As the rich become super-rich, they pay lower taxes. For real.

Well, there are a few types of socialists. There are the dumb sheep who believe there is some utopia out there that will be fair for EVERYONE, and there are those who manipulate those sheep in order to gain and keep more power.
Stalin's "useful idiots", and those that would be Stalin.
when is the last time you saw a left wing socialist pig have an original thought and not push a democrat talking point?
Socialism sucks. It takes power away from we the people. The op is a braiwashed hypocritical dooosh pushing bullshit socialist propaganda.
Socialism is state-enforced involuntary servitude.
Last I looked, the Constitution prevented involuntary servitude.

Yes, that why I asked if he was being paid by Hillary or Sanders. that the crap they push around. Well the whole Progressives party, I should say. they kicked out all the Democrats a long time ago.
And if they are taxed more, then what? The government is supposed to just hand it over to the working class? :dunno:

Or should the government use it to incentivise business and industry so that they in turn can hire the "not working class"?

Oh- but we can't have that, because it's called "corporate welfare" and "subsidies".
Mr H, the government needs to reinvest into strong social programs, single payer healthcare, social security, food stamps, education, housing support for the poor, investments into infrastructure and medicial research.. We've seen what incentivizing as brought us the past 40 years, the low tax rate myth is hilarious. Productivity is high, wages are stagnant, and the rich keep saying they need lower taxes, despite all evidence showing lower taxes don't do shit to give back to families or working people. Corporate welfare is real, and a hilarious joke.
They have been investing in social programs for decades and yet poverty still exists.

I am all about helping seniors and the disabled but every able bodied person should be able to find a job.

Jobs make it possible to earn money, and keeps people from getting bored and resorting to drug use and crime.
And if they are taxed more, then what? The government is supposed to just hand it over to the working class? :dunno:

Or should the government use it to incentivise business and industry so that they in turn can hire the "not working class"?

Oh- but we can't have that, because it's called "corporate welfare" and "subsidies".
Mr H, the government needs to reinvest into strong social programs, single payer healthcare, social security, food stamps, education, housing support for the poor, investments into infrastructure and medicial research.. We've seen what incentivizing as brought us the past 40 years, the low tax rate myth is hilarious. Productivity is high, wages are stagnant, and the rich keep saying they need lower taxes, despite all evidence showing lower taxes don't do shit to give back to families or working people. Corporate welfare is real, and a hilarious joke.
They have been investing in social programs for decades and yet poverty still exists.

I am all about helping seniors and the disabled but every able bodied person should be able to find a job.

Jobs make it possible to earn money, and keeps people from getting bored and resorting to drug use and crime.
So AM I, but as a republican I am the only one on these boards advocating for a two tier minimum wage law, one for adults, one for teens, its like these ass hole liberals don't know or care the teen un employment rate is sky high.

Its like their handlers don't suggest it, so it's not the topic.

They are Fucking sheep and post like it on here.
And if they are taxed more, then what? The government is supposed to just hand it over to the working class? :dunno:

Or should the government use it to incentivise business and industry so that they in turn can hire the "not working class"?

Oh- but we can't have that, because it's called "corporate welfare" and "subsidies".
Mr H, the government needs to reinvest into strong social programs, single payer healthcare, social security, food stamps, education, housing support for the poor, investments into infrastructure and medicial research.. We've seen what incentivizing as brought us the past 40 years, the low tax rate myth is hilarious. Productivity is high, wages are stagnant, and the rich keep saying they need lower taxes, despite all evidence showing lower taxes don't do shit to give back to families or working people. Corporate welfare is real, and a hilarious joke.
They have been investing in social programs for decades and yet poverty still exists.

I am all about helping seniors and the disabled but every able bodied person should be able to find a job.

Jobs make it possible to earn money, and keeps people from getting bored and resorting to drug use and crime.

