As the MSM Whips Up Fears of Tea Parties, They Ignore the Real Terrorists: Eco-nuts


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
Eco-terrorists are terrorists. Not sure why you want to lump tea partiers in with them, but perhaps you have some knowledge that we don't have.

As the MSM Whips Up Fears of Tea Parties, Media Ignores the Real Terrorists Among Us — the Eco-Nuts - Big Journalism

Too good to pull any quotes. Read it all.

But why do Tea Partiers supposedly have to walk on eggs lest we cause "violence?" The left can use any incendiary language they please, but the tea party is constantly lectured lest they cause "violence" of one sort or another.

Free speech for me, but not for thee seems to be the slogan of the left.

List the tea partiers who have been deprived of their free speech rights.

Oh, btw, Limbaugh has blamed the oil spill on eco-terrorists, so you're full of shit to claim that the media is not attacking environmentalists.
NO BP and Monsanto are Corporaterrorists.
Ther Greenies are FreeDumb fighters.
None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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The funny part is, all the MSM has to do is show up with a camera at a Tea Bagger event. No other reporting is necessary....
Eco-terrorists are terrorists. Not sure why you want to lump tea partiers in with them, but perhaps you have some knowledge that we don't have.


When you can't argue with the truth, make up an argument that doesn't exist.

And apparently showing the double standard the liberals have for the tea party and eco nuts is "lumping them together."

As the MSM Whips Up Fears of Tea Parties, Media Ignores the Real Terrorists Among Us — the Eco-Nuts - Big Journalism

Too good to pull any quotes. Read it all.

But why do Tea Partiers supposedly have to walk on eggs lest we cause "violence?" The left can use any incendiary language they please, but the tea party is constantly lectured lest they cause "violence" of one sort or another.

Free speech for me, but not for thee seems to be the slogan of the left.

List the tea partiers who have been deprived of their free speech rights.

Oh, btw, Limbaugh has blamed the oil spill on eco-terrorists, so you're full of shit to claim that the media is not attacking environmentalists.

A) Limbaugh did NOT blame the oil on eco terrorists. That came from Media Matters right? :lol::lol::lol: When are you liberals going to learn they are COMPLETE LIARS.

A CALLER to Rush's program mentioned that it could have been terrorism, and Rush said that was an intriguing theory given that Obama was sending investigators down to the Gulf. Rush NEVER said that was what happened.

As a matter of fact Rush was chuckling over the fact that the concrete base (the media suggested might be to blame) was probably made by Halliburton and the liberal media would have a field day if that turned out to be true.

You dumb liberals are going to have to learn to quit listening to Media Matters. They always make you guys look like fools.

And B) don't play the "deprived of rights" game.

Liberals wailed all during the Bush admin that their rights were being deprived and Bush never said a WORD of criticism against the left.

But the left has mobilized every facet of their propaganda machine from the media to Obama himself trying to smear the tea party, and even calling out troops in riot gear against people singing "God Bless America."

It's pretty obvious there is a double standard. Or don't I have the "right" to point that out?

As the MSM Whips Up Fears of Tea Parties, Media Ignores the Real Terrorists Among Us — the Eco-Nuts - Big Journalism

Too good to pull any quotes. Read it all.

But why do Tea Partiers supposedly have to walk on eggs lest we cause "violence?" The left can use any incendiary language they please, but the tea party is constantly lectured lest they cause "violence" of one sort or another.

Free speech for me, but not for thee seems to be the slogan of the left.

Please remember to's the law.
The funny part is, all the MSM has to do is show up with a camera at a Tea Bagger event. No other reporting is necessary....

Yeah because you can find the violence all around at those events.

Oh my BAD. These are really LEFTIES advocating violence. I get the lefties and the tea partiers confused . . . . . NOT! :lol::lol::lol::lol:



Rioters burning Bush in effigy and the American flag following the post-election rally on November 3, 2004.
More "peaceful" leftist protest:


Call for global "armed resistance" at the "Insurgence Solidarity March" on April 10, 2004.


Patriotic message in the parade following the March 20, 2004 rally.

A mother helps her young daughter play "Pin the Molotov on the Cop Car" at the Anarchist Bookfair, March 18, 2006.

The zombietime Hall of Shame

But yeah, those tea partiers singing God Bless America?????

Man that really IS inciting violence right??????????

I mean those lefties??? No inciting violence there! Why they are just expressing their constitutional right of free speech.

Nooooooooooo double standard at all!!!!!!!

The funny part is, all the MSM has to do is show up with a camera at a Tea Bagger event. No other reporting is necessary....
Exactly. And the cameras show the insanity of the lefties at these peaceful protests.
Those pics have obviously been photo-shopped. You got used.

Really????????????? All these The zombietime Hall of Shame

and these???????


I think I see who got used and who just doesn't have any other argument.


Can you prove this pictures have not been photo-shopped? Who took them? Where were they taken? When were they taken? Who is in them? Are they even in the United Sates? If so, provide proof of such. If not, you were used.
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Really????????????? All these The zombietime Hall of Shame

and these???????


I think I see who got used and who just doesn't have any other argument.


Can you prove this pictures have not been photo-shopped? ....

The idiot asks for a negative to be proven.

What a moron.


How every hypocritical and partisan of you. I am using the VERY same words that you supported Cali-G on when I posted pics from Tea Bagger rallies. DO you ALWAYS talk out of both sides of your ass?:clap2:
Can you prove this pictures have not been photo-shopped? ....

The idiot asks for a negative to be proven.

What a moron.


How every hypocritical and partisan of you. ....
When logic is hypocritical and partisan to a poster, I know we have all the information we need on their ability to make any relevant point.
.... I am using the VERY same words that you supported Cali-G on when I posted pics from Tea Bagger rallies. ....
Link to my words.

You've tried this (lying about my words) before and failed before. Insanity - doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

You are a moron for asking a negative to be proven and you are a consistent liar. Your posts are irrelevant, but very easy to demonstrate how very irrelevant your posts are.
Eco-terrorists are terrorists. Not sure why you want to lump tea partiers in with them, but perhaps you have some knowledge that we don't have.


When you can't argue with the truth, make up an argument that doesn't exist.

And apparently showing the double standard the liberals have for the tea party and eco nuts is "lumping them together."

It is doing just that. No one ever associated tea partiers with eco-terrorists before. You (and your silly web site) just did it.

Very amusing that you don't understand the stupidity of this action.
As the MSM Whips Up Fears of Tea Parties, Media Ignores the Real Terrorists Among Us — the Eco-Nuts - Big Journalism

Too good to pull any quotes. Read it all.

But why do Tea Partiers supposedly have to walk on eggs lest we cause "violence?" The left can use any incendiary language they please, but the tea party is constantly lectured lest they cause "violence" of one sort or another.

Free speech for me, but not for thee seems to be the slogan of the left.

List the tea partiers who have been deprived of their free speech rights.

Oh, btw, Limbaugh has blamed the oil spill on eco-terrorists, so you're full of shit to claim that the media is not attacking environmentalists.

Who gives a fuck what the entertainer said?

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