As a city we respect free speech but also have a duty to call out speech that does not reflect our city and its values,"


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
"As a city we respect free speech but also have a duty to call out speech that does not reflect our city and its values," Lyster added.

The event had previously been scheduled -- and later canceled -- at two other venues, in Orange and Riverside counties.
Talk about hypocrisy... IN ONE SENTENCE!!!

And you people call people like me Nazis????
No loss. It was probably a bunch of racist inbreds anyway. America First is a code word for white people first.
Posted Mon, Jun 1, 2020
Nearly 700 people demonstrated against police brutality in the city of Anaheim, Monday evening. With signs, chanting, they took a knee in front of Anaheim City Hall. At 6 p.m., the protest was declared over and the curfew began.
Radical communists have spent the last week trying to cancel our America First Rally w/@mattgaetz. Violent threats from BLM/Antifa were used again today to bully another venue. We won't back down. Our rally is happening tomorrow night in California,'' Greene tweeted Friday night.

Folks this is getting really serious and out of hand!
Cities don’t reflect values
the compilation of its populous does which is always wide and varied and not the one way street that libbies desperately need .
So they cherry pick and develop unheard of criteria for evaluation and getting rid of what they can’t bear to see or hear..
Radical communists have spent the last week trying to cancel our America First Rally w/@mattgaetz. Violent threats from BLM/Antifa were used again today to bully another venue. We won't back down. Our rally is happening tomorrow night in California,'' Greene tweeted Friday night.

Folks this is getting really serious and out of hand!
I love it. Simmer......simmer.......BOOM!!!!!

This anarchy is so funny
No, it means you be anything, even an octopus.
I always thought cis gender was a derogatory term used by the perverts to sneer at someone who's actually normal i.e was born male/female and continues to identify as such because they are literally male/female.
"As a city we respect free speech but also have a duty to call out speech that does not reflect our city and its values," Lyster added.

The event had previously been scheduled -- and later canceled -- at two other venues, in Orange and Riverside counties.
Talk about hypocrisy... IN ONE SENTENCE!!!

And you people call people like me Nazis????
They tried to do this in wetback packed California? LOL! No wonder the response.
As a communist you naturally are against this!
to the Internet Home of the America First Party

The central focus of the America First Party is to put America and all Americans First. We will elect candidates who will restore morality, ethics, and common sense to public service. We will return our Constitution to its proper place in our Republic. America First Party
As a communist you naturally are against this!
to the Internet Home of the America First Party

The central focus of the America First Party is to put America and all Americans First. We will elect candidates who will restore morality, ethics, and common sense to public service. We will return our Constitution to its proper place in our Republic. America First Party
Yes. I'm against all thinly disguised code words for "white people first".
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"As a city we respect free speech but also have a duty to call out speech that does not reflect our city and its values," Lyster added.

The event had previously been scheduled -- and later canceled -- at two other venues, in Orange and Riverside counties.
Talk about hypocrisy... IN ONE SENTENCE!!!

And you people call people like me Nazis????
Blob supporters crave violence. Smart move by the City
for some reason people today have this weird idea that Free Speech means not being called out when you say or do something that is morally wrong.

I have heard members of white supremacist movements literally say that violates their free speech to be called racist. . They have it in their head that Free Speech means freedom from consequence. they think that it means they should be completely free to say and do whatever they want without any consequences at all.

Freedom of speech means the government cannot punish you for expressing an idea or belief. that is it .

but people still have the right to judge you based on your ideas and your beliefs

it doesn't violate your free speech for someone to judge you as a racist or a bigot if you express ideas and beliefs that are racist or bigoted
These "America First" people, with their Matts and Margies, have a habit of telling LGBT+ folks who are denied service to leave quietly, don't complain, and find someplace where they are wanted. So they need to follow their own advice and find somewhere that they are wanted, without complaining.
"As a city we respect free speech but also have a duty to call out speech that does not reflect our city and its values," Lyster added.

The event had previously been scheduled -- and later canceled -- at two other venues, in Orange and Riverside counties.
Talk about hypocrisy... IN ONE SENTENCE!!!

And you people call people like me Nazis????

This is an example of content-neutral regulation of speech which is perfectly Constitutional and in no manner violates the First Amendment:

‘Content-neutral speech restrictions are restrictions that “are justified without reference to the content of the regulated speech….” - Virginia Pharmacy Board v. Virginia Citizens Consumer Council, Inc., 425 U.S. 748, 771 (1976).’


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