Are You As Baffled By Santorum's Poor Poll Numbers As I Am ?

His problem is that he is a well known entity combined with the fact that he's a nutbag.
...which translates from libtard into 'he is a great conservative but he dares to disagree with the mainstream media too much.

LoneLaugher, is the biggest goofball I havent put on ignore yet.
Careful. He's gonna tattle on you again, CC. You've been warned.
I don't need to tattle on him/her/it. This is an open forum and everyone can see. And tattling is a good thing. It keeps the bad guys in check. If anyone doesn't like it, they don't have to come in here.
His problem is that he is a well known entity combined with the fact that he's a nutbag.
...which translates from libtard into 'he is a great conservative but he dares to disagree with the mainstream media too much.

LoneLaugher, is the biggest goofball I havent put on ignore yet.

Yeah! He's a great conservative! And tha mainstream media is keeping him down. Poor guy.
Every thread he takes part in ends up going to the gutter but I'm sure it's just me.
Yeah. I'm sure of that too.
I could ask you what you think is so "nutbag' about him, but your "nutbag" definitions are probably so different than my definitions of that word, you wouldn't even be able to comprehend all the many nutbag definitions I have, that fit all 3 of the nutbags running for president on the Democrat side.

Trying to impose his religious views via legislation for one. Denying gays rights in the military. I could go one, but you get the picture. Views belong in the Dark Ages. Civilisation has moved on...
Anywhere you post the the stupidity on you display is mind-numbing. Santorum is a religious nut who, if he were muslim, would probably be one of the extremeists you rail against. He thinks contraception should be outlawed you moron...that wouldn't fly in Salem in the 1600s much less now.
Immigration is a lot more important than contraception, and a ban on contraception would never happen, whether Santorum thinks about it or not. Do have the foggiest idea about the harms that American citizens (especially the working class) are enduring due to the current immigration fiasco ? Because if you'd like some tutoring on it, I promise I won't charge you for it. Just think. You get that free of charge. Cool, huh ? :biggrin:

PS - how many times have you been warned by the mods about just talking about the topic, and not resorting to personal attacks ? Got any idea ? I've lost count now. I mean really.

Careful. He's gonna tattle on you again, CC. You've been warned.

Every thread he takes part in ends up going to the gutter but I'm sure it's just me.
It is you and you fellow libtards, shit4brains
Santorum should have never lived in PA. He would have better off wearing a cowboy hat and shining Dick Cheney's boots in Wyoming.
Yeah! He's a great conservative! And tha mainstream media is keeping him down. Poor guy.
That and the continental suckage you radiate.

Whoa! You are on fire! Go ahead.....say something batshit crazy. I'm feeling nostalgic.
Batshit is Guano, not me you senile fool.

Awwwww. Come on man....don't disappoint. Tell me about how Obama wants to give America to ISIS or how he should release his college transcripts. Come you.
I am really surprised that Rick Santorum's poll numbers (about 1%) are as low as they are. I see him as a really fine candidate, who frankly makes some other candidates look weak by comparison. He is a true conservative, has the highest rating of all candidates from numbersUSA on immigration (an A), a huge issue in this campaign, with Trump and Cruz close behind him, and won 10 primaries as the runner-up to Romney 4 years ago.

Rick also has govt experience having been a Senator during the Clinton years, including going through some vicious battles with the Clintons at that time. A year ago (well before Trump entered the race), I looked at Santorum as the guy who should have become the frontrunner. The GOP has always promoted its “next in line” — Ronald Reagan in 1980 after losing in 1976, George H. W. Bush in 1988 after losing in 1980, John McCain in 2008 after losing in 2000, Romney in 2012 after losing in 2008 — and Santorum looked like he was prime to go into Iowa (which he won in 2012), with a head of steam.

I'm just not getting it about him. When Republicans are asked about him, they say they like his message, but aren't supporting him because of his standing in the polls. This then becomes a self-perpetuating dynamic that robs Santorum of the foundational support needed to legitimize his candidacy, and build up support and poll numbers.

I'm just not quite getting this. What do others think about it ? I'm just curious.

Rick Santorum in Iowa: Looking Forward, Looking Back

2016 Presidential Hopefuls | NumbersUSA - For Lower Immigration Levels

PS - I find it hard to believe that Santorum trails behind Jeb Bush.
Not surprised that you'd like him...the cray cray stick together.
Awwwww. Come on man....don't disappoint. Tell me about how Obama wants to give America to ISIS or how he should release his college transcripts. Come you.
You still here? Sorry, dude, I dont let fags like you even see my dick, so fuck off.

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