The government has confiscated borrowed and spent over $30 TRILLION dollars in just the last 10 years good lord the country should be shitting Tiffany Cufflinks by now.
The interesting aspect of that is that we are actually in the same position as our ancestral counterparts. The king ruled, the nobles (1%) gathered taxes from the peasants to pay to the treasury. We protested, took a country and called it our own, declared that men (and later women) were free, yes, yes, yes... we will be different! A new world! The only difference, however, is that we elect our king. Democracy merely means that we have the right to choose, and often we choose a new dictator whether in the form of a president or Congress. However (again), Napoleon was right about the fact that the middle class--being educated--will complain but not protest or take up arms against its government. So, we have education, but no jobs, and we live like peasants, but as long as we have our smartphones and Internet, we're good! Oft times, history does not repeat itself as much as it never actually changed.
The interesting aspect of that is that we are actually in the same position as our ancestral counterparts. The king ruled, the nobles (1%) gathered taxes from the peasants to pay to the treasury. We protested, took a country and called it our own, declared that men (and later women) were free, yes, yes, yes... we will be different! A new world! The only difference, however, is that we elect our king. Democracy merely means that we have the right to choose, and often we choose a new dictator whether in the form of a president or Congress. However (again), Napoleon was right about the fact that the middle class--being educated--will complain but not protest or take up arms against its government. So, we have education, but no jobs, and we live like peasants, but as long as we have our smartphones and Internet, we're good! Oft times, history does not repeat itself as much as it never actually changed.

True enough, with one disagreement. It is not "democracy" that gives us choices, it is the free market. That, empowers the people. Democracy is really for all intents and purposes a bs word. It is a republic.

The socialists biggest enemy is the middle class. They will not " protest" but they will vote. Educated vote too. The democrats know they will not really care about the "bribes" that they give the poor for their votes. They know they are by and large more dependent on the success of those "evil corporations."

Therefore, their attack on the middle class is to attack their source of income. The small business owner a real problem for the socialists. Especially if they have any success. So, they use "safety" and "environment" and other useful terms to regulate them into the ground.

Large corporations are pretty much blackmailed into supporting these democrat politicians or else they will be hit. Hence the reason you see so many billionaires on board with the socialists. Plus, they like the idea that the small business owners are being over run. Not that the moronic sheep would ever care or notice.
You can always count on a sleazy little trick of showing a celeb everybody loves to hate and who flaunts her decadence. The Post used Paris Hilton in a discussion of the technical aspects of income tax because emotion trumps logic in the minds of hate filled progs. Take selected facts and leave out the rest of the argument and you are guaranteed to snag a couple of posts from neo-socialist progs. You have to be a freaking prog idiot to think the super rich pay less taxes than a burger flipper. You can play with percentage numbers but the fact remains that the 1% wealthy pay about 98% of all the federal IRS income tax.
And if they are taxed more, then what? The government is supposed to just hand it over to the working class? :dunno:

Or should the government use it to incentivise business and industry so that they in turn can hire the "not working class"?

Oh- but we can't have that, because it's called "corporate welfare" and "subsidies".
Mr H, the government needs to reinvest into strong social programs, single payer healthcare, social security, food stamps, education, housing support for the poor, investments into infrastructure and medicial research.. We've seen what incentivizing as brought us the past 40 years, the low tax rate myth is hilarious. Productivity is high, wages are stagnant, and the rich keep saying they need lower taxes, despite all evidence showing lower taxes don't do shit to give back to families or working people. Corporate welfare is real, and a hilarious joke.
They have been investing in social programs for decades and yet poverty still exists.

I am all about helping seniors and the disabled but every able bodied person should be able to find a job.

Jobs make it possible to earn money, and keeps people from getting bored and resorting to drug use and crime.
Poverty will always exist in a capitalist society, same with any society, but social programs help keep people going, and reduced poverty when they were put into place, you have to ask yourself what decades of stagnant wages, rising costs of living, and venomous attacks against the working class have brought us. The current shit storm we have now. "Able bodied person" Tell me, who controls what workers are paid and who gets hired? Businesses do, maybe you should attack them, unless you think the 7.25 minimum wage is to high .-.
Poverty will always exist in a capitalist society, same with any society, but social programs help keep people going....
... by forcing people to provide goods and services to others w/o compensation.
Why do you support involuntary servitude?
And if they are taxed more, then what? The government is supposed to just hand it over to the working class? :dunno:

Or should the government use it to incentivise business and industry so that they in turn can hire the "not working class"?

