Arizona county sheriffs say they will not enforce immigration measure if passed

It’s not so called
It is against federal law to simply walk into the country
No matter how much emotional spin you put on it, that remains a fact
It's against federal law to simply hire anyone w/o documentation and/or legal rights to work here.

No matter how much emotional spin you put on it, that remains a fact.
I hate to be a broken record but why not start raiding illegal employers like we did before Bush stopped?

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

If we did illegals would stop crossing the border. Why come if no one's hiring?

And we know who the illegal employers are.

Trump wants to play wack a mole with immigrants. I don't think it'll stop the flow. They can just come on visitor visas or come like we go visit Canada.

I think illegals should be sent back too but that's not enough. They'll continue to come if the economic opportunities are here.
In the UK there was a crackdown on employers. Nowadays all the dodgy carwashes have signs saying "all our staff are legel"..

Nowadays they cant work so they are put up ar our expense. Tory nuttiness in action.
They created a law that looks good politically but is in reality totally impotent.

If they do not fund the law, then local law enforcement does not have the resources to enforce that law - and the GOP luns know it.

This is just more proof that the GOP does not want to stop illegal immigration. They just want it to continue so they can use it as a political football.
In the UK there was a crackdown on employers. Nowadays all the dodgy carwashes have signs saying "all our staff are legel"..

Nowadays they cant work so they are put up ar our expense. Tory nuttiness in action.
That's how it's done.

If these people don't have a place to get employed, they won't come.

That is the logical outcome of dumb legislation. Any bull that is passed shou;d be costed and funded. Not to do so is remiss in the exxtreme.
Letting the dumb ass public do so is even worse.
I sympathise with the law enforcement over this extreme measure. However they should obey this law because it is the law. They dont get to pick and choose.
They need to appeal to common sense. If there is any. Tell everyone how their taxes will soar if this passes.
Fire the lot of them!
They created a law that looks good politically but is in reality totally impotent.

If they do not fund the law, then local law enforcement does not have the resources to enforce that law - and the GOP luns know it.

This is just more proof that the GOP does not want to stop illegal immigration. They just want it to continue so they can use it as a political football.
Nothing scares the elderly like an illegal immigrant.
I hate to be a broken record but why not start raiding illegal employers like we did before Bush stopped?

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

If we did illegals would stop crossing the border. Why come if no one's hiring?

And we know who the illegal employers are.

Trump wants to play wack a mole with immigrants. I don't think it'll stop the flow. They can just come on visitor visas or come like we go visit Canada.

I think illegals should be sent back too but that's not enough. They'll continue to come if the economic opportunities are here.
"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service”

George Bush was an open border moron
Criminals generally don’t draw compassion except from troll, multiple screen name fakes and weirdos.
The only reason some guy from Guatemala takes off for America is to rape an elderly Trumper and then shove some fentanyl up his nose.
That's what I've been preaching on here on the topic.

So called "illegal immigration" would stop and be solved within a week if the authorities simply started arresting, prosecuting and locking up the illegal employers.

But we all know why that's never discussed, neither in the white mainstream media, or here on USMB.

"So called"? What a fucking moron you are. :badgrin:
In the UK there was a crackdown on employers. Nowadays all the dodgy carwashes have signs saying "all our staff are legel"..

Nowadays they cant work so they are put up ar our expense. Tory nuttiness in action.

The UK has a new plan for illegal immigrants: Send them to Rwanda

That’s the solution espoused by Britain’s conservative prime minister, Rishi Sunak, on the issue of illegal immigration into the United Kingdom.

Rishi Sunak was born in the UK to East African-born Hindu parents of Indian Punjabi descent.[6][7][8][9] His father was born in the Kenya Colony in 1949, while his mother was born in the Tanganyika Territory (modern-day Tanzania).

They should have sent his parents to Africa.

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