Arizona county sheriffs say they will not enforce immigration measure if passed

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service”

George Bush was an open border moron

Did you buy his book like you buy Trump's watches and coins and bibles and steaks?

Out of Many, One: Portraits of America's Immigrants​

By President George W. Bush

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • In this powerful new collection of oil paintings and stories, President George W. Bush spotlights the inspiring journeys of America’s immigrants and the contributions they make to the life and prosperity of our nation.
Did you buy his book like you buy Trump's watches and coins and bibles and steaks?

Out of Many, One: Portraits of America's Immigrants​

By President George W. Bush

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • In this powerful new collection of oil paintings and stories, President George W. Bush spotlights the inspiring journeys of America’s immigrants and the contributions they make to the life and prosperity of our nation.
I voted for bush both times and he was 80% a failure as president

Both on foreign policy and the migrant scam

That is the logical outcome of dumb legislation. Any bull that is passed shou;d be costed and funded. Not to do so is remiss in the exxtreme.
Letting the dumb ass public do so is even worse.
I sympathise with the law enforcement over this extreme measure. However they should obey this law because it is the law. They dont get to pick and choose.
They need to appeal to common sense. If there is any. Tell everyone how their taxes will soar if this passes.
The Repub cucks in AZ have a history of doing this sort of thing. Good on the sheriffs, though I'm surprised to see so many who have sense given that it's AZ.
I voted for bush both times and he was 80% a failure as president

Both on foreign policy and the migrant scam
Yea so blame yourself for the mess we're in now. You should have voted for Gore based on Clinton's performance.

"I think Bill Clinton was a great president,’" Trump said in the interview that was conducted shortly after the 2008 presidential election on NY1's "Inside City Hall" program.

"You know, you look at the country then. The economy was doing great. Look at what happened during the Clinton years. I mean we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy. A lot of people hated him because they were jealous as hell,’" Trump said.

Bush is why we have Trump. And Bush is why Trump believed he could

a. Steal and election

b. Get away with breaking the law

He used a lot of the same tactics Bush used to steal 2000. One being Bush started a riot to stop the recount in Florida and have the Supreme Court decide. That's exactly what Trump tried to do. Only he tried to stop the certification of the actual results. Bush only had to steal 1 state. Trump tried to steal the entire election. If Pence went along, who knows if he would have got away with it.

And Trump said in 2016 Bush lied us into Iraq. And in 2008 he said Pelosi should have impeached Bush. Because she didn't, Trump thought he could get away with murder too.
I hate to be a broken record but why not start raiding illegal employers like we did before Bush stopped?
That's the FIRST thing we should do. That's why most of them are here. Then we can see where things stand.

We also need to take advantage of the MASSIVE manufacturing potential of Central & South America so that we can tell China to go fuck themselves. Create more jobs there that can meet our demands and you'll have even FEWER people trying to get here. Plus we keep our adversaries from taking root there.

This is mostly about jobs. Money. Opportunity. We can address that. But we're just frozen in division right now.
I’m willing to admit bush was a failed president

So I share the blame

But Gore was a horrible alternative

Why? I just showed you that Trump admitted Clinton was great. You elected Bush 1 because Reagan was great. I think any VP who's boss was great should be given 4 years.

You must be jealous of Clinton/Gore just like Trump said.
Did you buy his book like you buy Trump's watches and coins and bibles and steaks?

Out of Many, One: Portraits of America's Immigrants​

By President George W. Bush

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • In this powerful new collection of oil paintings and stories, President George W. Bush spotlights the inspiring journeys of America’s immigrants and the contributions they make to the life and prosperity of our nation.

How do you know so much about what Trump sells?

You must have a HUGE collection of merch. :badgrin:
How do you know so much about what Trump sells?

You must have a HUGE collection of merch. :badgrin:

They make fun of his every move on Jimmy, Jimmy, Colbert and the Daily Show. I dvr them all and watch them every day. Apparently so does Trump

Trump officials complained to Disney about Jimmy Kimmel jokes on ABC​

Little bitch can't take it.

Former President Trump directed his staff to complain to ABC parent company Disney about late night host Jimmy Kimmel’s jokes about him

Trump directed his staff to call one of the top executives at Disney to ask them to get Kimmel to tone down the anti-Trump humor.

This is not the first report of Trump attempted to rein in Kimmel and other late night hosts. During his time in office, Trump asked the Justice Department to look into “Saturday Night Live” and other late night comedy shows

Kimmel responded to The Daily Beast’s report at the time, saying Trump wanted to use the Justice Department as a “goon squad” to stop himself from being mocked.
Why? I just showed you that Trump admitted Clinton was great. You elected Bush 1 because Reagan was great. I think any VP who's boss was great should be given 4 years.

You must be jealous of Clinton/Gore just like Trump said.
Trump has good words for clinton

Ans that means I’m supposed to vote for Gore

You are out of your mind

But I have all my marbles and as stupid as he was, bush was still a better choice than al gore

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