Trump said he was scheduled to visit North Carolina and Los Angeles on Friday.
I would love it if while in LA he tears Newsom a new A-hole. Make him look BAD.
“I’m going to Nevada — and I’m really going to Nevada to thank them for the vote because we won Nevada, overwhelmingly,” Trump said. “That’s usually a Democrat vote. I just want to go there to thank the people of Nevada for the big vote.”
Why should anyone mind? I mean, it isn't like it can be motivated by any political gain, it is just a show of appreciation, when is the last time you saw a president do that when there was no possibility of political reward in it for himself?
BTW, I just love rags like 8newsnow who callously state that Trump only won the pop vote by "about 2 million votes." They are only off by about 25% and they rounded DOWN. Meanwhile, when Hillary won the pop vote by about the same amount in 2016, it practically made Trump an illegitimate president.
The fact that a guy twice impeached, prosecuted for felonies, accused of insurrection, then beaten by Biden winning 81 million votes should turn around to win the next election again and the popular vote by millions, a feat not done by a republican in 20 years, should be the real story.
And effectively PROOF that 2020 was RIGGED.
Joe Biden wasn't impeached even once, was never investigated by a special counsel for collusion, didn't have his home raided, was never charged in mishandling documents, was never prosecuted for any felonies, was never accused of insurrection, and was claimed to have set a new record for most votes tallied ever, yet was PULLED FROM THE RACE for his reelection, replaced, and ended his term in shame pardoning his own family and all his close associates to insulated them from future criminal prosecution.