Oh- but we can't have that, because it's called "corporate welfare" and "subsidies".
Mr H, the government needs to reinvest into strong social programs, single payer healthcare, social security, food stamps, education, housing support for the poor, investments into infrastructure and medicial research.. We've seen what incentivizing as brought us the past 40 years, the low tax rate myth is hilarious. Productivity is high, wages are stagnant, and the rich keep saying they need lower taxes, despite all evidence showing lower taxes don't do shit to give back to families or working people. Corporate welfare is real, and a hilarious joke.
They have been investing in social programs for decades and yet poverty still exists.

I am all about helping seniors and the disabled but every able bodied person should be able to find a job.

Jobs make it possible to earn money, and keeps people from getting bored and resorting to drug use and crime.
Poverty will always exist in a capitalist society, same with any society, but social programs help keep people going, and reduced poverty when they were put into place, you have to ask yourself what decades of stagnant wages, rising costs of living, and venomous attacks against the working class have brought us. The current shit storm we have now. "Able bodied person" Tell me, who controls what workers are paid and who gets hired? Businesses do, maybe you should attack them, unless you think the 7.25 minimum wage is to high .-.
We need less government not more. More government will result in increasing all the things you decry. The one constant through the past few decades is government has steadily grown to it's now unlimited uncontrolled state.

When a big centralized government subsidizes something (like welfare for instance), it results in more Americans on welfare. This is as apparent as the nose on your face. I am not suggesting elimination of social programs, but clearly the status quo is not working.

And...the minimum wage is a propaganda tool for the D party. Anyone with any understanding knows increasing it, kills jobs resulting in higher unemployment for the least skilled...aka the poor and very young resulting in more Americans enslaved to the government and voting D. Hence Big Ears dumping Clinton's welfare reforms, resulting in more on welfare.
And if they are taxed more, then what? The government is supposed to just hand it over to the working class? :dunno:

Or should the government use it to incentivise business and industry so that they in turn can hire the "not working class"?

Oh- but we can't have that, because it's called "corporate welfare" and "subsidies".
Mr H, the government needs to reinvest into strong social programs, single payer healthcare, social security, food stamps, education, housing support for the poor, investments into infrastructure and medicial research.. We've seen what incentivizing as brought us the past 40 years, the low tax rate myth is hilarious. Productivity is high, wages are stagnant, and the rich keep saying they need lower taxes, despite all evidence showing lower taxes don't do shit to give back to families or working people. Corporate welfare is real, and a hilarious joke.
They have been investing in social programs for decades and yet poverty still exists.

I am all about helping seniors and the disabled but every able bodied person should be able to find a job.

Jobs make it possible to earn money, and keeps people from getting bored and resorting to drug use and crime.
Poverty will always exist in a capitalist society, same with any society, but social programs help keep people going, and reduced poverty when they were put into place, you have to ask yourself what decades of stagnant wages, rising costs of living, and venomous attacks against the working class have brought us. The current shit storm we have now. "Able bodied person" Tell me, who controls what workers are paid and who gets hired? Businesses do, maybe you should attack them, unless you think the 7.25 minimum wage is to high .-.

Poverty does not exist in socialist societies? Oh fuck you and your utopia socialist propaganda.
Title of the article is misleading.
The rich do not pay lower taxes, they pay a lower percentage on their dollar earned.
they still end up paying way more in tax than most.
The only way to stop this argument is to enact a flat tax, or even totally get rid of the income tax and create a national sales tax.
I have never understood how you can have 5 people with a 100 dollar expense to be shared between them, one guy pays 60 dollars of that bill, and the other 4 owing 10 a piece now, will turn and claim that the 60 dollar guy did not pay his fair share. How much each of them make is not really important, what is important (if they want fair share paid) is the amount paid toward that bill.
fair share would actually be 20 a piece.
Liberals want to create more social programs, and then push the cost completely on to others. really not a fair deal.

"The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money" — Margaret Thatcher
And yet everytime someone suggests a flat tax rate and elemination of loopholes, progressives lose their minds.

The last thing progressives want to see is the end of class warfare. Without it, they'd have nothing to rant about and no way to stay in power.
A flat tax is a disaster, don't kid yourself.

For Marxist asswipes it sure is. Making everyone actually pay their "fair share" isn't what progressives want, even though that is their mantra. What they really want is class warfare: tax the piss out of the middle and upper class, and the leeches get a free pass and still blame everyone else for their woes.

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