agreed on subjects, but that is not used as a basis for official action. This homey don play that.
Jews that vote for the anti-Israel Democrat Party, yes…..idiots.

In American elections, Americans...and that's how they should be Americans...should be voting for the party they feel is best for American prosperity rather than primarily voting as agents for the interests of a foreign country.

Of course, neither mainstream party is worth a darn in that regard anyway, but that's beside the point.
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