As Nuclear Threats Loom, We're Led by a Bomb-dropping Buffoon

Ima Cat

Active Member
Apr 6, 2017
The greatest threat to the U.S. is Russia and Trump has taken to launching cruise missiles into Syria close enough to shatter their eardrums. Then there's Trump's brash talk about halting N. Korea's nuclear program by force if necessary. N. Korea is not a threat to our very existence, but a tinderbox that could engulf S. Korea in flames, including some 25,000 U.S. troops there, and more in Japan; and possibly draw us into conflict with China.

Trump blusters and bombs but has given no indication he is capable of contemplating consequences or contingencies or thinking more than one checker board move ahead, in games demanding chess mastery. So these are dicey times my fellow Americans. The risk of nuclear war appears greater now than at any time since the Cuban Missile Crisis, not through intentional forethought, but through blundering by a thoughtless buffoon.
hey , the USA has kissed foreign azz for the last 50 years and really kissed azz these last 20 years and its only made the foreigners stronger . Time to confront in Trumps , my and his advisers opinion ICat !!

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