Army Ad drops woke goes full white heterosexual.

We have women in all of the combat positions now, including the special forces. We are not really serious about winning wars through old school combat anymore and will be more reliant on technology than at anytime in our past.

That is not a recipe for success.
Good, not a female to be seen.....We need warriors.

I think that if a woman (a real woman) is strong enough both physically and mentally then there's nothing wrong with her serving. I never could, but there are some really tough women out there and I wouldn't underestimate them if I were you.
I think that if a woman (a real woman) is strong enough both physically and mentally then there's nothing wrong with her serving. I never could, but there are some really tough women out there and I wouldn't underestimate them if I were you.
Trained to defend hearth, and home? Certainly. To be deployed abroad in combat? Absolutely not. This nation needs women as wives, and mothers, far more than as soldiers...
Since Israel may soon demand that we send our soldiers to die for their religious beliefs, it makes since to recruit from the pool that has most supported the slaughter of Muslim civilians.
What is it with you Jew haters. You have nothing of worth to offer.
What is it with you Jew haters. You have nothing of worth to offer.
Two different Progs here. The real end game of eating their young when it comes. Progs are a party of groups in which there is animosity and hate from some to others. Only money keeps the wheels greased and the economy is slowly dying.

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